Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

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Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Post by HillBeagles »

bigdog wrote:you can bring a 8 week old puppy as long as its not over 15in what part does people not understand. 15in is the rule. not 15 1/4 not 15 1/2 not 15 3/4
I don't think you can consistently come up with any of these measurements. My opinion is there should be a average taken from 3 measurement. Let's say the 3 measurements are taken and you come up with,
( M1=14 3/4 M2=15 M3=15 1/4) M1+M2+M3 =45 /3=15
But that's just my opinion, I will take it how I get it.
Josh Hill

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Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Post by Mo. Beagler 5000 »

HillBeagles wrote:
bigdog wrote:you can bring a 8 week old puppy as long as its not over 15in what part does people not understand. 15in is the rule. not 15 1/4 not 15 1/2 not 15 3/4
I don't think you can consistently come up with any of these measurements. My opinion is there should be a average taken from 3 measurement. Let's say the 3 measurements are taken and you come up with,
( M1=14 3/4 M2=15 M3=15 1/4) M1+M2+M3 =45 /3=15
But that's just my opinion, I will take it how I get it.

That is why in most registries you can have the Master of Hounds also measure your dog if it fails the first time. You can appeal it I think.
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Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Post by begles »

I agree with bigdog, you know your dog is close so do you want to change the rules all the time or run dogs. By the way this is not AKC. Look at rule book it will say NKC

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Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Post by bigdog »

all i am saying if you know your dog is over leave it at home. cause if it is over you should not complain at all if it gets measured out. and if your hound is right at 15in your taking a chance.

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Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Post by powerstroke85 »

begles wrote:I agree with bigdog, you know your dog is close so do you want to change the rules all the time or run dogs. By the way this is not AKC. Look at rule book it will say NKC
your right this isnt ack so why should we follow ack bread standards there is other bread standards out there that allows 16 inch dogs and if your hound measures in that morning y is it to big to run against in finials it isnt the matter who is right or wrong if we all could get together and vote on things to solve alot of these disagrreements i would think that it would solve alot of these problem on how to fix it

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Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Post by begles »

OK so we vote to go to 16 inch dogs, then someone shows up with 16 1/8 dog BACK TO SQUARE ONE
It is the standard they choose to follow and their rules. I don`t have a problem with it as long as everyone goes by the rules.

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Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Post by joekaschak »

I never ran in NKC registry, so I don't really know the rules. AKC has a Beagle Advisory Commitee that can be used to tweak the rules when necessary. Why don't you guys that don't like certain thing about your registries rules contact whatever NKC has and petition for a rules change or to go by the British Kennel Club breed standard? A lot better than just complaining and probably more productive!

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Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Post by powerstroke85 »

begles wrote:OK so we vote to go to 16 inch dogs, then someone shows up with 16 1/8 dog BACK TO SQUARE ONE
It is the standard they choose to follow and their rules. I don`t have a problem with it as long as everyone goes by the rules.
yea your right i cant find any thing in the breed standards that there are 16+ hounds thats where like some one said 3 different measurements by three different people and it measures in that day he should be good to go

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Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Post by HillBeagles »

Take 3 measurements, then take the average of those 3 measurements. When you hear a NCAA announcer say that a college ball player has a 40" vertical, it's because they give the player 3 jumps, then they take the average of those 3. Just because he jumps 43" on one jump does not mean he has a 43" vertical. Consistentcy is the only issue for me, not rules or standards, just consistency.
Josh Hill

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Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Post by hounddog »

I don't think the post really had an issue with the breed standards but more on how the measuring was done.
I for one would hate for my hound that has been measured by a couple different breed inspectors at 143/4 inches tall and then get measured out at the World Hunt because of the differences in measureing a hound. Look at the time, money and everything else that it takes to get a hound qualified for the hunt. Again, too much grey areas in the measureing process.

Jim Umbarger
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Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Post by Smoke'n Mack »

begles wrote:That card is not garenteed, if someone wants your dog measured it will happen. The card is only so you don`t have to measure at time of entry.
I am pretty sure that Bull357 was speaking toward AKC. I may be wrong but if you get a card in AKC, that dog never has to be measured at a hunt again. I believe if the dog "measures out" while trying to get it officially measured, it can never be entered in another hunt (AKC). I'm a newb at this but that's what I've gathered.

They also only measure the dogs that make winner's pack, but I'm sure you guys already knew that.

Marcus Lehotay
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Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Post by Marcus Lehotay »

I am not a trial runner but I run with a lot of guys who are. Running against or with 16 and 17 inch hounds doesn't bother me pleasure running or gunning. I breed dogs that are 14 to 14 1/2 inches. It is just a preference and I figure the breed standard is there for a reason. People are just fooling themselves if they don't think a taller hound has an advantage in open grassy areas. JMO.....

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Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!


Parker7 wrote:This picture was taken at a hunt I went to is this the correct way to measure a dog?
If this pic was taken at an NKC/ARHA field trial, is this an acceptable way to have your hounds measured?

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Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Post by Mo. Beagler 5000 »

Smoke'n Mack wrote:
begles wrote:That card is not garenteed, if someone wants your dog measured it will happen. The card is only so you don`t have to measure at time of entry.
I am pretty sure that Bull357 was speaking toward AKC. I may be wrong but if you get a card in AKC, that dog never has to be measured at a hunt again. I believe if the dog "measures out" while trying to get it officially measured, it can never be entered in another hunt (AKC). I'm a newb at this but that's what I've gathered.

They also only measure the dogs that make winner's pack, but I'm sure you guys already knew that.
That is how UKC does it too.. If you have the card you don't have to measure at all I am pretty sure.
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Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Post by dawg182 »

The dog feed is the problem guys. dogs are getting bigger b/c the feed is full of hormones, just like people growing bigger and developing faster. what are yall gonna do next? put a height limit on people that are too tall? deny them a social security card if they are too big? send them to a third world country? any true promoter of the sport of beagling should never cull a true rabbit dog b/c he or she is too big. it is BLASPHAMY TO DO SO. people who do so are not beaglers, they are 'trialers' like i said earlier heighth rule is the stupidiest rule in beagling. i got a 13 1/2 female that will outrun all my 15 inch dogs. i dont have any over 15" so i am not just defending my own dogs. i compete against bigger dogs and never left a trial sayin 'My dog woulda won if that other dog wasnt so tall...' heighth rule just gives whinners another reason to do what they do best.

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