Overweight Beagle - HELP

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Buddy's Mom
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Overweight Beagle - HELP

Post by Buddy's Mom »

Hi, I adopted a beagle about 3 years ago and since that time, his weight has increased significantly. He's a large breed, 6yrs. old, and currently weights about 45 punds. He does NOT get table food and is already on the "healthy weight" purina dog food.
Last year I tried purchasing the weight management or diet dog food from our vet but he was always hungry and I truly felt like he was being starved on the portion size they recommended. I've maintained the portion size but changed the food. He has not gained anymore weight but has not lost any either.
Any tips or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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mike crabtree
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Post by mike crabtree »

The only way to help him is excersize and cut his feed back, even if he seems hungry. Lots of beagles will eat until they are fat, you just have to ration their food.
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Re: Overweight Beagle - HELP

Post by Windkist »

Buddy's Mom wrote:Hi, I adopted a beagle about 3 years ago and since that time, his weight has increased significantly. He's a large breed, 6yrs. old, and currently weights about 45 punds. He does NOT get table food and is already on the "healthy weight" purina dog food.
Last year I tried purchasing the weight management or diet dog food from our vet but he was always hungry and I truly felt like he was being starved on the portion size they recommended. I've maintained the portion size but changed the food. He has not gained anymore weight but has not lost any either.
Any tips or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
have you had this dogs Thryoid checked?

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Post by DJC »

Just like a person if you cut down there food they will feel hungry, that's why diets are hard. Excersise and diet, alot of times I change how much I feed by factors such as: did the dog run a lot today? winter vs. summer.

Buddy's Mom
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Post by Buddy's Mom »

Thank you all for your responses. I will cut back the food again and deal with my hungry boy. Please tell me it will get easier though. After a while, will the smaller portion be enough for him?

I called the vet today about a thyroid test, have an appoitment next week. He's fairly active by nature but has never been overly active. Even at dog parks, he prefers to go lay down in the sun but does get some running in. He loves long slow walks and gets them about 5 times a day.

There is a beagle club nearby but he has never been a hunting dog so does anyone think it wuld be a good idea to see if he'll run with the other beagles?

Thanks again, I really appreciate all the advice. I love my beagle so much and just want to keep him healthy and around as long as possible.


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Post by Bunny Runner »

It might also be a good idea to have him checked for Cushings. I have an older female that is suspected of having it as well as being hypothyroid.

The reason your dog always feels hungry is because his kcal needs are not being met. There are SO MANY grains in those "weight loss" formulas, the dogs just pass alot of the fiber right through them. There are alot of carbs and they are stored as FAT if not utilized.

There has been MUCH research in high protein, low fat diets for dogs that are obese. Here are a couple of sites for you!


http://vetmedicine.about.com/library/vi ... shings.htm


Let us know what the vet says!
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Post by TC »

Well I will probably get flamed for this..... GREEN BEANS!!!!!!! No Salt Canned green beans!!!! whole or french cut mixed in with the feed Will make em feel full and Wont hurt em a bit!!!!!!!!!!
We use this all the time on a girl we have she puts on the weight sumthin Awful if we aint runnin her regular So we add a 1/2 can of green beans to her feed We cut her feed in 1/2 takes about two weeks but they will drop the pounds!!! of course nuthin beats good ol exersize!!!!!!!!
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Post by show dog »

Hey, TC, you beat me to it... I was going to suggest frozen green beans as filler. A mixture of ground raw veggies added to food might help too- no potatoes or nightshade veggies (eggplant, peppers, onion). Add 1/2 cup to each meal. My dogs have done better on a whole raw diet than on any commercial food. Also exercise. Start with a good fast leash walk, minimal sniff time and build up. He won't do anything with hunting dogs if not in condition first. If you must use treats, try Cheerios not dog biscuits. One Cheerio goes a long way in positive reinforcement without the volume of dog treats. Diet foods are full of grains and of minimal value to the dog, good quality, low grain food better. 1/2 c twice a day should be all that is needed. Carolyn

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Post by samlyn0001 »

I was told that if you purchased diet dog food from the vets like science diet that the caloric intake was that of cardboard...LOL. I use Purina Fit N Trim on one of my hounds and have for the last two years. This year she is looking good and lost 5 1/2 lbs. But that being said we (being my hubby) need to stick to the diet. No popcorn, ect. I also was told cheerios are great for dogs. Also raw carrots as a snack and believe it or not they will eat em. I also heard about the green bean diet, hear it works! Good luck to you and know that eventually once their stomache shrinks a little it wont be so heart wrenching!


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Post by FetchingPixels »

Purina is not a great dog food. It's filled with junk {by products, and cheap corn fillers}, you should look into brands such as Canidae, Innova, California Natural, and see what they have for weight loss formulas, if the thyroid comes out OK. You will feed about half as much as the higher quality brands, because they are not filled with the fillers (why you need to feed so much of the others).

I have my beagle on California Natural, Chicken meal and rice Adult formula. I actually prefer Innova Adult, but it is about 5$ more for a 6 lbs bag. And I feed only a cup and a half a day. The vet said he was in perfect shape last time I brought him in.

I also walk my dog total 45-60 minutes a day. :)

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