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Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 3:23 pm
by BJK

Whether or not you believe in scientific medicines, studies, research, holistic healing or alternative medicines is totally up to you or the individual. I say this, whatever a person truly believes is what they truly believe. It would be wrong for me to convince them otherwise. I am not trying to prove anything to you or anyone else. With that being said, I'll ask you this, do you believe in prayer, do you believe in God?



Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 3:35 pm
by bob huffman
God is a personal question. I don't feel it is important for you to know that. Do you believe in vaccinations for your dogs or children. They were conceived thru the scientific method. Osoma Bin Laden believes God told him to kill Christians. Would it be right for you to convince him otherwise. It is fine to convince someone of something if it helps produce liberty and justice for mankind. I suppose now you want to argue about God. Bug off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 3:36 pm
by BJK
May God bless you Bob

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 8:22 pm
by hotdog
Bob you seem like an intelligent man,but I've talked to people that has used turpin tine and said it worked,so I just wanted to see if anyone else had tried it and get there input.We have some big rattle snakes here,and beleave me if a dog has ran hard and gets hot,then one of these big boys bites them they are dead if you don't have something to put on it quick.

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 8:39 pm
by Guest
My two cents worth.... If you have a dog, evidently that dog is worth your time and money to feed it, if the dog were snake bitten I believe we owe the dog a visit to vets office for the hard work the dog has done for us..Remember he or she doesnt have a say in the matter but just like with you if you were bitten, you want to make sure your ok and will do whats neccessary...Lets do the same for them


Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 9:04 pm
by bob huffman
Its hard to get it all in one post. I have used turp to carterize wounds on animals and on myself. It works good on certain types of wounds and will also take the soreness out if you can stand the first rush of burning. it would do well I think on a snake bite wound but would have no affect on the poison in the system. Say for instance your dog got bit on the jugular or other main atrery etc. That would be a serious bite. It would have no affect on that. it also depends on how much venom the snake has. Each case would be differant but potentially serious. Yes it has its place in animal husbandry and you should keep some handy. I haaave used lots of home medicines on animals if they work. Next time you come across a balking horse, blow some menthol up his nose and see what he does. Can also put something hot on his heels and he will go. I can tell you that no amount of urging or pulling wll make a balker go. Some do this if they are sore in the front or for lots of other reasons, mostly mental. I have used lots of pine tar on horses for various things. Take a big wad and ram it to the back of his throat so he swallows it and it will help upper respitory. Nothing will help a horse cool out better than a nice alcohol bath. Just put a bottle full in 5 gal of water. You can put whiskey on a poor doers feed and he will eat more. One of the best trainers I know mixes lard and charcoal together and uses it for wounds on a horse and it seems to work. I have for years used non detergent motor oil for a hoof paint to keep the hoof soft and growing. We have dug a pure blue clay for years and packed horses feet with it to insure foot health. There is nothing better. Some of the boys in Chicago got to giving their horses milkshakes which is illegal. What is a milkshake for a racehorse?? Get a big bucket of water and put a bag of confectioner sugar in it. Then take some baking soda and mix that in. Get a funnel and a stomach tube and pour this down your horse before he races. It will keep the lactic acid from builing up in his muscles just about the time he turns for the home stretch and he will finish his mile like a monster. They have a machine that will test for it now so they stopped doing it. Some are giving their horses a drug that builds red bllod cells in cancer patients etc. This gives the horse more oxygen in his blood and he races better. They have a mchine that will test for it now also and if you get caught you will be in deep dodo. You might have guessed by now that race horse people have used every trick in the book in regard to natural medicines etc to improve performance. You learn quick what works when your billfold is involved. The old timers gave heroin and cocaine and 15 years ago in chicago a bunch of them got busted for giving M-99 to horses. It is an elephant tranqualizer and for some reason it hops a horse up big time. They have tests for all this stuff now and doping horses is not very common now. it is the most policed sport in the world and cheaters are usually caught. I do not have anything against home medicines if they work. Good luck!

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 10:09 pm
by Dogdreamer

As you stated in an earlier strain, other people than the original "poster" look to these sites for information. I wanted to say, thanks for the information. My dogs will go to the vet as fast as I can get them there. I may put terp on the wound to ease their pain on the way to the vet, but it will not be considered a cure.

In fact, after a few seconds of consideration, terpentine makes no sense at all as a snakebite cure. The snakes venom is injected into the tissue and enters the blood stream. The terpentine would only cover the superficial area of the bite. That is, unless you were crazy enough to actually inject it into your dog. :yikes:

Anyway, Thanks!


Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 8:43 am

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 9:20 am
by Beagleman973
Turpentine is like the old myth for people of cutting an "X" in the bite and sucking out the poison. I've had, through the military and several jobs I had when I was younger, several courses on poisonous bites from snakes, spiders etc. ALL of them said do not make an incision, the pain from the cut increases your heartrate, produces endorpins and adrenalin which speeds the poison throughout your body.

The advise I received from my vet, and have heard in other places, for snake bites is to administer benadryl as soon as possible and then get the animal to the vet.

As anyone else heard of using benadryl for snake bites? I don't remember the exact dosage off hand, but to me benadryl makes more sense than turpentine or shocking the dog. Benadryl works in the blood stream to counteract toxins, where shocking and turpentine has no affect, at least that I can see, on anything in the blood stream.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 9:32 am
by hotdog
Guys I was told about benadryl also,I have some friends that have gave it to there dogs after they where bit.Sounds to me like the turpin tine would only be good for the swelling then.Mabe that is why a lot of people think it pulls the venom back out,because the swelling goes down so fast.That is the reason I posted this to see what everyone thought.All this information has been greatly appreciated.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 10:20 am
by Alabama John
Hotdog, there are a lot of home remedies as others like Bob has said.

The Turpentine works as it does draw out poison and will soak in the wound and area around it also. A bad bite does bleed some so blood can run out the hole (cut or punch a bite size hole in yourself and and see if the blood runs in or out of you) unless bit in the jugular or a main vein as someone said, it is not that hard to get some poison to drain or draw out.
Thus the cut the X and suck out the poison that the boy scouts taught as well as the Marine Corps during my time in each during the 40's and 50's. Now it is bad as stated here on this board as the cut does more harm than the bite most times.

Folks used to cut something open like a chicken and put the raw hot flesh over a bite and it definetly drew out something as the meat would turn the color like a rainbow or an oil slick.

Going to your vet might not help as much as you think. Ask him or her if they carry any anti venom. Different snakes require different types to be more effective. I bet he does not have any and it would take too long to get some to be of any use.

I'm on the board of six hospitals and many neighborhood clinics and none have any anti venom for us humans as it is expensive and does not keep long. If you go in for some, you must wait while it is sent from somewhere else. If this is the case for people, it must be a longer wait for dogs.

If you are bitten, while you are doing nothing but waiting around swelling and puking, feeling miserable, hurting, waiting for something to be done, bad things will continue to be happening to you. If your at a Vet, your dog. In that case, home remedies that just might help will look pretty good. Now, picture yourself a mile from the truck and then many miles of driving to a hospital. I'll bet you would put a turpentined soaked clean rag against it if one was offered.

If you are old enough to remember and to have been taught, what was done for thousands of years before the new modern hospital and medicines?

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 12:10 pm
by Boomer
I don't know if the benedryl will affect the toxins. What it will certainly do is mediate allergic/hypersensitive reactions that certain individuals will have. Just as some people can die from a reaction to one bee sting while others suffer few ill effects from hundreds, reactions to foreign chemicals vary from individual to individual.

These tourism-related websites (Costa Rica, Africa, and Taiwan) specifically say not to use turpentine on snake bites. One of them refers to the USFDA as the source, but the supplied link doesn't mention turpentine.

We've always got benedryl handy when we're out in the fields or woods.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 12:53 pm
by Beagleman973
John, You're right! When faced with nothing but what you can do for yourself, anything sounds good. I would roll in poison ivy if I thought it would take care of the snake bite! :)

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 2:12 pm
by Alabama John
Beagleman, now that's funny! We got a kick out of that answer here at the office. Poison Ivy kills one son of mine and he just stood and shuttered.
Wish I could say so much in as few words!!!

Boomer, I'm not disagreeing with you, but, I would sure like to talk to the Native peoples of those Countries and see what they have been using with success for thousands of years and not totally trust the recommendations of those recently educated in medicine for snakebite.
Here in the USA most doctors would have to crack a book to know what to do as they have never seen a bite.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 4:01 pm
by Boomer
Alabama John,

In those places with those snakes, first-aid probably consisted of a loud yelp, taking your frustration out on the snake that bit you, and then saying your prayers and goodbyes!