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Running pen question

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 12:49 am
by mybeagles
Planning to build an 80 acre enclosure. What are the pro's / con's to burying the fence approximately 6" versus having an apron. Likely going with a 17 guage vinyl coated wire. My thought is not bending the wire 90 degrees would be less stressful on the wire, wouldn't have to cover the apron and try to get it to lay flat.

Some of the recommendations I plan to implement is 4-5 strands of high tension wire, hot wire on top. Tension wire through 1/4" hole in t-post.

I welcome any and all suggestions. Seems if you ask 10 people you get 10 different answers.

Re: Running pen question

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 7:59 am
by BCBeagles

I had someone build our pen, we did not build it, but they buried the wire after trenching the ground all around the pen first.

Then back filled, may take more time, but it looks fantastic and should hold up very wire stress..and the predators don't have much shot of getting in.

We have a hot wire about 18 inches or thereabout on the outside and a hot on the post tops....seems as if the predators don't even walk the fence like I thought they would...see very few tracks.

I bought the heavy wire thru Byrne Fencing....that was fine. I can send you some pics at some point if you like on how we did the gates and such.

It is a big undertaking, but you will enjoy it.

Re: Running pen question

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 11:29 am
by Tim G
Try hog slat . Com on they wire they're the cheapest I have found and they could be one close to u. I found joe Clark some with in 30 minutes of his house

Re: Running pen question

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 11:52 am
by mybeagles
Thanks for replies. I would like to see some picks Jim. When you say heavy I assume you mean the 17g coated?

Re: Running pen question

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 12:19 pm
by BCBeagles
yes...what is your cell number....I will get you pics....take care!

Re: Running pen question

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 1:31 pm
by mybeagles
Jim, I'm in Germany till mid July. If you can send in pm that would be great, if not I will get you my number when I get it or email to

Re: Running pen question

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 3:13 pm
by BCBeagles
I can email what I have now and get more the next time we run....take care!

Re: Running pen question

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 3:35 pm
by BCBeagles
Emailed you 4 pics...will get more with detail next time.....take care.

Re: Running pen question

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 5:31 pm
by BMBeagles
Im planning on putting up a 1.0 puppy pen . How far apart are you guys putting your fence posts ???

Re: Running pen question

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 9:26 pm
by BCBeagles
I believe they usually do about 15 ft between...that is about what the ones at our pen are.

Re: Running pen question

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 9:42 pm
by S.R.Patch
How much does a beagle club pay to use a running pen?
Trying to figure the investment/return cost.

Re: Running pen question

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 5:48 am
by mybeagles
SR Patch,

For my 80-100 acre pen.

$200,000 land
$25,000. Fence/posts etc
$25,000. Tractor
$6,000. Annual taxes
$1,000. Annual for trees, seed, etc

The thrill of getting home from work, cutting lose my dogs and letting them run until I feel like quitting in the safety and security of a private enclosure......PRICELESS

Everyone is going to spend their money somehow. Some need to always be driving a new vehicle, some need a mansion to live in, some just want whatever is fashionable. Some love to travel. Some even choose to avoid hard work and live with very little. I've been saving for this opportunity for 30 years....ask me in a couple years and I will tell you if it was worth it. I've talked with 8-10 guys that built their own running pens and without exception they all would do it again. I love to hunt as much as anyone but local governments are shortening the hunting seasons with regularity. I expect this project will serve me well till I leave this earth. Hope to also use it to meet new people and make new friendships. Is it a wise investment...I guess that depends who you ask?

Re: Running pen question

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 8:25 am
by Tim G
Mybeagles it is priceless the best money I ever spent is on my running pen. The down side is you will get more friends than u need lol

Re: Running pen question

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 8:55 am
by mybeagles

I'm sure they will beat down my door to cut brush and pound stakes. :bash:

I have pretty abrasive personality....anyone that sticks around me very long has thick skin and doesn't think their dogs walk on water. If they can put up with my bluntness I'll do them right.

Re: Running pen question

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 9:39 am
by Swampman
You may come across that way once in a while on these boards, but you've never been that way in person when I've been around you.
You're easy to put up with as long as you have Acorn and Walnut with you! ;)