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Post by wvrabbithunter »

Don't buy the new Pepsi can coming out with pictures of the Empire State building and The Pledge of Allegiance on them. Pepsi left out two little words on the pledge, "Under God”. Pepsi said they didn't want to offend anyone. So if we don't buy them they won't be offended when they don't receive our money that has the words "In God We Trust" on it. How fast can you repost this?

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Re: pepsi

Post by Fleetwood »

Looks like I'll be drinking coke. Thanks for the heads up!

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Re: pepsi

Post by hignite1 »


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Re: pepsi

Post by RunninHard »

Glad I am a Faygo man

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Re: pepsi

Post by DIXIEDOG »

That's an old one..... check out what Snopes has to say about it

bill huttozac
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Re: pepsi

Post by bill huttozac »

Even if the above allegations were true, we should never forget that to have included those words would have been offensive to some Americans. And ... yes, Americans, by both Naturalization and birth. We must remember that, for the most part, our forefathers came to this country not worshiping in the same manner as the Native Americans (people of the red race). Should this have offended the Indian tribes? Yes and No, depending on the mindset of the person to whom the question was ask.
America is truly the melting pot of the world and no longer the domain of white Europeans of the Christian faith. Our Constitution guarantee the "freedom to participate or not to participate in any religious doctrine". And, at the same time we should not judge the sincerity of those who think differently. To do so, smells of prejudice, which it, in it's self, is anti christian. The Holy Wars, which violated the Ten Commandants. ended centuries ago.
Why not "live and let live", better yet "live and help to live"?

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Re: pepsi

Post by Joeyman »

I like pepsi throwback. Thats some good stuff. its the old label.
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Re: pepsi

Post by preachersteve »

I'm usually not one to get into organized boycotts, I don't intend to get into this one. It is good to check out the veracity of some claims. However, we do live in a free society at this time So, if someone wants to avoid a product because a company doesn't hold their personal values, it is up to them (regardless of the side they are on). The United States of America has a secular government which is based on Judeo-Christian principles. Contrary to what is being taught by some today, the founding fathers did believe in and rely on the God of the Bible. They recognized the need for the ability of the people of this society to regulate themselves in a moral way. The point is this... While our government is secular, it is based on these basic biblical values. There is no state religion, but there is to be tolerance for all people of all religions who will assimilate into this society. That includes assimilating into the basic values underlying the foundational laws of the land (Declaration of Independence and Constitution). The words "under God" were added to the Pledge of Allegiance in the 1950's by congress. If it can be added, it can be taken away. The U.S. will never be a "Christian nation" in the sense that there will be a state religion, but there are still more people who profess Christianity than any other religion in this country. That includes many who are not of white European decent. Don't forget that Christianity did not start in Europe. We must be careful that we do not loose that which is at the very heart of the nation. As for religious freedom, I would think it does extend to the choice to drink Pepsi or Coke :D I've always liked Coke over Pepsi anyway!

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Re: pepsi

Post by Bunnyblaster »

Bottom line is I'm tired of everyone "tip toeing" around others for fear of offending them whether it's the phrase "Under God", "Merry Christmas" or anything else. I don't believe I've ever heard anyone tell people they shouldn't use the phrase "Feliz Navidad". I also don't believe I've ever seen someone being forced to say Merry Christmas but I do see people that complain when others say it. Hmmmmmm, so who's the real villain here? The people that irritate me the most are the ones that preach about being tolerant and understanding of others and their religion or whatever else but we are supposed to hide and suppress some of the things that have been a part of this country since it was founded because they are not tolerant of us in return.

My take on it is basically this:

1. If you don't like it then don't look and as long as I'm not forcing you to believe what I do then why do you care?

2. Is it really that hard to not be so overly sensitive to something? I don't run around asking others to not display their religious beliefs in front of me so I don't understand why it is so hard to ask the same in return.

MY GOSH people!!!!! Grow a little thicker skin! There are waaaaaaay more important things in the world to spend time worrying about. The past is the past and cannot be changed now so unless you are being suppressed right now then let it go!

Oh and for the record I have no religious affiliation so I'm not sticking up for any one in particular. I was raised as a Catholic but I have some of my own views on religion as a whole that I have not come to terms with as of yet and that's between me and god. But I guarantee you'll never see me telling someone I'm offended when they say something like "God bless you". :roll:

"You can't change the past but you can ruin the present by worrying about the future."

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Re: pepsi

Post by MasonsBeagles »

i like COKE.
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Re: pepsi

Post by Mo. Beagler 5000 »

so how come posts about ncaa get moved and even stuff about field trials or breeding to another dog but this post gets to stay?? sometimes it seems like the moves are for spite and some are left on...???

Anyways, anyone remember crystal clear pepsi.... that was cool for about 1 drink
God isn't real, Beer is good and people are crazy, there I fixed it.

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Re: pepsi

Post by Shotgun John »

wvrabbithunter wrote:Don't buy the new Pepsi can coming out with pictures of the Empire State building and The Pledge of Allegiance on them. Pepsi left out two little words on the pledge, "Under God”. Pepsi said they didn't want to offend anyone. So if we don't buy them they won't be offended when they don't receive our money that has the words "In God We Trust" on it. How fast can you repost this?
God means an object of worship. If Jesus Christ isn't your God then it doesn't matter no how. I can't afford pepsi but when given one I'll drink it anyhow and be thankful.

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Re: pepsi

Post by billy »

It offends me, that they would change the way the pledge reads!
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Re: pepsi


in god i still trust ,,, i dont care who it offends , i dont offend them on purpose ,but i wont stop praying because they dont like it ,i wont stop preaching JESUS because they dont like it .

the disciples didnt and i wont god i still trust and when JESUS returns i'll be happy to see him ... they can trust in thier god ,, we wiil see how that works out for them..
our goverment is morally corrupt . it is secular .as has been stated i wont tippy toe around hopeing i dont offend those of other faiths..i dont intentionally offend anyone . buti will obey god rather than men.

oh yea and i wont even buy another pepsi product if this is true. havent seen a can yet. you dont stand for something ,you will fall for anything....
ACTS 2:38=repent,baptised in the name of jesus christ,receive the holy ghost!

kentucky mobster 08
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Re: pepsi

Post by kentucky mobster 08 »

pepsi never made a can like this.just another rumor.go to
Eric Roseberry

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