Yearly Meds

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Yearly Meds

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Take a Kid Hunting and Fishing


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My dogs get a rabies as well as an "8 in 1" shot yearly

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Post by Beagleman973 »

Rabies, DHLPP, worming as needed, HEART WORM PREVENTATIVE, flea and tick control.
If you can't run with the BIG DOGS stay on the porch!


Post by Guest »

What is the 8 in one shot, what does it cover? Also what is the DHLPP?

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windy hollow
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maybe this will help

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Canine Diseases and
Inexpensive Prevention

The old saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," might be better stated as, "A dollar's worth of prevention is worth ten dollar's worth of cure." Whichever way you state it, preventing disease is always better than treating it. The prevention of infectious disease hinges on three basic things: maintaining high levels of general health, limiting exposure to potential sources of infectious agents, and administering the proper vaccines in a proper and timely manner.

Vaccinating dogs and puppies should be the simplest component of your infectious disease control program; however, the careless way in which many people approach their vaccination program leaves much to be desired. This article will review the common infectious diseases which are commonly vaccinated against, and outline a basic vaccination program.


Parvo is caused by a virus that attacks the lining of the small intestine of all canines. Infection results in enteric disease characterized by sudden onset of vomiting and diarrhea, often with blood. Susceptibility cannot be avoided. Any puppy exposed to the virus during the susceptibility period will most likely come down with the disease, regardless of many vaccination schedules. The virus is spread by a fecal-oral route. This means that the virus is passed, by the billions, in the stool of an infected canine and then ingested by another canine. It can live in the environment for years and still be infectious, and can be spread on hands, boots, feed dishes, etc. A puppy should receive a booster every three (3) - four (4) weeks from six (6) weeks of age until at least sixteen (16) weeks of age. People often begin vaccinating before six weeks of age, but it is a widely accepted fact that interference from natural antibodies (the immune protection pups get from their dam) blocks the vaccine. Another common mistake is to vaccinate more frequently then every three weeks. The immune system can not respond to vaccines given more frequently than three week intervals, and a decreased immune response may even occur. All dogs should receive annual revaccination, and females should be boosted two (2) weeks prior to breeding.


Corona is caused by another species-specific virus which attacks the small intestinal lining. The symptoms of the disease include lethargy, anorexia, and depression. The sudden onset of vomiting occurs, in which blood can sometimes be found. Diarrhea is moderate to severe and is projectile. Feces is yellow-orange colored with blood and mucous occasionally found. In some kennels Coronavirus has been quite a severe problem. Most veterinarians consider this vaccine somewhat optional with the exception of certain kennels. I recommend Coronavirus vaccination at twelve (12) weeks with a booster at sixteen (16) weeks, and do not routinely revaccinate older dogs.


Canine Distemper is caused by a virus closely related to the human measle virus. It is considered the most serious viral disease of dogs in the world. Approximately 50% of nonvaccinated, nonimmunized dogs infected with CD virus develop clinical signs of the disease and approximately 90% of those dogs infected with CD die. All the bodily secretions of an infected animal contain the virus, it is highly contagious, and it is primarily spread by an airborne route. It's more frequent and acutely affects pups under 3 months of age. Early clinical signs include anorexia, diarrhea, and dehydration. As the disease progresses, fever, depression, vomiting, and bloody diarrhea may be observed accompanied by signs of respiratory distress. Coughing, labored breathing, inflammation of tissues around the eyes and nose, and mucopurulent oculonasal discharge may occur. If dogs recover from Distemper they often have lifelong complications. Like Parvo, Distemper vaccine should be administered every three (3) - four (4) weeks from six (6) to sixteen (16) weeks of age with annual boosters.


Lepto is an acute infectious disease that is characterized by depression, fever, and loss of appetite. The mucous membranes are usually deeply congested. Jaundice sometimes occurs indicating severe liver involvement. The kidneys can also be damaged, resulting in Uremia, vomiting, dehydration, Polyuria (excessive urination), and polydipsia (excessive thirst). It is a bacterial disease which seems to be having an upswing in varying locales across North America. The organism is shed in the urine of infected animals and is contagious by penetration of abraded skin or mucous membranes. All dogs should receive at least four vaccinations against Lepto as a puppy. Most commercially available Distemper/Parvovirus vaccines also include Lepto in their combinations.


Infectious Tracheobronchitis (ITB) is often inappropriately labeled "Kennel Cough" which is more of a syndrome rather than a distinct disease entity. Some of the more commonly involved organisms at work are CAV-2, Parainfluenza, and Bordetella Bronchiseptica. The syndrome is highly contagious and may cause a dry, retching couth that can lead to a severe Pneumonia. Puppies should be vaccinated with CAV-2 and Parainfluenza four times and Bordetella two times with an annual booster containing all three types. These three separate diseases that cause ITB (or Kennel Cough) are explained in more detail.


Infections are primarily respiratory, evidenced by Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Tonsillitis, and Pharyngitis. CAV-2 is one of the causes of Infectious Tracheobronchitis (ITB) that is often labeled "Kennel Cough." CAV-2 has not been associated with Corneal Opacity ("blue eyes"), Uveitis or virus localization in the kidneys, which may be characteristic of Canine Adenovirus Type 1 (CAV-1) infections. This virus is spread in the bodily secretions of infected dogs and a wide variety of carnivorous wildlife. Infectious Canine Hepatitis is rare in dogs today due to the efficacy of the vaccine. Like Lepto, Adenovirus is given in combination with Distemper/Parvo four times.


Canine Parainfluenza is a highly contagious respiratory disease which contributes to upper respiratory disease and Infectious Tracheobronchitis. It is one of the three major diseases that causes ITB which is also labeled "Kennel Cough." Characteristic clinical signs of CPI Infection is coughing that may be intensified by activity or excitement. Environmental factors such as drafts, colds and high humidity may enhance susceptibility to the disease. Typically, CPI is self-limiting, with a course of 5 to 10 days duration. However, secondary bacterial infection of the respiratory tract are not uncommon, and may complicate the clinical syndrome. Like Lepto, Parainfluenza is given in combination with Distemper/Parvo.


Bordetella is also one of the three most common causes of Canine Upper Respiratory Disease Complex, known as "Kennel Cough." The symptoms include a harsh, dry cough, aggravated by activity or excitement. The cough is followed by retching or gagging in an attempt to clear small amounts of mucous from the throat. Body temperatures may be elevated as secondary bacterial infection takes place. This disease is highly contagious and is readily transmitted to susceptible dogs. Like Coronavirus, Bordetella is administered at twelve (12) and again at sixteen (16) weeks with an annual booster.


Lyme Disease is caused by a bacterial organism known as Borrelia Bugdorferi. It is transmitted by the bite of an infected tick. The most common clinical manifestation is one of pain in multiple joints. In regions where vaccination is warranted, puppies should receive two (2) doses three (3) - four (4) weeks apart.


Rabies is an invariably fatal disease which affects all warm-blooded animals (including humans). The virus is spread in the saliva of infected animals and can be absorbed across abraded (broken or irritated) skin, mucous membranes, and even the eye. A single dose of vaccine is given at three (3) - four (4) months of age with a booster of Annumune at one year old, and then a booster of Trimune once every three years after that.

I encourage all of you to keep up on your dog's vaccinations and follow the vaccination schedule below. If you want to save a bunch of money, You can purchase vaccine and syringes for just a few dollars at your Veterinarian Supply Store or through a catalog from a Vaccine Wholesale Supplier. Most states will let you purchase and administer your own pet's shots. If you can not stand needles or giving shots, then go to a shot clinic rather than a Vet office. Shot clinics charge only a few dollars per shot with no office visit charge. Note that some states (like California), require the Rabies vaccination to only be administered by a Veterinarian. Then the Vet will give you a Rabies Certificate so you can show proof of the Rabies vaccination when you go to purchase your city or county dog license. Also, if your Beagle is a house-pet, you live in the city, and you never take your Beagle outside of the city limits (fields or woods), then you do not need to administer the Lyme Disease vaccine.

6 Weeks
Distemper, Parvo, Adenovirus, Parainfluenza, Lepto

9 Weeks
Distemper, Parvo, Adenovirus, Parainfluenza, Lepto

12 Weeks
Distemper, Parvo, Adenovirus, Parainfluenza, Lepto
Bordetella (Infectious Tracheobronchitis)
Lyme Disease

16 Weeks and Annually
Distemper, Parvo, Adenovirus, Parainfluenza, Lepto
Bordetella (Infectious Tracheobronchitis)
Lyme Disease

12 Months (One Year)
Rabies (also given once every 3 years after the one year booster)

This is the shot/vaccination regime used by Mojave Desert Beagles and we do not have problems with our dogs catching any of the above mentioned diseases. Remember, the old saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," and the new saying, "A dollar's worth of prevention is worth ten dollar's worth of cure." No matter which way you say it, preventing disease is always better than treating it. Please keep your Beagle healthy so it can enjoy a long and productive life.

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windy hollow
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Canine Heartworms and
Inexpensive Prevention

This article will discuss the canine heartworms and how you can keep them from infecting your Beagle at the absolute lowest cost. Note: you can click on any picture on this page for a larger more detailed view.

If you live in the United States, you have heartworms (Dirofilaria immitis) in your area. This parasite is present in all fifty states, but most common in the more temperate parts of the country. The heartworm larva (Dirofilaria immitis microfilariae) is spread from dog to dog by mosquitoes. When an infected mosquito feeds off a dog, it passes the infection into the bloodstream. The larva or microfilariae stay in the bloodstream for a period of time and then attach themselves to the inside of the heart and can also be found in the blood vessels of the lungs. When they mature in the heart they add their own microfilariae to the blood stream. The adult worms cause debilitating disease, reduce performance, and may cause death. Click on the hyper linked text and view a picture of "The Life Cycle of Heartworms". The dog can usually be cured if the heartworm infestation is diagnosed early enough. The cost of this cure can vary from a minimum of $175 to as much as $350 or more. After treatment, the dog must be laid up for a minimum of 30 days -- that is the bad news.

The good news is that heartworms can be prevented for less than one cent per day for a 20 pound dog (Beagle size). Yes, I said less than one cent per day (30 cents monthly). Myself and other Beaglers have used a prevention (that I will describe in this article) since the early 1980's, with no heartworm infestations. Once again, I want to remind everyone that I am not a Veterinarian, but rather a long time Beagle kennel owner. I'll tell you what I use and do, you can use your own judgment whether you want to follow in my footsteps. This article is presented only as a documentation of how I prevent heartworms in my Beagles at a fraction of the cost that a Veterinarian will charge for the Merck Heartgard ™ (Ivermectin), chewable tablets. Also, the law restricts Heartgard to use by or on the order of a licensed Veterinarian; therefore, if you use the prescription tablets you will be paying $15 - $45 for a box of 6 tablets (six month supply) plus the cost of an occasional office visit.

I use the same chemical that is in those expensive (prescription only) pills at a fraction of the cost. The prevention that I use is given once every 30 days (monthly) the same as the pills. In parts of the country during the coldest times of the year when no mosquitoes could survive, the prevention can even be suspended until the weather starts warming up again. If you suspect a dog may already have heartworms, before putting a dog on the following prevention it should be checked by a Vet to be sure it has no heartworms. The cost of this exam is generally between $5 - $15. It is a lot cheaper to have the exam to make sure your dog is not already infected, than it is to have a Vet save an infected dog during the advanced stages of heartworm infestation. This prevention (describe below) is only good to prevent an infection from ever occurring, once a dog is already infected then it must be given the very expensive treatment described in the first paragraph of this page.

The exam consists of a vet drawing a small amount of blood, putting a smear of it on a slide and looking at it through a microscope. The microfilariae look like tiny wiggler fishing worms. This prevention is not to be given to collies or part collies. What I use is Ivermectin. It is a 1% injectible cattle wormer with the trade name of Ivomec ™ . You can purchase it (without a prescription) for $40 - $50 at your Veterinarian Supply Store or through a catalog from a Vaccine Wholesale Supplier. The bottle comes in a 50cc size. I give it orally which means by the mouth. I use 1/10th of 1cc for each 10 pounds of body weight. The syringes I use are 3cc and are marked off in tenths of 1cc.

The way I do it is to draw out 2cc of Ivomec. Then I inject what is needed into an empty syringe (without a needle) with the plunger pulled down on the 1cc mark. I dribble it into the empty one until I have the proper amount. I will have a few ounces of soft drink or orange juice in an open container. I will draw in 1½ - 2cc of the juice to mix with the Ivomec. I put my finger over the end of the syringe and shake up the mixture. The reason for this is to give me more volume to work with and to make it taste better for the dog. I put my hand across the dog's nose with my thumb on one side and my fingers on the other side. Then I put pressure on my thumb and fingers to force open the dog's mouth. I then tip its head up and squirt the contents of the syringe in the roof of its mouth. Finally, I then close the mouth and hold it closed until the dog swallows. This is the only correct way to orally administer all types of liquid medications to dogs so that you do not accidentally squirt the liquid into the dog's windpipe and/or lungs.

I do this treatment to each and every Beagle once every 30 days. The Ivomec kills all those little microfilariae (larva) in the bloodstream so they never have a chance to mature into heartworms. Microfilariae will circulate in the blood for more than 30 days before attaching to the heart, so if you give this prevention on schedule there is "NO POSSIBLE WAY" for your dog to get heartworms. Even if a drug is labeled as safe for pregnant and/or lactating bitches. Personally, I don't recommend you give any kind of medications to a pregnant bitch unless the life of the bitch is in grave danger; however, I will give medications to lactating bitches. The difference is the pups are already born and not in their developing and forming stages in the womb.

The cost is very minimal for each dog. If the 50cc bottle of Ivomec costs you $40.00, this is 80 cents per cc. Given 12 months in a row, a 20 lb. dog will take 2½cc per year. That is a cost of $2.00 for a one year prevention. The shelf life for the Ivomec is about 3 years if kept refrigerated. Therefore, this method is feasible to use even if you only have one Beagle (dog), and it is by far the cheapest and most effective prevention against heartworms. If you have two or more dogs this can save you hundreds of dollars per year.

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windy hollow
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and more worms

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Canine Intestinal Worms
and Inexpensive Treatment

This article will discuss the four primary types of worms that infect the canine digestive tract (intestines), and the least expensive and most effective way to rid your animals of these parasites. The four primary types of canine worms are Hookworms, Roundworms, Tapeworms, and Whipworms. Note: you can click on any picture on this page for a larger more detailed view.



There are four species of hookworms that infect dogs (Ancylostoma braziliense, Ancylostoma caninum, Ancylostoma tubaeforme, and Uncinaria stenocephala). In dogs, A. caninum is the most common hookworm and causes the worst disease. A. tubaeforme is more common in cats than dogs, and is less likely to cause severe disease than A. caninum. Dogs in the Northern states and in Canada are more likely to be infected with U. stenocephala as it prefers cold climates and A. caninum prefers warm climates.

A. caninum hookworm infestation in dogs can lead to severe anemia, especially in puppies. These hookworms have big appetites and attach to the intestine and feed on the dog's blood. The other three types of hookworms are less likely to cause severe anemia but it is a potential problem with them. Signs of hookworm infection include weight loss, pale color, black or tarry looking stools, weakness, anemia and death. In areas in which hookworms are prevalent there can be skin disease in pets associated with exposure to the larval worms as well. The following are a list of clinical signs of hookworm infestation in canines:

Dose, age, immune status dependent; may be severe and life-threatening
Primarily a disease of puppies, since adult dogs exposed as puppies have a premune status due to presence of arrested larvae
Puppy pneumonia
Enteritis, bloody diarrhea, blood loss anemia
Life threatening for pups - may show signs as early as 2 to 3 weeks of age in a peracute case (puppy crashes without prior signs of disease) or may occur in an acute stage at 3 weeks to weaning where there are eggs in the feces, bloody stool
Hookworms can be acquired from the mother's milk, from penetration of the skin by hookworm larvae in the environment and from eating hookworm larvae. Some vets think that it may also be transmitted during pregnancy from mothers to puppies but this is controversial.

One of the problems with hookworms is that they can accidentally infect humans. This creates a problem called cutaneous larva migrans, which loosely translates to worms migrating through the skin. Humans pick up the hookworm larvae from areas contaminated by dog feces and they penetrate the human's skin just like they would the dog's. Since they don't belong in the human they don't develop into adults but just migrate around in the skin, causing sores and inflammation, until they die. This is a good reason to keep dogs and cats from defecating in playground areas, beaches and other places where people's skin is likely to come in contact with the ground.

Fortunately, the monthly heartworm preventatives are also effective at controlling hookworms and can provide a measure of protection against the possibility of the cutaneous larva migrans syndrome occurring in the humans that own dogs and cats on heartworm preventative medications. In areas in which heartworms are not a problem but hookworms are, it is a good idea to consider having a pet's stool examined for the presence of worm eggs once a year and when clinical signs that may indicate infestation occur.



Roundworms (Toxocara canis and Toxascaris leonina) are found in the intestine of dogs and are a major hygienic concern because they are transmissible to people. Because people get infected by ingestion of dirt contaminated with the feces of infected dogs, roundworm elimination should be the concern on every responsible pet owner. An average-sized dog passes 136 grams of feces daily and it is known that a dog with a "light" roundworm infection may pass 10,000 eggs in every gram of stool. If 12% of the 80 million dogs in America have "light" infections, 1,300 metric tons of dog feces containing 13 trillion roundworm eggs are discharged in the streets and lands of America every day!! In different surveys, 0.3 - 15% of soil samples and 7 - 31% of house yards or children's sandboxes contained roundworm eggs.

Your plan of attack to eradicate roundworm infection should be: to eliminate roundworm infection from dogs; to prevent dog defecation in areas frequented by people, and; to educate your family and friends about the risks and appropriate control measures.

Concerned pet owners should collect their pets' feces every day and place them in the garbage or burn it. Flushing the feces down the toilet is inappropriate because many eggs survive sewage treatment. There is some fear that roundworms may be passed by a puppy licking the owner. While the transmission rate through this avenue of infection is probably very, very low it is still a good idea to observe good hygiene and wash hands and faces after playing with the puppy. Also, Humans should clean vegetables grown in the garden before eating them. For most people, these preventative measures are just normal procedures but it is good to know there is a reason for all this caution!

Because pups may start passing eggs as early as day 21 of life, the first treatment must be administered before this age. Since reinfection is common from the environment as well as in the mother's milk, treatment must often be repeated every two weeks until the pups are 49 days old. In practical terms, this means treating pups at 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks of age. Bitches should be treated at the same time as the pups since they are most often the source of the pups infection. All bitches should be presumed to be carriers of roundworms even if they have had negative fecals prior to whelping since the worms often persist in her system in a resting stage. The following list discusses how bitches carry roundworms and infect pups before they are even born:

Roundworm larvae migrate to somatic tissue (liver and lungs), including skeletal muscle and remain there in a quiescent state
Only resume activity in pregnant bitches following the 42nd day gestation (third trimester)
May establish an infection of the small intestine by tracheal migration
Usually infect the fetus via the umbilical vessels; initially they attack the pups liver, then lungs at birth
This is the primary reason that bitches should be wormed before breeding, during the last week of gestation, and each time the pups are wormed.
Once the initial infection is treated properly it is a good idea to occasionally check a stool sample for the presence of worms or to consider prophylactically administering deworming medications if the situation seems to warrant it. It is hoped that at some point in the future a vaccine will become available for roundworm control since current control measures seem to be only marginally effective. For the present however, routine treatment of pups and bitch, as well as environmental control are necessary and essential.



Tapeworms (Taenia pisiformis, Dipylidium canium, Enchinococcus granulosus, and Echinococcus multilocularis) are found in the intestine of dogs and are a major hygienic concern because they are transmissible to people. Dog-rabbit tapeworms (T. pisiformis) have a life cycle that starts with them living in the small intestines of wild foxes, coyotes, and wolves where they produce eggs that are shed in the feces and subsequently contaminate the local environment. Rabbits then become infected by ingesting these eggs which then form hundreds or even thousands of "hydatid cysts" in the tissues. When dogs or their wild cousins eat these rabbits they can be infected with hundreds to thousands of adults. These adults latch onto the wall of the intestines and after about a month, start shedding eggs. These eggs are then immediately infective to other animals, including people. To complicate matters further, these tapeworm eggs can remain infective in the environment for several months.

Infected dogs may seem clinically normal while shedding large numbers of infective eggs. The eggs are generally first seen in your dog's feces or sticking to the hair around your dog's rear. These specialized muscular egg cases are actually segments of the worm that are full of eggs and they look like a small, flattened, grain of white rice that moves. As the egg case wiggles around it is spreading thousands of tapeworm eggs which are too small for the naked-eye to see.

Adult tapeworms appear to cause very few clinical problems in dogs. However, this is the real point of concern since infected people are not as lucky. Alveolar hydatid disease in humans, caused by Echinococcus multilocularis, is a very serious infection that usually involves the liver. Early in the course of the infection, patients may be misdiagnosed with other liver ailments. Involvement of other tissues, including the lungs and brain can also occur. Since over 50% of people with alveolar hydatid disease die, this is considered the most lethal worm infection that people get. It is therefore important for all dogs and cats in high-risk areas be screened for tapeworm infection. This is more difficult than it sounds since infection with Echinococcus eggs can not be readily differentiated from the more common tapeworms which do not affect people. Veterinarians finding tapeworm eggs on fecal exams usually closely examine pets for the rice-like grains known as proglottids which are found with common tapeworms but not the lethal variety. Occasionally more dramatic methods are necessary to try to recover worms from suspect pets. A more convenient blood test is available to diagnose infection in people and hopefully similar tests will soon become suitable for pets.

The best defense is increased public awareness of this condition. Personal protection and hygiene are important, especially to those individuals that may contact feces from potentially-infected pets. Children are particularly at risk. Mulch that contains feces from dogs, cats, wolves or foxes should not be used on gardens. Beagles should be discouraged from consuming rabbits or any other type of wild rodent.

Fortunately for pets, there are medicines that are safe and very effective for treatment. People are not as lucky and surgery still remains the preferred treatment.

In conclusion, Echinococcus multilocularis, may cause a mild problem in pets but if people get infected, the results can be fatal. In order to minimize the risk of human infection the public must increase its awareness of the potential complications that are associated with the parasites.



Surveys consistently identify whipworms (Trichuris vulpis) as one of the most common parasitic worms of dogs in North America, while only infrequently being reported in cats or humans. They live in the lower aspects of the intestines (the cecum and colon) where they latch on to feed. Sometimes they cause no problems at all but they may cause abdominal upset (colic) or diarrhea, often tainted by blood and mucus. When eggs are laid in the intestines, they pass into the feces and become infective within 9-10 days. When consumed by dogs the infective eggs hatch in the intestines and the larvae parasitize the intestines and matures further.

Many people do not realize that dogs do not begin to shed whipworm eggs in their stool until about 3 months after being infected. At that time each female whipworm may pass from 1000 to 4000 eggs per day into the stool. Complicating matters further are that female whipworms are long-lived, surviving for months or years in the intestines. The life cycle therefore includes a larval stage in the small intestine, an adult stage in the large intestine, and infective eggs that pass into the feces.

Diagnosis is not always easy since it depends on finding whipworm eggs in the feces. Remember that animals are infected for 3 months before they begin to shed eggs and you can appreciate the problem. Once females begin shedding eggs, they are usually recoverable by direct smears and centrifugal flotation. They are not as easily found with standard fecal evaluations. In some instances, the adult worms are actually seen attached to the lower bowel during endoscopic procedures.

Treatment is also not straightforward because of the peculiar life cycle of this parasite. Although many medicines are effective in removing adult worms, the larvae are less reliably cleared. Therefore treatment must often be repeated in 3 weeks and often, in 3 months as well, when the larvae have evolved into egg-producing adults. The biggest hindrance to effective treatment is that animals are often re-exposed to environments in which whipworm eggs are plentiful, and are thereby re-infected.

It can be difficult to control exposure to whipworm eggs on lawns or soil but concrete can be effectively disinfected. Proper disposal of egg-containing dog feces is critical.


Inexpensive Treatment

The cost to effectively keep worm infestations out of your dogs may be entirely too much if you take the dog to a Veterinarian. A Vet will use a multitude of expensive dewormers. The cost for the Veterinarian treatments along with the cost of the office visits will add up to a lot of money per year. Once again, I want to remind everyone that I am not a Veterinarian, but rather a long time Beagle kennel owner. I'll tell you what I use and do, you can use your own judgment whether you want to follow in my footsteps. This article is presented only as a documentation of how I treat canine intestinal worm infestations in the Beagles that I own at a fraction of the cost that a Veterinarian will charge for the expensive worming tests and deworming treatments.

The easiest and most inexpensive, all-around, deworming treatment available is Fenbendazole (Safe-Guard). It is virtually 100% effective against all four types of canine intestinal worms. If you buy deworming medications that are made and packaged specifically for dogs, you will be paying a fortune for them. After reading this article and seeing how often you need to treat your Beagle(s) for worms, I think you may want to follow my lead.

Safe-Guard 10% Suspension (Fenbendazole)
Instead of buying and using only dog/puppy dewormers, I use the Safe-Guard 10% suspension horse/cattle dewormer. I use this for all Beagles that are at least 2 weeks old. This liquid dewormer comes in a 1000 ml bottle and contains 100 mg per ml of the active ingredient which is Fenbendazole. This is much cheaper to buy on a yearly basis than any other deworming product. You can purchase this huge bottle for only $110 (accurate price as of 04-23-01) from Lambriar Animal Health Care by simply clicking on the photo to the left of this paragraph. It is about 100 times cheaper than any other dog/puppy dewormers made. Also, please note that several of the commercial dog/puppy dewormers are only effective against two or three of the different types of canine intestinal worms; therefore, you would be forced to buy two or three different kinds of dewormers, yet the Safe-Guard 10% suspension horse/cattle dewormer is effective against all four types. (NOTE: Lambriar Animal Health Care is an Advertising Sponsor for BEAGLES UNLIMITED. They strive to promote health animals and help customers save lots of money on animal health care products. Here is more information about Lambriar Animal Health Care.)

The recommended dosage of this exact product and strength for canines is 1 ml (which contains 100 mg active ingredient) per 5 lbs of Beagle bodyweight. For example, a 25 lb Beagle would receive 5 ml (same as 5 cc or 1 teaspoon) per day for a 3 day period (total 3-day treatment consists of 15 ml which is the same as 15 cc or 1 tablespoon). With a 1000 ml bottle you have enough dewormer to treat a kennel full of Beagles on a bi-monthly treatment program for a very long time. For example, this one bottle of dewormer will treat sixty-six (66) Beagles ( avg. 25 lb dogs) for a full three-day treatment. I also use this dewormer for Beagle pups. As long as all pups are eating and equally active, I deworm each litter at 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks. Adult dogs are proactively treated for worms on the fifteenth of every other month. Fenbendazole is always administered for 3-consecutive days rather than only one day, to be sure your puppies and dogs are 100% worm-free. The reason I deworm on the 15th of every other month is because I do a heartworm preventative treatment on the 1st of every month. This way the two medicines are not given at the same time which gives me peace of mind with regards to my hounds' health and safety.

I know the bottle recommends a much smaller dosage for livestock and that is correct for pigs, horses, and cattle but not for dogs. It takes almost 5 times more of this wormer to be effective in dogs than in large livestock. Every Vet I have ever talked to says the correct dosage is 100 mg of active ingredient per 5 lbs of body weight given for 3 consecutive days. I know some Beaglers that are only giving 1cc per day for a 25 lb Beagle and I assure you this is not enough of the medicine to work. Follow the dosage listed in the paragraph above if the stuff you buy is the 10% suspension or 10% paste (same thing in a different form) which has 100 mg of active ingredient per ml. Fenbendazole (Safe-Guard or Panacur) is one of the safest dewormers on the market. Fasting is not required and it is labeled as safe during pregnancy and lactation. Personally, I don't recommend you give any kind of medications to a pregnant bitch unless the life of the bitch is in grave danger; however, I will give medications to lactating bitches. The difference is the pups are already born and not in in their developing and forming stages in the womb. This is a list of the attributes of the Benzimidazole (BZD) type dewormers such as Fenbendazole:

Actions: the antiparasitic action of Fenbendazole paste 10% is believed to be due to the inhibition of energy metabolism in the parasite
Contraindications: no known contraindications observed, even when administered to young, sick, or debilitated animals
Very wide margin of safety with regards to dose
If you have a kennel of dogs, then buying the Safe-Guard 10% suspension horse/cattle dewormer will definitely save you a lot of money each year. This deworming treatment will stay effective for up to three (3) years if kept refrigerated once opened. Don't wait until you see worms in your dog's feces before treating them, but rather be proactive in deworming your dogs. You should deworm bitches before breeding, three days after the pups are born, and each time you deworm your pups. Treat pups with the appropriate dewormers described above at 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks of age. Also, treat all of your Beagles every other month. An example of a recommended deworming program is as follows: December 15th - 17th, February 15th - 17th, April 15th - 17th, June 15th - 17th, August 15th - 17th, and October 15th - 17th. Once again, the reason I deworm on the 15th through the 17th of every other month is because I treat the dogs with Ivomec as a heartworm preventative on the 1st of every month. Also, don't forget that this deworming treatment with Fenbendazole every other month has the added benefit of ridding and preventing giardiasis in all of your hounds.

If you follow this deworming treatment schedule you will see a significant improvement in your dog's appearance because you will be ridding your hound(s) of intestinal worms (parasites) before any damage is done. Remember, always keep your kennel(s) disinfected and your backyard clean of feces. Dispose of your dog's feces as often as possible -- preferably daily. You will be happy because your hound(s) body and your family's living environment will be worm-free.

Beagle Health Information


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