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Post by warddog »

Every piece of meat and or poultry you buy from the store has an inspection legend on it stating that it was inspected and passed or inspected and passed for wholesomeness by the United States Dept. of Agriculture. How many times have you heard of food recalls due to E-coli, Listeria, Salmonella etc. What I'm trying to say is that everything has some bit of an inherent danger, even the food WE eat. Maybe a skull and crossbones would be more appropriate on the label.


Post by Guest »

Ivomec has no ingreedient that will affect fleas or ticks.

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Post by DarrinG »

Heck most anything you use for fleas/ticks, etc is harmful to dogs if not used correctly....as I said above I literally covered a 8 week old pup once in Sevin Dust (5%) every other day for several days in a row and it never hurt him one bit. It got rid of all his fleas and mites too....

I just bought a new bag of Sevin Dust 5% the other day and it does indeed have directions on the bag for applicating to dogs. :)
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windy hollow
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Post by windy hollow »

I read an artical that stated the swiffer duster also has something in it that dogs get very sick from.


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Post by DRamey »

If you have a dog that won't stand still while applying Sevin or any other flea/tick repellent /killer, use some mineral oil in the eyes. Does no harm and flushes any contaminants out as the dog blinks. Works well when dipping with kennel dip, also. Sevin also comes in liquid form, available at Lowe's. Has anyone tried spraying kennels with the liquid? Also, what about plain ol' bean dust? I have heard of this being used. By the way, guys, don't spread the news about Sevin too loudly even though it has directions for applying to dogs. Someone will buy a bunch, put it in baby powder bottles, label it as "Perkins' Miracle Dog Dust" and sell it for 10X the price! Hey, I bet baby powder bottles would be a good way to handle Sevin dust. You could put it in one and carry it anywhere. Somebody try that and let us know. Be sure to label it with a permanent marker, though.

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Post by DarrinG »

Ramey, I bought a sifter, somewhat like something that would be used in the kitchen to dispense spices or something, and use that to dust my dogs and their bedding. It will hold about the same amount as a bottle of baby powders.
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Post by kybeglr »

I use a 1qt Mason jar with the metal lid. I used a small nail and put a bunch of holes in the lid, it sifts the sevin dust just right. I've used the Sevin Dust for 12 years and have never had the slightest problem with any dogs.

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Post by Clyde Gott »

Hey Mr. Ramey…I put my Sevin Dust in a small container with a screw on lid that had grated cheese in it…works great!
Clyde Gott
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Post by WSRandy »

Steve C. wrote:Count me out from recommending Sevin for use on dogs. This rather harsh poison works against the nervous system of the parasites it destroys and in some cases can be lethal or cause paralysis in dogs. I know a lot of folks who use it with no trouble but all it takes is one bad reaction to possibly lose a hound. No thanks. Ivermectin keeps most dogs flea-free and there are safe tick medications readily available. Sevin was never approved for use on pets and has very specific applications for use on any food products. Use at your own risk.
Just curious Steve........What type Ivermectin do you use that is labeled for dogs? I know a ton of guys using hog and cattle Ivermectin even though it can be much more lethal than Sevin dust, but its cheap I guess.

Brian......How is your dog?

Catch you all later,

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Post by SUNRISE10 »

I have used sevin dust for years with no problems. Put cedar shaving in box dust them with sevin dust don't have to put on dogs directly. Use liquid sevin mixed in sprayer spray around kennel no fleas or ticks.
I also use Ivomec cattle type If you got a beagle with a lot of ticks one half cc Ivomec in a week they will dry up fall off. But if you use ivomec and sevin you will have no problem with ticks and fleas.
I also have a feed box for my rabbits in my starting pen that I keep kitty litter and sevin dust for the rabbits to dust themselves with haven't found any rabbits full of ticks like I did before.
Watch the cattle tags. They work on ticks but if dogs chew on them you have a sick dog.
P.S. There is already a Flea&Tick power with the same ingreatants as


Post by Guest »

1/2 cc is an over dose for most beagles and what ingredient does Ivomec have that kills fleas and ticks?

Also seven dust is made for use in dogs, it's on the bag in the instructions.

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Post by lonewolf »

my vet says that the only thing ivormec treats is heart worms,, doesnt kill any other worms or kill fleas or ticks,,,,,,seven garden and cattle tags do work, i attach a cattle tag to the collar while running and seven dust them at home,,,,
you can take a kid out of the country, but you cant take the country out of a kid

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Post by Boomer »

Basically every chemical is safe if used as directed, and every chemcial is unsafe if used carelessly. Sevin dust is safer for humans and animals than a lot of pesticides, but it does have health concerns. For one thing, it has been shown to cause birth defects in dogs when over-applied to pregnant females.

Ivomec does treat many types of worms, and it has also been successful in treating demodectic mange. I've heard people say it works for fleas, but a lot of people seem to dispute that.

Indiana Brian

My Sick Beagle

Post by Indiana Brian »

:D Good news. She is recovering nicely. I even took her out yesterday and she's running again. Her hair is beginning to come back in (yes, the reaction even caused her hair to fall out). I really believe she came close to dying. I called the 1800 number for Hartz and they told me to send them a copy of the vet bill and a letter from the vet stating the diagnosis and they would refund the cost. I told the vet and he said he's seen em do this before. Seems it's much more cost effecient to keep a potentially harmful flea/tick killer on the market and just settle with the ones who have problems. On that note, he said they've seen NO reactions with advantage. Again, be careful what you put on your dogs folks. Brian.

Steve C.
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Post by Steve C. »

I always choose to err on the side of caution. Ivermectin has never been approved for use on canines because it was never tested on canines. The fact is that it is the safest, most effective wormer and broad spectrum PREVENTATIVE that you can buy over the counter. Most vets will only tell you what they can find in their Merck Manual, but virtually every vet who keeps his own kennel uses Ivermectin for everything but tapeworm. As for Sevin dust, carbaryl, and most other CHEMICAL treatments (as opposed to BIOLOGICAL treatments) I will not use them on my dogs under any circumstances. (Try Pyrethrins for fleas) I also don't recommend you use them on your kids either. At one time DDT was considered safe and effective and I know of many farmers around here whose families have had very high incidences of cancer. The chemical companies have always claimed no connection but anecdotal evidence abounds. Maybe I'm overly dramatic but I feel we are all exposed to massive amounts of cancer causing agents over our lifetimes and I choose to avoid them as much as possible. I use no chemical fertilizers in my garden and no chemical pesticides either (including DEET in my fly dope) just so you know where I'm coming from.

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