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Re: Pics of my dogs

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 2:24 am
by Aubrey Holcombe
Mr. SGB:
Mighty fine looking Blue Ticks, you have there, and you don't look to be a day over 50 ?

You will not believe what another 10 years will change your looks, will it did with me anyway. My head full of nice wavy hair about all fell out, my 20/20 vision has gone due to cataracts, had surgery on the worst one and can see lots better, but now the other one is very bad. can't hear the hounds at any distance,, but just add More Hounds to the pack !!

Two New Knees, replaces and a New Aorta Heart Valve a few years ago, and with a Kubota RTV 900, fellow can gun hunt all day long..

Keep us post on the next 10 years, and good Luck Up North !!


Re: Pics of my dogs

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 8:19 am
by Joeyman
great looking hounds

Re: Pics of my dogs

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 7:48 pm
by Shady Grove Beagles
Shady Grove's Josie Blue is out of Staten's Blue Samurai x Jake's Blue Belle II. Sam is a Reggie son and Belle is a daughter of I.F.C. Beaver Creek's Blue Max.A very nice 3 yr.old female.
The other bluetick [Bomber] is out of Samurai x Staten's Showtime Matinee.This is a half brother/sister cross with Sam and Mattie having the same mother.Mattie's sire is NLPC F.C. Main Events Showtime.At 7 months Bomber is showing the signs I like to see.
Both of these hounds came to me courtesy of my good friend Jonah Staten.
L.R. Patch---gimme a break ! I didn't always look this way.
Daddy Rabbit---I remember meeting you at a field trial at the Little Mud Creek Beagle Club in Baileyton,Alabama about 20 years ago and you were younger then than I am now.LOL.
Time waits for nobody sir.Thanks for the comment on not looking 50 but I got my Medi-Care card this past January.
Joeyman---Thanks for your comments on the hounds.I've enjoyed many of your photo. efforts over the last couple of years.

Re: Pics of my dogs

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 4:16 pm
by bigdogpace

Re: Pics of my dogs

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 12:17 am
by ohlinger
great looking hounds the owner could use alittle work though! lol j/k! lets see some video of them running !!

Re: Pics of my dogs

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 5:30 am
by Shady Grove Beagles
bigdogpace--thanks for the comment.I too like a well built and put -up hound.
All my hound dogging life I've heard guys say "I don't care what they look like as long as they can run a rabbit ".Well good for them and their ugly dogs.LOL.
I keep and raise A.K.C. registered beagles and there's a standard as to how they should look.I don't want any "Bassetty" looking beagles or any whippy looking beagles that look like they carry a dose of rat terrier or fiest in them.I don't want the short muzzled,dome headed,crocked leg,hare footed,short eared, wide chested,short coupled hounds either.
Beagle hounds are running dogs and in my opinion should have the physical appearance of the long distance runner.Up on legs,an athletic build,a deep and narrow chest for lung capacity,tight/cat footed feet.
Pretty is as pretty does so they better be able to run a rabbit too !!!!
ohlinger---- you want to see video of them running? It took me the past several years and a fair amount of help from family and friends just to figure out how to post pictures on here.
Video? Don't hold your breath.You'd do better to just come on down and run with me !

Re: Pics of my dogs

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 8:20 am
by warddog
I will agree that those are some well made hounds. I also agree with you that the breed standards are STANDARDS for a reason. It is nice putting a face to SGB as I read all your posts as well as Daddy Rabbits. I'll also say you don't look like an ole guy but do sound like one in your posts. As I say one can tell an E.F.Hutton by what they say not how they look. LOL Thanks for sharing the pic of both you and your dogs, I enjoyed seeing them.

Re: Pics of my dogs

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 6:11 am
by Shady Grove Beagles
Hey warddog
They tell me that 65 is the new 50?? I don't know if I believe them or not.
I hope I'm like Don Hoog and still running beagles when I'm 80 !
warddog you said I sound like an old guy in my posts? I hope you mean I sound like a voice of experience and not some old fart's rambling?
I got my first beagle when I was 13 and have had hunting dogs ever since so that's 52 years that I have been doing this and hope I've learned something about these hounds in all that time.
I'm pretty much a one track person as I don't fish,golf,work out at the gym,climb mountains,bowl,or hang out at Hardees in the morning with all the other old guys.I run dogs !
Oh ya,I do have a little Mazda Miata roadster that I take up on the mountain roads and race around with guys half my age............Keep me in your prayers.LOL.

Re: Pics of my dogs

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 9:19 am
by warddog
I sound like an old guy in my posts? I hope you mean I sound like a voice of experience and not some old fart's rambling. That is exactly what I meant by what I said and the old E.F. Hutton commercial is what I used to make that point. It takes some age to remember it and what it was all about with you and I about the same age so I suspect you will remember it, although I have trouble remembering what I had for supper last night. LOL

Re: Pics of my dogs

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 10:57 am
by Shady Grove Beagles
Ya,I remember the old E.F.Hutton commercial and everybody stopping and cocking an ear to listen.
Now you've got me worrying...... what DID I have for supper last night??
Just got in from 3 hours of running my old Rainy female and 17 month old Fly Girl.Fly leads the race most of the time now but Rainy still keeps them on track.
The weather here has taken a turn and mornings have been in the 60's and I've run 4 out of the past 5 mornings.Loving it !

Re: Pics of my dogs

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 4:29 am
by Aubrey Holcombe
I think Mr.E.F. Hutton was the one that was "Bullish On America" Yep the T.V. Screen had this Big Black and White Bull came up and his and showed the Big Bull,, that was when the T.V. was all Black and White.

When I get to be 89, may have to hang it up, otherwise its as much fun at 76 as it was 16 years old.

Keep Looking up!
D.R.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>> :dance:

Re: Pics of my dogs

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 7:35 pm
by ohlinger
Shady Grove Beagles wrote:bigdogpace--thanks for the comment.I too like a well built and put -up hound.
All my hound dogging life I've heard guys say "I don't care what they look like as long as they can run a rabbit ".Well good for them and their ugly dogs.LOL.
I keep and raise A.K.C. registered beagles and there's a standard as to how they should look.I don't want any "Bassetty" looking beagles or any whippy looking beagles that look like they carry a dose of rat terrier or fiest in them.I don't want the short muzzled,dome headed,crocked leg,hare footed,short eared, wide chested,short coupled hounds either.
Beagle hounds are running dogs and in my opinion should have the physical appearance of the long distance runner.Up on legs,an athletic build,a deep and narrow chest for lung capacity,tight/cat footed feet.
Pretty is as pretty does so they better be able to run a rabbit too !!!!
ohlinger---- you want to see video of them running? It took me the past several years and a fair amount of help from family and friends just to figure out how to post pictures on here.
Video? Don't hold your breath.You'd do better to just come on down and run with me !

lol you don't wanna run with my short eared bob-tailed dogs :p

Re: Pics of my dogs

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 8:55 pm
by Shady Grove Beagles
I'll run with any man's dogs as long as they're running rabbits !
In my opinion it would be hard to find a better looking beagle than Branko's Spotty Beast.Look at his stud ad on General Services.For an older hound he is one fine put together hound and I'd be satisfied if every thing in my kennel resembled him.