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Kennels in side

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 5:30 am
by sbadger
Has any one have there kennels in side ,like a barn or garage I have a 1 car garage and it has concrete floor and I have boxes already build up off the ground would like some in put

Re: Kennels in side

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 12:19 am
by BuschBound
I've got my pens built off the back of the garage. works great. the runs go out side on a slab of concrete but they are off the ground. works great for cleaning... I wouldn't suggest to have the whole kennel inside runs and all. dogs need sunlight. I kept a young pup in a garage for some time and he started to get bowed legs.. Caught it quick enough and they straightened right out but if you run enough I'd say this would work. I do have a whelping box with a run inside the garage and it seems to work well.

Re: Kennels in side

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 5:22 am
by sbadger
Thats what I was wandering about having them in side I think it is good for them to get in the sun just like we are even if its cold the sun seems to make thing feel better

Re: Kennels in side

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 12:55 pm
by tenntreedog
My hunting partner has all his kennels inside but he gets his dogs out often.I have seen no ill effects from it.He also uses half of it as a boarding kennel if he gets several dogs to board he moves some of his to outside runs.

Re: Kennels in side

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:05 pm
by sbadger
Can you get a pic of his kennel Thanks

Re: Kennels in side

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 1:45 am
by tenntreedog
I`ll try to get some pics of his kennel over the holiday weekend.Image
His runs are abot 5x8 there is a trough down the middle that leads to drain & septic12 runs 6 on each side one side has dog houses out sie of runs the other side has houses in the runs walk way on out side of runs every thing is enclosed building is about 25x40 hope this helps

Re: Kennels in side

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:16 am
by upstatenybeagler
Im starting my build this month (once snow is all gone) and i have a small barn being made. the dogs will have above ground runs off the side of the barn with a doggy door that goes inside the barn into dog boxes. there is also going to be a heater, water, elec, and a septic system setup below the runs. the barn gives extra protection against the rough winters up here in NY, and having the runs outside they get sunlight whenever they want.

Re: Kennels in side

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:31 pm
by Panther Creek
I have mine on the east side of my shed. The dog houses are under a carport with the covered runs out to the east.They get morning sun, and they're shaded from the hot afternoon summer sun. I have tin on the north side in the winter to block the north wind, & I take the tin down in the summer to let the south breeze through in the summer.