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Two hardheaded females!!!!!

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:09 pm
by Mightymite45
What's the best way to train pups to come to you when called ? Pups would come when called when 12 wks old but now at 16 wks they won't listen to save there #*¥*# ! What can I do to see to it that they come when called ?

Re: Two hardheaded females!!!!!

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 10:08 pm
by hcaplinger
have you tried a shock collar?or you could try taking it back to the basics and do the yard training over again.

Re: Two hardheaded females!!!!!

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 8:15 am
by 19rabbit52
With todays shock collars this is what I would do if I really wanted my dogs to come good: I would get a 25 to 30 foot check cord. I would call dog once then drag it in to me and praise for coming. I would do this til the dog knew what I wanted (hopefully a couple days). Once dog knew what I wanted I would quit dragging in an switch to calling and if dog headed in the wrong direction I would correct with E collar. Once dog was consistant on check cord I would practice without check cord. Also your better off to have 3 or 4 10 minute training sessions a day than one long session. If you get dog basically trained in 1 month you have really done good and E collar can reaffirm forever.

Re: Two hardheaded females!!!!!

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:30 am
by Mightymite45
I have the trashbreaker waiting in the wings, but don't know at what size/age I should start them on it. They are getting larger so I may consider using it before long. They are only 4 and a half months old.Is there a size or age to begin training them with shock collars?

Re: Two hardheaded females!!!!!

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 6:29 am
by 19rabbit52
OK, you can do this without e collar. Remember, one call dog must come everytime. Pick one word and use it every time, come, here or whatever you prefer. When you call if dog goes other way give a sharp annoying tug on check cord, do repeatedly as needed( all else fails drag him in). When dog is coming towards you no pressure. The big thing is you must make the dog come everytime you call. You can use treats as rewards but if you do give them intermittantly. Once pup gets big enough you can go to e collar for reinforcement but hopefully find you don't need to. Good Luck, Randy