what would you guys do

A general forum for the discussion of hunting with beagles, guns, clothing and other equipment and just talking dawgs! (Tall tales on hunting allowed, but remember, first liar doesn't stand a chance)

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Re: ?

Post by Beagled1 »

FetchingPixels wrote:
Roy Pasmore wrote:If I become unsatisfied with A dog for what ever reason. I sell it . Some times it may be my best dog but for what ever the reason I became unsatisfied it will bug me untel I let the dog go. Just my thoughts on the subject.
And that's when dogs end up in the shelter if the new owners don't like it and people like me pick up the peices. My god the way some of you people think dogs are disposable really bothers me. Beagles are in the top 5# of breeds in the shelter. My advice get her fixed.
Pixels, when someone here says tehy are going to get rid fo a dog, it means they are going to sell it as a "cull" to a pet home. Or, for a good hunting dog that just doesn't suit their particular needs, it goes to anotehr hunter. You know, one mans trash is another's treasure. I got my first Beagle (a Patch bred bitch) by a hunter who spayed her and gave her to me for free as a pet because he said she used to go off game all the time. Well, I took her hunting when I took a trip to NH in '96 and darn! Was that one helluva bunny hound :P Never went off game with me, and even if she had, it was so much fun to participate with a Beagle who is doing what they are bred to to!!!
The world of Beagling revolves around hunters selling adult dogs to other hunters who want what someone else doesn't. We welcome all posters on this board, but keep in mind we deal with working and breeding dogs and it takes THICK skin to be involved with hounds in such a way. We have breeding programs that some of us have been attempting to "perfect" for years, and unfortunately we have to sell the ones that aren't breeding quality or don't work with our pack, ect.
I did rescue in the past, and have also had to sell hounds I've kept on that just didn't work out. I can't keep a hound that won't hunt or doesn't hunt CORRECTLY. I do ask that if you continue to post here you keep in mind that the vast majority of us are breeders who need to sell our stock on occasion because we are not satisfied with the way they affect our breeding program or pack style. Some of us have our Beagles as pets and hunting dogs, myself included. I have some pets that I purchased or rescued as pets, and even eith health or behavioral issues, I've kept them here and provided a good home for them. Breeding and working dogs do not apply to those rules. If I am terribly dissatisfied with a working hound, it has to go. I have an application for pet or hunting homes, I NOR MOST PEOPLE HERE DO NOT DUMP OUR DOGS AT SHELTERS. I sell my hounds to good homes or neuter the pet quality dogs and charge the new owner what it cost fo rme to have him snipped. Don't make assumptions, please.
FYI, we are also an anti animal rights board, so please refrain from mentioning AR beliefs here ... :D

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Post by NathanA »

thanks everybody for your replies. Hatterasbob you hit the nail right on the head about my dog. I could probably never get ride of her i'm affraid someone like pixels would get her.
Pixels in the future could you never reply to any of my post you have no idea what you are talking about. Just because you got a dog from the pound it doesn't mean you saved the world. What you need to think about you could have taken some little kids beagle that has ran a deer for days and is about 5 counties over now and the pound picked it up. That dog probably lived on a big farm ran free and was loved by a family, now you have him cramped up in some little apartment. Not to say that is the case but it could be. If you want to learn more about beagles i suggest you just read an learn most people here know what they are talking about and we have hunted with beagles for years. Nobody really wants to fight with you but when you open your big mouth these guys will hammer down on you. So good luck in the future but just remember to keep that mouth shut and you should be fine dog stealer.

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Post by killerkudzu »

for a drunk Bob makes lots of sense! just kidding Bob
but what he says is right let a young guy who doesn't have the money to buy a good female have her and guide him through the breeding process so he can get some dogs that might trial or show which ever he is leaning toward.
Pixels sounds like a tree hugger to me

beerdrinking bob
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Post by beerdrinking bob »

calm down killer just cause i drink dont make me a drunk haha. i was young once and had some older guys hand me down their older dogs or dogs that just didnt fit their pack. i'll never forget them guys that helped me get in to this fine sport.

Lone Pine Beagles
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Post by Lone Pine Beagles »


I've logged onto this site quite often in the last couple years.

I am embarrassed as a beagler that fellow beaglers would behave so poorly. :(

Who cares if beagles make good house pets?
Who cares if someone spays or neuters their beagle?

To each his/her own.

At least she didn't buy a Puggle!!! :)

"can't we all just get along?" ....Rodney King

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Post by whiteriver »

i dont think your dog has much beagle blood in him at all by looking at your pic. I hope u understand by now that most beagles from people on this forum do not end up in pounds .

I would shoot a dog before i would send it to the pound ,and i think most on here would agree.

Mitch Gould
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Post by SouthernBeagles »

Ease up on her yall. She is learning and hasn't been as quick to judge in a few days. We should do the same.
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Post by FetchingPixels »

Whiteriver, that's strange, to me he looks just like a beagle.. And to everyone else here. I always get comments about if he rabbit hunts. And I think he's pretty much beagle, he's 15", so I figured that he was a hunting sized beagle because I thought the show beagles were the 13" but sees as I have a lot to learn. It doesn't matter what he is to me, just that hes taken care of & happy.

You can't shoot a dog here, it's a 5 year felony.

And I've made amends with people I need to through PM. Other then that, I will respect people here in the same manner as they have treated me.

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Post by AlabamaSwamper »

I need some more popcorn for this post.

Southern, how about popping me some loaded with butter. :lol:

Nathan, I was going to answer you question with my opinion, but after your little rant and name calling.....well, I got other important things to do. ;)
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jim horn
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Post by jim horn »

pixie kinda brought everything on herself when she said bring on the nasty posts, she must be sleeping in a motel 6 she,s so smart. the way i see it she let her mockingbird mouth overload her hummingbird a$$

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Post by AlabamaSwamper »

How about this, maybe she just doesn't understand. She is learning and has admitted that several times.

What about helping instead of hammering her.

Well, not that I would expect much else out of some people but luckily, they haven't even posted here yet.

She knows she may have said things out of line but give her a break. OTherwise, you are gonna run off a potential future beagler. If you haven't noticed, we need new folks.
"No stronger bond exist than that between a man and his dog."

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six shooter
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Post by six shooter »

or how about the next time she is sitting on the crapper, thinking how to next run down the beagle world, she rubs some toliet paper on her boobs, it will make them grow you don,t think so look what it did to her a$$

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Post by AlabamaSwamper »

Bev, we have another 5 y/o posting here. :lol:
"No stronger bond exist than that between a man and his dog."

Link to RabbitDawg board. (Old Southernbeagles board)

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Post by gus »

You talking about Pixels or Six Shooter?

Pixels you may be ignorant about beagles, but it appears to me you just want to stir. Surely anyone who can read, with all the written and video information available today, ignorance is no excuse. Hint: Bulletin boards are a great source of intertainment and opinions but you need a grain of knowledge to separate the BS from opinion and fact.

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Post by whiteriver »

well he could be full blooded beagle with his color ,i know it is not a full picture , i was just ggoing off what i see .With no other color than black and white i just thought he looked like he was mixed somewhat. Did not mean to offend u ,does not matter what he is as long as u like him!

i seen a dog an old rabbit hunter had once that was half beagle and half terrier ,probably one of the best gun dogs i have ever seen !!

good luck
Mitch Gould

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