Does it ever?

A general forum for the discussion of hunting with beagles, guns, clothing and other equipment and just talking dawgs! (Tall tales on hunting allowed, but remember, first liar doesn't stand a chance)

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Does it ever?

Post by JUDE »

As far as beagles go? Does it ever seem like you are completely satisfied?
Jude's Beagles

Always in search of a more perfect hound!


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Re: Does it ever?

Post by KyBeagleGuy09 »

that is a good question i think if we was completely satisfied it would be time to quit

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Re: Does it ever?

Post by mdbeagler »

KyBeagleGuy09 wrote:that is a good question i think if we was completely satisfied it would be time to quit
I agree I got into a heated discussion about this very subject a year ago.
Guy said I wasn't established because I am constantly breeding and going thru dogs, and that he was satisfied with what he had and had no need to breed.
My reply was that I am always looking for better and that if I ever become completely satisfied I would be looking for something else to do.
I'm not looking for good dogs I am looking for great dogs and that takes going thru some dogs.
I stay within the same general bloodlines for the most part, just try different crosses and variations.
The average person would be more than pleased with the dogs that I get rid of, which most are given away to guys just looking for something to hunt.

Watching and trying different dogs is what keeps it interesting for me, to see what else is out there.
I guess some people are easier to please!

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Re: Does it ever?

Post by warddog »

IMHO dogs are just like people in that there isn't a perfect one on this earth. YES, some better than others but in people the judge is but one and in dogs it is in the eye of the beholder so being satisfied is also in the beholders reason for having dogs in the first place. I got into competition in coon hounds and soon learned that when looking at titles including the ones on my own dogs, I came to realize that they actually did NOT reward the best dog consistently. YES, dogs must win and place to obtain a title but after being in and judging many a casts over the years I saw that the ability to do so was also influenced by man. What remained constant was that the dogs had the ability to strike, run and tree coon and that is what they were bred for and we NEVER had to run behind one to see what their style was on the track, a loss, a tapped tree, a den tree, in the midst of deer or other off game or any other thing between hunting, striking and putting an end to the track. What one expects from their dogs is probably more about the beholder than the dog and if they hunt, jump and bring the quarry to the end than in my book the dog has done what it was put on this earth to do. I suppose that dogs evolution from the wolf occurred for a reason as is the case for evolution of other living creatures and they do so with one main issue at the forefront, survival of the species. When man gets involved he sometimes interjects too much of what HE personally wants in lieu of what nature requires. Even the lowly smallest living creature such as bacteria will evolve to survive not because of man's intervention but despite of it. I've said it before and I'll say it again that one man's trash is another man's treasure but dogs is dogs and people are people, neither one has a perfect specimen and I doubt neither will!

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