Lied to Once Again

A general forum for the discussion of hunting with beagles, guns, clothing and other equipment and just talking dawgs! (Tall tales on hunting allowed, but remember, first liar doesn't stand a chance)

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bucks better beagles

Lied to Once Again

Post by bucks better beagles »

I know I shouldn't allow this type of thing to bother me, but it does. Especially, when I have been prepping for a colonoscopy all day and am a tad bit irritated. Details, I have a dog for sale in the 'for sale' section. A guy called (I will give you his name if you PM me) and made it clear he would come here on Sunday and pick this dog up for trial. He never showed up, never called and caused me to tell several other interested good folks that the dog had been sold. I am from the old school where a person does what they say they will do.

Anyone else have this type of thing happen to them?

Dale L.
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Re: Lied to Once Again

Post by Dale L. »

I like to trust people, but I have found when selling dogs on internet the only thing that works for me is first one with cash at my house gets the dog. I have had too many people who say they will come and they just vanish off the face of the earth when that time arrives.LOL. I have only sold a hand full of dogs but it didn't take long for me to figure out that you just can't work on the honor system when dealing with strangers these days. Now I know their are alot of good folks out there, but it seems you will get 10 people who want to talk for every 1 that is truly interested in buying the dog.

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Re: Lied to Once Again

Post by Woodlandbeagler »

In this case, the loss is for the guy that did not show up. Buck has very good dogs. I bought two dogs off of him last year and I would never sell either of them. He is a real benefit to beagling. I am sorry that this happened, however if anyone is look for a good hunting dog, see Buck.

Gunslinger Beagles
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Re: Lied to Once Again

Post by Gunslinger Beagles »

Sad to say, it happens all the time. i sold a dog about a month ago and it happed to me several times on 1 dog. 1 guy from ky then a guy from ohio then a guy in northern va. and on top of that about 30 calls saying hold him. I dont sale alot of dogs but my policy is first come first served. send money or show up first. This sounds pretty rude but for me this is what is has come to. I also posted on my add that if it ever happens again to me that I was going to post there name and there phone #. and guess what all of a sudden, kinda like magic it stopped. I feel for you. I from the old school to and its hard to change when you was brought up the old school way but times have either changed or we are just now experiancing what others have had to go thru for a long time. We have to adjust. I hope not to sale anymore dogs other than pups. I have 3 good ones and 1 pup that is coming alone very well. Good luck and hope you get alone well with your test. I will be praying for you.

Walnut Shade Beagles
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Re: Lied to Once Again

Post by Walnut Shade Beagles »

Had the same thing happen only a bit different! I e-mailed a guy who had a dog I was interested in, asked him if the dog was still avail. 1 word answer, yes. Emailed back to say I was coming down to see the dog work, his reply, no, no place to run. Ok, e mailed back again and gave him 2 phone #'s to call so we could speak on the phone, also asked him to send me his # if he didn't want toll charges. No answer the rest of the day! Emailed once again the next morning, is the dog still avail? very interested! Around noon I get the same old 1 word answer, yes! Finally I get upset and e mail back and tell him I am not going to beg you to sell me the dog. He finally figured how to type more than 1 word and said, i've had 20 emails on this dog so go take a walk! I'm gonna quote someone on this, " humans are the hardest people to get along with"

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Re: Lied to Once Again

Post by Jwagner »

Hey Buck sorry to hear about your luck, on selling that dog. My buddy is having the same problem a bunch of tire kickers, call and talk to you for 45mins then never show up like they say. anyway how has the fox running been? I have been meaning to call you and get back up there and see them go again, it was fun.

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Re: Lied to Once Again

Post by DJC »

I had those type of things happen, No More.
First person to arrive with cash to buy the dog gets it. No "trials" unless I know the person, I don't lie, and if I do they can run my name into the ground on boards like this, and my name is more important to me then the small amount of money I may get out of a dog.

Gunslinger Beagles
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Re: Lied to Once Again

Post by Gunslinger Beagles »

amen, thats the way i feel too. good post


Re: Lied to Once Again

Post by chapkosbeagles »

i had it happen 2 times in the last 2 weeks on the dog box i have for sale form 2 different guys off this board now they wont answer there phone

Rick G
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Re: Lied to Once Again

Post by Rick G »

Search a few of my past post's on this topic.... Sad when you get jerked around by fellow beaglers. Guys that have done it to me post on here all the time asking for dogs and certain pups, knowing they are not gonna buy them. (wish shopping) Ive been around this sport for a very long time, and see em come and go... I now have a paypal set up, so when a guy tells me he is buying the dog, he has about 1 hour to have a paypal NON REFUNDABLE deposit in my account... Hate to be this way, but guess what? I no longer wait for a guy to never show up on pick up day! And the guy with good intentions never misses out on a good pup!

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Re: Lied to Once Again

Post by augerhead »

Buck, I feel your pain, not many of us left, I mans word doesn't seem to mean what it use to. But the bigger issue is what are you doing up at this time of the morning thinking about dogs?????

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Re: Lied to Once Again

Post by RunninHard »

bucks better beagles, PM sent

Salzer mtn
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Re: Lied to Once Again

Post by Salzer mtn »

I think there is more to consider than just who shows up with the money if your selling a dog. Example: if you have a dog forsale and you get 5 phone calls of people wanting to buy the dog and you tell each one that the first to get here with the money gets the dog. So all 5 people leave home headed for your house to get the dog and all five live out of state. So when the person gets there first and buys the dog and later the other 4 people show up and you have already sold it then you've got 4 mad people on your hands. I could have gotton myself in a situation like this a few years ago. I had a nice pair of identical sister females on the board forsale and i was getting one call after the other of people wanting to buy them. Everyone was wanting to head my way right then so they said to buy the dogs. The problem was i didn't know who was lying and who was not. I hadn't made a promice yet to anyone that i would hold the dogs for them and i hadn't yet told anyone to start after them. I set down and considered all these things i mentioned and i came to the conclusion just to take the add off. Right after i took the add off i got a phone call from Leann Rimes dad, he lived in Lebanon TN. at the time. He ask me if i had sold the dogs and i told him no and explained to him why i took them off, Wilbur told me if i would sell him the dogs he would start after them right then, so i told him to come get them because he just lived a couple hours from me. About a week later he came back and bought a male dog from me.

Gunslinger Beagles
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Re: Lied to Once Again

Post by Gunslinger Beagles »

there is a very simple answer to this. They have to send money by money gram by a certain time and if not sent you know there off the list. then post there name and # for the scum they are. Then people will send money if they see that your not a guy to play with. When you give them a time it is not all day either. There is alot of jerks in the beagling world and its time that good beaglers set the standard and stop letting these liars jerk us around.JMO. I also keep phone #'s of these jerks that have called thru the years so if they call on another dog, ill tell them a thing or two in a straight honest christian way but they will know that they want do me like that again. :check: this is why i have a select group of people that i deal with 99% of the time and the other 1% is people that i know gives them the thumbs up on.

bucks better beagles

Re: Lied to Once Again

Post by bucks better beagles »

Thanks to all you guys. I just got back from the hospital and have more calls on the dog. I don't know, I guess I will probably continue to give a person the benefit of the doubt, no matter what. Something about treating others the way I would like to be treated. It is discouraging but, now and then you run into a few people that make it all worth while. I don't sell a lot of dogs but when I do, I try to make a friend as well as a business associate. It's not about money with me (although that helps) it is about doing the right thing and treating people as honestly as possible. Perhaps, when I am gone, a good word would then be said about me. A good reputation is worth all the money in the world, I was always taught.

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