what would you guys do

A general forum for the discussion of hunting with beagles, guns, clothing and other equipment and just talking dawgs! (Tall tales on hunting allowed, but remember, first liar doesn't stand a chance)

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Greg H
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Location: Topeka, IN

Post by Greg H »

Tony I almost had the same thing happen to me last week. I was out runnin 2 young males. Neither one of these hammerheads wants to honor each other so I ended up with a split. So I manuver to intercept one while trying to keep the other one within ear shot. I was running on some old RR tracks in an industrial park so it was hard to do with the building and fences. Any way I get the first dog caught and on a lead when all of the sudden I can't hear my other dog and he isn't coming in, which is really uncommon for this dog. So I get in my truck and start driving thru the park looking between buildings and in parking lots. Don't ya know that someone working second shift had caught this dog off of a rabbit while they were on break and put him in their car so that they could take him to the pound the next morning. I was livid. After I had pointed out that my dogs have tags with proper info on their collars I explained to this nimrod that had he not interferred this dog would have been back in his kennel 2 hours ago, had a nice snack and would be sleeping. I then thanked him for trying to help, offered him some money for his efforts and took my dogs home.

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Post by bluegrass »

Thats the way I felt also, my hound wasnt dropped off or cast aside, she was just lost and would have found us, or we would have found her and she would have been fine. Someone that drops off a hound on purpose doesnt leave a collar with their name, address and phone number on it :roll: ....Tony

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Chuck Terry
Posts: 621
Joined: Sat Jul 27, 2002 9:26 pm

Post by Chuck Terry »

What a thread! I have not seen one like this since the Mag38num days - LOL! Welcome to the board FetchingPixels!

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