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Re: Jessamine Kentucky trial entries ?

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 12:50 pm
by johns03272008
Ron Conroe wrote:the guys that got there licenses got to get their name to some clubs. Clubs don't know who took there seminar. Maybe should get a hold of some clubs instead of waiting for them. Another thing is a lot of guys won't travel....sounds easy don't it..

Ron I have called clubs and asked and have been ignored or chosen over, maybe it's because I tell it like it is and don't take any crap from people and I have put places and wins on dogs for owners of who i don't care for and of people i flat out didnt know but I don't judge the leash I judge the dog, maybe that's why I wasn't asked to judge more even when I was asking!!!!

Not to toot my horn but every time I have judged can't anyone say those dogs didn't get time on the ground or i cheated and I drew a decent amount of dogs everywhere I judged. :nod:

Re: Jessamine Kentucky trial entries ?

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 2:14 pm
by KanesIrish call clubs and ask if you can judge?

Re: Jessamine Kentucky trial entries ?

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 4:46 pm
by johns03272008
KanesIrish call clubs and ask if you can judge?

Not any more because I stepped away from beagles and trials for some reasons but when I was trialing yes I did or i would tell them face to face I wanted to come judge!!!

Re: Jessamine Kentucky trial entries ?

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 6:32 pm
by tom summers
Here we go again! Judges only pick buddies dog, we are all cheaters, only dogs that finish are owned by judges.
I have heard it all, once again to all those that do not get asked to judge. GET INVOLVED! Clubs are always looking for good judges but they are not jumping up and down to ask someone that has never judged or does not get reccomended by a trialer in good standing. Quit complaining "poor me" and help clubs out , join, marshal. You have to do the work and put an effort to help. Whining will get you no where but a bad rep. As just that a whiner. Once you get involved and are asked and put forth and honest effort you will get more calls than you wish. So quit complaning and move on.
Tom Summers

Re: Jessamine Kentucky trial entries ?

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 6:42 pm
by MGB
The "Inner Circle" don't like being exposed.They will attack you during exposure. :moon:

Re: Jessamine Kentucky trial entries ?

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 11:03 pm
by mybeagles
I was a fan of the two trial proposal when it came out but openly admit I was wrong. The only one that benefits from the two trial rule is AKC. Clubs work twice as hard for 1/2 the money. I would rather see more clubs start up than have every club running 2 trials.

As stated above, with so many trials it gives you a choice on which trials to attend and judges are a big factor. This makes it a bigger risk for clubs to select new judges when entries are tight to begin with. I would agree some clubs could mix it up a little better but the responsibility is on the the new judges to get their name out there and make themselves available. How many of you new judges are active working members in your local club and have been in contact with several surrounding field trial secretaries to let them know your available? Send them a resume of your beagling experience, trial dates you would be available for and good contact information. If you know members of neighboring clubs ask them to nominate you at their judging selection meeting.

Im not trying to cause trouble either but some of these comments sound more like my teenage daughters clicks than a group of houndsmen.
Telling it like it is "in your eyes" could easily be construed as being an arrogant a$$ hole that would hurt the clubs chance for making a go of it. Listening to an irate field trialer or disgruntled club member and calming the situation rather than escalating it comes with the job. Yes, you have freedom of speech and the "right" to voice your opinion but that comes with consequences as you found out.

Re: Jessamine Kentucky trial entries ?

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 6:55 am
by KanesIrish
Personally, I can't remember asking to judge a trial with the exception of volunteering my services to fill in for an injured judge if I was going to be at the trial anyway. That's just not the way we do things up here. Clubs hire judges who they think will do a good job for them, some clubs have different methods then others, some clubs put together a list, other clubs one guy picks the judges.

I help set the judges list up for 4 licensed trials and one licensed hunt test. I try to put together the best, not necessarily the most popular, judges panel I can. I use well seasoned judges, new judges, judges that don't get used much, it doesn't matter if that's the best panel I think I can put together than that's what I do.

As far as new judges, just because you take the seminar doesn't necessarily mean you're a judge. Lets face it, most people can read from the rule book and get a passing grade on the test. If you're a new judge and I'm hiring you, you have to get a good recommendation from a beagler that I respect, I have to see you judge a derby or an all age or just carry on a conversation with you.

Jessamine to me is one of the most storied licensed trials in the country. It was the Super Bowl! It still could be the Super Bowl as there are no licensed trials in the Northeast on that weekend. Look at the old results, see who won that trial, see who judged that trial! See where entries used to come from. When I was called to judge Jessamine, I jumped at the chance to do some, because of the history behind it.

Like people have said, two trials have changed everything. But some clubs still put on great events...large entries, what they were, no. But most of the clubs up here that have storied histories and have a track record of excellent trials still have 100+ entries.

Congrats to the members of Jessamine for having a successful trial!

Re: Jessamine Kentucky trial entries ?

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 7:26 am
by J.C. Blair
I guess its been about a year since I've taken the judges test. I am steering myself at getting more involved in Midwest, just a preference to the type of dog they run. Mybeagles is right, most clubs don't know who has taken the test, because the list hasn't been updated on the Midwest site in years. I've talked to a couple field trial secretaries, and told them basically if they need a judge for a derby or qualifier, I'd be glad to help out. I've also marshaled for some classes to help my understanding to much more than just the rulebook (ya can't beat real world experience) I understand some clubs don't want to throw you right to the fire of a licensed trial until they know you are ready. Let's face it, clubs want to protect their names and entries they pull, I can't blame them. With all that said, I've been given the opportunity to judge the big derbies at Mid KY in a couple weeks, I'm excited to see some young dogs and see what the future holds. Good luck to everyone

Re: Jessamine Kentucky trial entries ?

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 8:09 am
by NeilKimbrel7
Rabbit season probably keeps a few people from attending trials

Re: Jessamine Kentucky trial entries ?

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 8:34 am
by NeilKimbrel7
I like the akc Midwest. I, by no means, am in an inner circle. There isn't even a Midwest club in my state!(Missouri) Yet I have had success. How is that? The thing I notice most is people that run dogs and gripe about it on a forum or Facebook do so because they don't know a dog. There are going to be people who think they win every trial no matter what, even if their dog is second to last in a cast. Is this to say I agree with everyone's judging? Absolutely not. Do I think you have to agree with mine or anyone else's judging? Absolutely not. The thing I've noticed the most that differentiates the judges are some look for more positive scoring while others seem to focus on the bad. I don't look at this as a bad thing because I don't believe any one opinion is always right. I for one will not pick up a dog with 10 score and 2 demerits and place a dog that has 2 scores. I have seen others that do this. If tracking is good, it would make me scratch my head because if a dog were that rough we wouldn't be running good. If it were bad scenting, then I could see where they might think "maybe if we pick this dog up or that dog that the running might possibly get smoother". If that happens to me am I going to avoid that judge? No. If it routinely happens to me by the same judge will I continue to trial under them? No, because I go to win. I don't have unlimited funds and I also have a job, family, and friends with whom I have to balance my time and pick my battles. THIS DOES NOT mean those judges cheat! I have been judging some as of late and I really enjoy it. I don't like judging the same class back to back or at the same club year to year. While some people might look forward to my judging I could just as assure you if I judged the same class all the time someone would dread it.

Re: Jessamine Kentucky trial entries ?

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 10:43 am
by hard on a check
Judging is a tough job,and your never gonna be able to make everybody happy..
I enjoy judging,and try to do my best..
At the end of the day it's about placing the 5 best dogs on that day,in my opinion the Midwest Judges do a good job of that..
Nobody's perfect,and there will always be differences in opinions,but as long as we put forth our best effort and make the calls/decisions that we feel are right,then that's really all anyone can do.

Re: Jessamine Kentucky trial entries ?

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 12:20 pm
by johns03272008
mybeagles wrote:I was a fan of the two trial proposal when it came out but openly admit I was wrong. The only one that benefits from the two trial rule is AKC. Clubs work twice as hard for 1/2 the money. I would rather see more clubs start up than have every club running 2 trials.

As stated above, with so many trials it gives you a choice on which trials to attend and judges are a big factor. This makes it a bigger risk for clubs to select new judges when entries are tight to begin with. I would agree some clubs could mix it up a little better but the responsibility is on the the new judges to get their name out there and make themselves available. How many of you new judges are active working members in your local club and have been in contact with several surrounding field trial secretaries to let them know your available? Send them a resume of your beagling experience, trial dates you would be available for and good contact information. If you know members of neighboring clubs ask them to nominate you at their judging selection meeting.

Im not trying to cause trouble either but some of these comments sound more like my teenage daughters clicks than a group of houndsmen.
Telling it like it is "in your eyes" could easily be construed as being an arrogant a$$ hole that would hurt the clubs chance for making a go of it. Listening to an irate field trialer or disgruntled club member and calming the situation rather than escalating it comes with the job. Yes, you have freedom of speech and the "right" to voice your opinion but that comes with consequences as you found out.
I'm not sure what consequences your talking about.

If being a arrogant a$$ means I tell a well known beagler that their dog is swinging and cutting and babbling or over running or what ever it is then yes I'm being a arrogant a$$!!! Like I said before I have never judged a leash and never will!!!! I think sometimes people that call it like they see if may not get to judge because people don't like to hear the truth, I have marshaled several times, judged many many derbies, and judged I believe 6-8 times license trials and I believe every dog that I placed a win on has ended up finishing for FC and some have won the runoff so either who ever I judged called all the shots "which isn't true" or i called it like it is. I have looked at judging lists before and been able to call who will win and place, I have never been able to get all 5 right but I have gotten 4 out of the 5 right a few times!! Have I ran my mouth before yes I have, has it probably hurt me from being able to judge probably but I bet there are more people out there willing to come to trials under a judge they know won't judge a leash and calls it like they see it than to any trial they know the style a judge likes and I can say this every time I have judged there was been no shortage of entries in my class but then again maybe that's because of the other judge also who knows, but once again I will say this "every time I judged can't anyone say I cheated or didn't give the dogs a good look and not enough time on the ground" !!!! JMO again this is coming from a arrogant a$$ so take it for what it's worth and Dave this is not all directed at you this is to anyone reading it.

Re: Jessamine Kentucky trial entries ?

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 2:55 pm
by rock river
If being a arrogant a$$ means I tell a well known beagler that their dog is swinging and cutting and babbling or over running or what ever it is then yes I'm being a arrogant a$$!!! Like I said before I have never judged a leash and never will!!!!

Right On! I like your way of Judging.

Re: Jessamine Kentucky trial entries ?

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 3:24 pm
by hlane
The akc reg beagles of today are much better then the akc beagles i saw in the late 70s early 80s ! i give credit to the midwest
for improving the akc hunting beagle in my area! which in turn would be giving credit to those that judge ! somebody did/does
it right ! sure wouldnt want to go back to the akc dogs i seen back then! lol

Re: Jessamine Kentucky trial entries ?

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 3:42 pm
John, if every dog you put a win on went on to finish, then there must have been several other good judges out there. Judging is the most thankless job in the world. Thick skin required, but it can be the most rewarding feeling knowing that you gave your best effort & in your mind, the best dogs placed that day. A judge needs to be athletic & able to run, run, run..ALL DAY. He needs to be honest & know the rulebook & how a dog should perform. Start marshaling for clubs, watching houndwork & talking to older judges about what to look for. Make sure all clubs have your contact information. Volunteer to judge derbies, qualifiers & be ready to fill in in case of cancellations. A successful judge must have a special passion for the sport & hounds. Hopefully, more good, young judges keep coming along & judging for the right reasons.