How many "Buy and Cry"???

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Re: How many "Buy and Cry"???


i just raise my own , can fuss at the owner all i want for ripping me lol.
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Re: How many "Buy and Cry"???

Post by MaineDogs »

I can understand not wanting to travel a pile of miles to see a dog run multiple times and buying it after the first trip BUT you also have to realize, no one has the same opinion. I only hunt my dogs and have less standards then let’s say wildcat who has been through 260 hounds in 8 years. I have never been to trials so if someone was looking for a trial dog and was looking at something i had they better realize i run to kill not to trial. If you look back over threads about speed, mouthy or not, check work, etc EVERYONE has a different opinions, even the people who run at the same trials. If i buy a dog and it was 60-70% of what the guy said im probably not going to worry about it unless i find something actual wrong with it that he did not tell me like gun shy or fights. If the dog ran well but reached out too much for my liking and kept changing rabbits, that’s not the sellers falt as long as that’s not why he’s selling it and not saying anything about it. Maybe he likes his dogs a lil loose to keep on the rabbit when populations are low. AND i like em on the line to cut down on check time. If i ended up with this dog and hated it because it kept dragging my pack all over the place due to switching rabbits i would sell it and tell every person looking at it everything I THOUGHT ABOUT IT and also mention what the other fella said when i was buying it to give the new buyer a view from 2 sets of eyes.
I sold a nice young grade male for 300 that was looking REAL good for his time on the ground. Sight on scene the family came and picked him up AND i told them he likes to fight other males in the kennel so to keep him in his own kennel. What did they do, they kenneled him in a pen with a male AND female. The pup was progressing every time out and the family LOVED his progress "and was soon to be better than there seasoned dogs.”

Fighting in the kennel kept getting worse and the owner wasn’t willing to create a new kennel so they had to get rid of the pup.

He was EVERY thing i said maybe more and it did not work out for them. Did they get all pissy with me? No, because he was what i said he was.

Dale L.
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Re: How many "Buy and Cry"???

Post by Dale L. »

I don't buy many dogs. I prefer to buy pups when I do. I usually raise my own. The reason is one man's good hound and another man's good hound are usually not the same. I was put in touch with someone about a dog I was interested in by a very reputable breeder on this board. I talked to the guy a couple times and the price seemed fair so I bought the dog. Now I was buying this dog mainly for a couple litters of pups and also to gun hunt (I do not trial.) So overall she has worked out. At the same time if I had paid what I did for her hunting abilities only in my opinion she was not worth it. I have found that I am more picky when it comes to my dogs than alot of people. I have given dogs away that end up being someones best hound. I guess I just don't have the patience alot of people do. But I have tried dogs advertised on her for anywhere from $200 - $600 and I have not found one yet that I would give the asking price for. Maybe I am just too tight but if I am paying over $500 for a dog it better not have many faults. I love to hunt but $500 is a chunk of change for me. I just can't see how people pay some of these outrageous amounts for dogs. But in the end it just all boils down to what you call a rabbit dog and what I call a rabbit dog are probably different so buying on a man's word is hard to do.

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Re: How many "Buy and Cry"???

Post by TOBY »

I bought a dog when I first started out. Worst experience every!!! I got the dog on trial to find out the dog was stolen. It was a big mess. Long story short I will only buy puppies now!
HBCH loko go fancy
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Re: How many "Buy and Cry"???

Post by jerwane »

If I don't know the seller, I try the dog there or at my place. Usually from 2-4 hours. If you can't get a good fix on a dog in that amount of time, then in my opinion a extrax week won't help. Never have asked for a time trial or ever offered one. Don't sell that many dogs, but I try to be honest and will tell you everything I know about the dog. Both good and bad. But the world has changed in the last forty some odd years. People seem to be out for themselves and take the attitude, "it's not my fault for taking you to the cleaners, it's yours for letting me do it." Just my observation. Thanks for letting me add my two cents. Jerry

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Re: How many "Buy and Cry"???

Post by nchunter102 »

I haven't bought alot of dogs, but what I have bought I have always been satisfied with the hound. There again I'm not extremely picky. I have been burnt on puppies that are "started" before.

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Re: How many "Buy and Cry"???

Post by warddog »

I would expect nothing more than a person to buy and cry,
IF what they bought was the result of a lie.
The seller needs to stand behind what it represents,
before they expect to keep others hard earned cents.
There's a pretty big difference between opinion and lies,
so when opinons are meaningfully stretched the result is cries.
I still believe in those of which I am fond,
a man who gives his word and that is his bond!

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Re: How many "Buy and Cry"???

Post by adirondackjoe »

well put warddog. is that yours?

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Re: How many "Buy and Cry"???

Post by warddog »

Yep, I just put it together while reading the thread.

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Re: How many "Buy and Cry"???

Post by Bunnyblaster »

pilotknob wrote:I sold a guy a young female one time right before hunting season.I had two of them littermate sisters and she got fast and always took the front then she couldn't handle it.The other one was just right for my pack.I told him I liked everything about her except she was just too fast he bought her.He called me a few days later said he loved her and wanted to buy her sister I said no.At the end of season he called me and said he had taken her to the vet and gotten her eyes cleaned out and she was going to be almost blind if not blind altogether.Come to find out after talking to him her eyes had been glued shut with puss coming out of them for about 5 days.I asked him if he checked their eyes after hunting for seeds or trash in them.He said no all the rest of his dogs had always cleared up by themselves after a few days.He asked for his money back too. :angry:

This one kills me!! That's like never giving your vehicle and oil change and then wanting a refund when the engine seizes up!! :roll:

"You can't change the past but you can ruin the present by worrying about the future."

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