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Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 8:31 am
by snowshoehareguide
,instead of measuring ,, just use a pipe into the running grounds - if they fit thru, they get in -- i guess will have to be a time limit for the dogs that get stuck --- i have a home here for any great beagles that wont fit - :D

Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 10:01 am
by fulcount
Parker 7 that is Not the proper way to measure a hound
The measurer is looking at the stand and adjusting the dog to it Looks like to me !!!
the dog has been adjusted in the hind quarters .the poser has his hands on the front of the dog Is there no sleeve on the stand?

Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 10:04 am
by fulcount
Parker 7
you cant properly measure a dog unless at the same level as the dog!
one has to know where the actual withers are before setting the stand to the proper height

Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 10:07 am
by fulcount
Also the dog is not in a natural positio n in my opinion
The head is turned the hind quarters are spread to lower the height
the dog will measure higher with the head at that position
in my opinion

Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 10:14 am
by Parker7
I had all five dogs measured that day and none of them were measured correctly. The bottom line here is this, we all have a 15" rule to follow for now. So let's not let our opinions get in the way of the rules. Measure them correctly follow the rules! Nobody likes to be cheated in the field so let's quit the cheating on the measuring stick. It's not a purfect system but we need to make a effort to measure them correct!

Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 10:22 am
by Parker7
By the way my 13 year old son took that pic on his phone, I never knew he had it intill the other night when we were looking at this post. Even at 13 he felt like he was done wrong that day. But I raise him to not complain about the small stuff,but stand up for yourself or your dog when it's needed. Guys we don't make the rules but we need to follow them.

Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 11:11 am
by powerstroke85
Parker7 wrote:Guys we don't make the rules but we need to follow them.
your right we didnt vote on the rules that was changed on measuring i think if every one could vote on the size of dogs and the measuring system on how to fix the system there would be a lot less complaints but theres always going to be the one guy out there

Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 11:30 am
by golden acres
Rules are Rules but who drives 5 over the speed limit just because you know you can get away with it. But at least with the speed limit their is an accurate way to measure. Try measuring a dog three time in a row and see if you can get the same measurement

Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 12:56 pm
by Parker7
Guys keep it real here,their is a lot of over 15" dogs that are being allowed to run because some clubs don't care. Most don't care because they run dogs that are to big also. We all know if it was 16" that it would become a gray area also,then 17" would be next. AKC started the 15" breed standard and all other organizations have stuck with it.
You can breed for size the some way you breed for the style of dog you like. I feel 15" is a rule that's not going anywhere any time soon so for now I'm going to try to stay out of that gray area.
Also their are boards and committees in all organizations if people really want to make a difference. I obviously like the rule the way it is.jmo

Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 3:32 pm
by warddog
What I find truely interesting about all of this is that a registry will put such an emphasis on specific heights but yet not on how that specifc shall be determined. They talk about the dog standing in a natural position with it's front legs well under it not leaning forward or back and to me that sounds like a dog that was stacked on a show bench. IMHO a dog standing proudly on the pads of it's feet with it's legs well under it "IS" a dogs natural position for the body that it has. AKC and UKC beagle breed standard cites ALL the defects and faults but yet go one step further when is describes the height. In judging a dogs adherance to the breed standard(s) the defects or faults are merely demerits when tallied BUT a defect or fault of exceeding 15" is cause for disqualification to the point of stating NO championship points can be awarded. I see NO other defect or fault in any breed standard of this magnitude so that tells me they must have a very specific reason for the seriousness of oversize so why not so serious about how to determine that registry's massive defect or fault? One thing about dogs being stacked everyone would be on the same playing field as stacking one with it's front legs set well under it so that it is standing on the pads of it's feet and measuring to the withers seems to me the natural height of a specifc dog as that would be the totality of the length of it's front legs and the depth of it's body to the withers. I would venture to say that is exactly how they would be measured on a show bench in AKC or UKC but I've never seen one formally measured when showing one.

Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 4:05 pm
by billy
mybeagles wrote:Run dogs clearly within the size limits and you have no worries. Run a borderline or oversize hound and you will always find yourself in the middle of controversy. Same guys always own borderline or oversize hounds and they always feel their getting cheated. Just because an oversize hound measures in one week is not proof that the hound is legal, just means someone didn't do their job. I dont cry when an oversize hound measures in so I wish the guys would stop crying when their oversize hound measures out.

Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 5:36 pm
by dawg182
the good lord knows more about how tall a beagle should be than akc, ukc, or nkc. if you think an oversized dog is not a real beagle u are reading the wrong 'book'

Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 9:23 pm
by HillBeagles
I will keep the one of mine that are to big to measure at home, if you keep the ones of yours thats to ugly to meet show requirements there too. :lol:

Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 12:31 am
by powerstroke85
yea yours are to ugly and small for me to run against :lol: :lol: dog up run the best

Re: Rules on measured dogs needs changed!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 9:22 am
by warddog
I believe that folks seem to forget that the ONLY reason they have an opportunity to compete other than in how many they put in the game pouch is because a registry sets the standards and rules by which they AGREE to abide by when they register and compete their dog in "that specific registry's competitions." There are many ragistries with specific standards, rules and regulations and if one doesn't like the rules for one then they have the choice of electing to compete in another registry's competitions where the rules and regulations are more suited for their specific dogs style and size. When one elects to place their dog into a competition they are doing so at the descrition of that specific registry that is certifying by awarding championship points that the dog won them under the guidelines of ALL the rules and regulations mandated by the specific santioning registry. For me as one who has never triailed a beagle and reading ALL these issues on height and measurements make me wonder if the titles are actually worth the paperwork written on IF not won in a manner where the rules are strictly enforced. That's not to say that a beagle with such a title is NOT a good rabbit dog but what it does make me wonder is if the registry is allowing violations of a strict rule within "THEIR" registry then why have ANY rules to begin with. I have a neighbor down the road that had a little wire haired terrior that could and did run a rabbit as well or better than most beagles I have ever seen. I wished I could have gotten him BUT he was stolen before I got the opportunity and I wouldn't have had a second thought of throwing him down with the best! Was he good enough to obtain championship points, yes would he ever be able to compete in a licensed sanctioned hunt, I doubt that anyone would have allowed a small airdaire looking dog to run in their rabbit dog field trial whether he was ugly or not. He certainly would NOT have met any of the lessor non disqualifying rules BUT would have meet the major one for size as he definately was under 15" and could consistently jump, run and circle a rabbit with or without company.