beagle may have had a seizure

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beagle may have had a seizure

Post by whistle75 »

Let me start off by saying i have a 3 year old beagle that we bought a few weeks ago and have ran her several times and the kids just love her but the other nite it was nice and we were out in the yard so we tied the dogs out on their leads when i looked over after afew minutes she was lying on her side with a thick slobber cooming from her mouth and when i put her on her feet she just fell over and had a distant look in her eyes so i tried again and she stood like she was drunk and fell over again so i took her to the water dish and splashed her with water but the same thing was still going , i caried her around for a few minutes and within ten minutes she was running around like nothing happend and has ben fine since..i did check when i tied her out and there wasnt anything she could have ate on the ground other than grass ... i just thaught maybe someone has had this happen before... oh and i got ahold of the former owner and he said he had nt ever had that happen when he had her.. If you have any ideas of what may have happend please let me know...Thanks for any help

big mike 50
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Re: beagle may have had a seizure

Post by big mike 50 »

Could be a sugar problem or a problem like epilepsy in people. I know there are medications to help these things but my guess is this guy has seen it before and you got the dog for a reason :mad2: I hope it works out for you I know my buddies dad has a bird dog that he has to feed candy or kool-aid to in the field to keep the sugar level up in the dog. I doubt you would get many honest answers but you could try to find out the breeding and see if anyone could tell you about history in the line of seizures. Sorry to hear about your dog and I hope you can get this figured out.

Mike Ware
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Re: beagle may have had a seizure

Post by whistle75 »

Thanks Mike, I really like this dog and am willing to deal with this we will just have to wait and see if it even happens again but im sure it will but thats ok we will work throught it... The vet tech told me to make sur we take honey packetts with us when hunting incase it was a sugar thing

high ridge joe
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Re: beagle may have had a seizure

Post by high ridge joe »

I have had dogs in the past with this was never a sugar thing always epilepsy.
You can control it to a certain degree with medications but they will happen once in a while.
If she is just for hunting then I suggest getting her fixed and just enjoy hunting and running her.
Never ever breed a hound with this problem..sugar or epilepsy.
I had a female live until 12 yrs..I controlled her seizures by always feeding at a certain time..always having fresh water..keeping her in top physical condition and controlling her stress...Hot weather and cold temps can bring on stress so keep her comfortable as best you can.
Keep grouchy dogs from her as a growling dogs can bring her stress up and flip that seizure switch.
Mine died this past summer..we suspect from a seizure.

Good Luck and love the heck out of her..she is probably better off with you than the last person.

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Re: beagle may have had a seizure

Post by TC »

Sounds like a seizure to me also..
just Some info here Dont know if it will help or not.
We had one here that we got from another person. we had her about 3 mo and she had a seizure one day at feeding time.
According to her previous owner she had NEVER had one before this.
Well Time went on and maybe 6 mo later i seen her have another Again at feeding time.3 mo later same thing now we ran this hound a bit and She NEVER had one while in the field the ONLY time I ever seen her have one was in the kennel.
The only thing we found that could have brought it on was FEED every time she had one We had just switched feed to another brand.and it was always during the first few days of having the new Feed...
just to see we kept her on the same feed for the next year and NO Problems at all. We sent her back to her original owners and they said she has never had another....
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Re: beagle may have had a seizure

Post by warddog »

I had a coon hound and a cocker spaniel that were diagnosed with epilepsy. The female coon hound would hunt, run and tree coon pretty good but on occasion she would have a seizure when treeing. Her seizures were exactly as you described your dog acting. The only thing I would do is make sure she didn't hurt herself as she was in this state and she would come out of the seizure and most time went right back to treeing. The cocker spaniel was my wifes house dog and we we got home from work she would be so happy and excited to see us she would have these seizures. Same thing with her is that she would come around and act as if nothing happened. The vets told us they could be on medication but they would have to take it daily and there was still the possibility of an occasional seizure. We never treated either one and they both lived healthy lives other than the occasional seizure. One thing that I noticed was that as they got older the seizures seemed to lesson. The cocker spaniel lived to about 15 years old and in her older years she never had a seizure but had many up until she was about 3 or 4 then they seemed to lesson. I came to the conclusion that the seizures were brought on by stress or excitement and I guess as she grew older she started to care less if we were around or not as she knew she was still getting her three hots and a cot.

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Re: beagle may have had a seizure

Post by NCSportsman »

I have a 5 year old male that has had 6 seizures this month! Before this month he never had one that we knew of.

He will start out shaking his head and flinging slobber everywhere for about 10-15 seconds then he falls to the floor and starts flopping around.

I try to jump down and hold him from flopping. His legs start to move like he is walking and his breathing gets short. This will last about 3 minutes.

Tomorrow I'm taking him to the vet for some tests. One of my other beagles has seizures too! The vet said epilepsy and it is our decision to put him on medication if they get worse.

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Re: beagle may have had a seizure

Post by NC rabbit hunter »

Look deep in the ears and all over the dog,a tick will cause these same symptons u guys are describing!!! I have had several experiences with this!!!!!
We Hunt And Recommend Bluetick Beagles!!!

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