Momma dog with diarrhea

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Tellico Hunter
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Momma dog with diarrhea

Post by Tellico Hunter »

I have a 2 year beagle with puppies and she has diarrhea. It has been like that for six days now. The 5 puppies are 3 weeks old as of this past Friday (02/12/2010)She is not running no temperature, she eats fine (puppy chow), and is drinking plenty of water. The thing that has me the most worried is that the stool may every once in a while have a drop or two of blood in it accompanied witht the diarrhea. The stool is a good color ( not black etc), but with a drop or two of red blood. Checking to see if this is common for mother dogs. Somebody told me it could be a reaction to her keeping all the puppies clean (feces). She has 5 puppies and she is a 12-13 beagle. The puppies are all doing fine and eating good from her.

Moore Beagles
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Re: Momma dog with diarrhea

Post by Moore Beagles »

I would give her a dose of Albon, to protect against Cococidia, and bactria. Then In a couple days If she was not wormed recently I would consider worming her, and the pups, but I would only do this if you have a wormer that is safe for lactating females. Not all wormers are! I use Canex Allwormer....
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Re: Momma dog with diarrhea

Post by jar242 »

I don't think it's abnormal for this to happen. I thought something was wrong with my female and $150+ later the vet sold us $35 powder to put in her food (help produce milk or something), with all of the cleaning of the pups the female does, she's going to have some issues, just wait til they throw up the stuff that they clean off, it will be okay. My female seemed to be sick for about 2 or 3 weeks but I think it was just the stress of having puppies, it is not easy on a dog.

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Re: Momma dog with diarrhea

Post by beaglesmom »

With the first litter I had here, the "mama" dog had the runs. The person who was here with me at the time said she needed to eat the afterbirth. My vet says it's not necessary, and I've kept the other moms I've had away from the afterbirth, and have had no more problems. I'm not an expert by any means - nor am I a "big breeder" - but have had about 6 litters here, and I do have 10 adults (and a 3 month old pup from last litter) - ANY time one of my dogs gets diarrhea, I get the canned pumpkin out. Not pumpkin pie pumpkin, but plain canned pure pumpkin. The dogs all love it, and it won't hurt them, but so far it's stopped all problems here. With this many dogs, I can't always tell WHO has the problem, so they all get a dollop (a tablespoon ful) in their food. I realize that your dog is probably fine by now and the advice you've gotten is good - but it's something you can keep in mind for "future problems". Of course, if it lasts more than a day or 2 I'd contact my vet.

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