Snake Bites

A general forum for the discussion of hunting with beagles, guns, clothing and other equipment and just talking dawgs! (Tall tales on hunting allowed, but remember, first liar doesn't stand a chance)

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Lynn Perkins
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Location: Pike County Ky

Post by Lynn Perkins »

Prevot-You have to say that compared to the motel you all was going or did stay at outside of elkhorn city that the super 8 is one of those big fancy motels LOL

Alabama John-Don't let Ramey fool you,not only does he dance like Jesco he looks like him also.Now we need to get a few things straight,i want mention names for i believe they'll end up telling on theirselves,so here it goes.

There is a fellua up here that has culled a couple dogs both went on to make champions,one just likes a couple wins being a grand champion.The hound he kept is a good rabbit dog and has done good in a few trials but is still in the open class,now i know he'll say he don't get to go much or something like that but the truth is whether is better half says he can or not.(moral to story)Truth is if he'd run his dogs as much as he runs something else he'd have his hound championed 3 x's by now.He might still be trying to find his manhood :lol: :loser:

Mike smith would you want to do some trading.I know where some pike county property is (the whole area called Marrowbone) the only bad thing about this place is Ramey,he lives slap dab in the middle of it NO way to get away from him,but the county will sell this area CHEAP if interested. :shock:

There is another fellow,he's moved away now(makes pike county a little more attractive)he's pretty good with the lip too.Sad thing is he hasn't been gone that long and to hear him talk you'd never know he was ever from the moutains of kentucky.He losted his slang talk(mojo),real proper now with words and us moutain folk are benneth

All in all this is a great place for hunting,sports,and friends.You are welcome anytime up here,just make sure you get with me first as i don't want you misled(wrong path) by the outlaws around here.
Perkins Runnin & Gunnin Kennel
Producing winners both under the gun and in front of the judge!
HOF Reproducer GRCH/BCH Perkins Run-n-Gun BuzzSaw - He might be gone,but his blood flows on!

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Post by MasonsBeagles »

Ole Jesco. I saw that documentary. The first and second one. I wondered what ever happened to him.

Lynn Perkins
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Post by Lynn Perkins »

He must have moved to marrowbone ky in pike county,changed his name and goes under DRAMEY :biggrin:
Perkins Runnin & Gunnin Kennel
Producing winners both under the gun and in front of the judge!
HOF Reproducer GRCH/BCH Perkins Run-n-Gun BuzzSaw - He might be gone,but his blood flows on!

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Post by MasonsBeagles »

LMAO>>>>>> WOnder if his wife ever started fixing his eggs right. Said he almost killed her for trying to feed him runny eggs.

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Post by MikeSmithWV »

See what I mean..... I'm from Boone Co. and knew nothing about the runny egg thing.

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Post by DRamey »

Very funny, Perkins! Mike, tell your wife about Jesco and the eggs as a warning to make 'em right. I told my wife and ever since my eggs have been exactly the way I want 'em. Of course, now I take great pains to get hers exactly like she likes 'em too. She says that by late summer, she may take over cooking breakfast again, if I keep my opinions about her cooking to myself. Perkins, I don't live in the middle of Marrowbone, actually it's on the lower end, 1.8 miles from rt. 80. By the way, you know why I haven't trialed ths spring, my priorities have had to be shuffled. My kids won't eat Diamond and they sure won't have Ol' Roy! Mike, I join with Lynn and invite you down any time. There is a Gospel Meeting all week long at the Road Creek church of Christ 6 miles on rt. 80/460 west of Elkhorn City. Any local beaglers and non-beaglers alike (God's not particular) are welcome.

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Alabama John
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Post by Alabama John »

Ramey, who's holding it? Might be someone I know.

Guest, its one bottle of equal size of white cider vinegar and one of rubbing alcohol. Mix together and add one bottle of Iodine. At most grocery stores the two bottles are the same size and the Iodine is a smaller one.
Pour in ear and rub and massage ear and side of face keep adding until all is treated. Do both ears. The worse it is the more it wll sting some, but one treatment usually does the trick. It has to be really bad for a second and it should be done in a day or two, not the next day. They wil still shake the head til healed up, but they will be cured, but still raw and sore inside.

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Post by DRamey »

Bama, it was supposed to have been held by Jim Ward, one of the editors of Biblical Insights magazine, but Jim barely got through his last meeting by sitting on a stool because of back trouble. We got Kevin Kay from Johnson City, Tn to stand in for him. Our regular preacher is from Alabama, his name is Glen Young. He has been here for around 8 years now. By the way, guys. All jokes aside, this has been a very informative and interesting discussion, snakebites and mites are things we all have to deal with at one time or another. Bama, would you like to receive the bulletin we put out weekly? Usually has 2-3 articles on Bible subjects. We print hard copies to give out on the Lord's Day and email them as far away as Great Britain. Best wishes to everyone.

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Alabama John
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Post by Alabama John »

Ramey, we know Jim Ward and sure know Glen Young from years ago, fine folks.

Tell them hello fron the Clay congregation. Glen wrote the main article this week for our bulletin the "Clay Tablet". See if he remembers it. "Mules, Grudges and Bitterness".

Tell Glen, our preacher Richard Copeland has liver cancer real bad and is not doing too good most days, but good some days. He probably already knows.

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