Run to catch

A general forum for the discussion of hunting with beagles, guns, clothing and other equipment and just talking dawgs! (Tall tales on hunting allowed, but remember, first liar doesn't stand a chance)

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Shady Grove Beagles
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Re: Run to catch

Post by Shady Grove Beagles »

Hey Rowdy
No I didn't get up there this year.I usually go north for a couple of weeks of hare hunting every other year and on the off years another good friend of mine from New Hampshire comes down for a week of hunting with me.He'll be here next week and we've got a couple of days of hunting with a friend in Kentucky,then a day hunt with a mutual friend in middle Tn.May try and fit in a swamp rabbit hunt too.
I love going north to run hare but it's a 20 hour ride from here to where we hunt and the same distance going home.....LOL. At this stage of the game [retired and fixed income ] cost is always a factor so.....
I know Dan spent a week up at his camp in Vermont's northeast Kingdom and said that the dogs showed out good.
How was your time on Drummond?
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Re: Run to catch

Post by northernhare »

We're up here in Maine now my 3 y/o female ran a hare down! Last last year her female litter mate ran one down and caught it!
Run to catch!!!

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Re: Run to catch

Post by Swampman »

Overall, we had a good week.
It started out with temps 70 degrees the first few days then cooled down.

It was also a little somber because Chuck's 19 year old grandson lost his life in a work accident a month prior, and this was going to be his first week long trip with us on the Island.
We had a little dedication to him which choked us up a bit, toasted him with our first beer and remembered how he touched all who knew him.

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Re: Run to catch

Post by Shady Grove Beagles »

My good friend Bob Ferranti is down from New Hampshire with his beagles and we are enjoying a week of hunting.
Had super running most all day yesterday.Hunting on a big refuge with hundreds of acres of corn and lots of good cover.
My son Zack was hunting with us and he got two,Bob shot two and I shot one and we missed a couple of others.And the dogs ran down and caught one which we didn't have to bring home and clean!

Ran again today.Again had some really good running.We were running on another refuge where we couldn't gun,just run.All six dogs were burning them up and was awful pleased with my 9 month old female and what she was showing.
Had a 45 minute burner of a run going and the dogs ran down and caught ANOTHER one! This pack of dogs are in the zone.
Home of a true hunting beagle that run to catch

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Re: Run to catch

Post by Shady Grove Beagles »

Our gun season for rabbits is open but even so there's plenty of times during season when I'll leave the shotgun home.
Sometimes it's because I just don't feel like toting it,other times cause I just don't want to kill rabbits out of the place I'm going to or like today--a small piece of ground within the city limits where you can't discharge a firearm. A small 10 acre running spot but holds the rabbits and a good place to solo or brace the beagles.
Was running 5 year old Tess and her 9 month old pup Queenie. Had two outstanding runs where both dogs were looking and sounding sweet and kept their game circling.
On the third rabbit they had been pushing pretty hard and it was sounding as if the pup was carrying the front and really spitting them out.I heard the squeel and knew that they'd caught him.I headed in to them and to my surprise here comes Queenie with the rabbit in her mouth and brought it right to me!
Our small game season has been open for less than 3 weeks and my dogs have run down and caught more rabbits this fall than we've shot.
All I can say is when they are on ,they are on.
Home of a true hunting beagle that run to catch

Shady Grove Beagles
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Re: Run to catch

Post by Shady Grove Beagles »

Here's a pic. of my 9 month old "run to catch" female Shady Grove's Samurai Queen.
Queenie has been in on 5 of the 7 rabbits my dogs have run down and caught this Fall.
Making a nice young rabbit dog that appears will have all the tools.Hearing similar things from guys that have her litter mates.Always gratifying when you raise a litter of pups.
Shady Grove's Samurai Queen.jpg
Shady Grove's Samurai Queen.jpg (121.15 KiB) Viewed 621395 times
Last edited by Shady Grove Beagles on Wed May 20, 2020 7:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Home of a true hunting beagle that run to catch

Hurricane Creek
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Re: Run to catch

Post by Hurricane Creek »

Nice looking hound Dana... A big girl. Wish you still had Bomber, but I know your happy with your girls :)

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Re: Run to catch

Post by Shady Grove Beagles »

Thanks Ed. Yes she is a big girl,close to a full 15".
In some ways I do miss Bomber as I had him from a pup and he is a good dog in the kennel and in the field.
I don't like keeping a mixed sex kennel and dealing with that hassel and I like the personality of my girls better.
I know where he is and can breed to him anytime I want as long as he's alive.
Take Care
Home of a true hunting beagle that run to catch

Shady Grove Beagles
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Re: Run to catch

Post by Shady Grove Beagles »

Got some sad news yesterday from my buddy Jonah Staten in Ohio.
Staten's Blue Samurai passed away at 10 years old.Had the opportunity to run with Sam half a dozen times and he was the real deal.
I've owned a male out of Sam and currently have a daughter of his and a grand daughter out of his son that I like very well.
Ran the four girls this afternoon.Ran the first one 20 minutes and they put him in a rock ledge.Second rabbit up was a runner and they pounded on him for 1hr. and 10 minutes.They were "running to catch" and they did!
In all honesty,I've never had a pack run down and catch as many full grown rabbits as these 4 females have this fall.
Either I've got a crop of really slow/ dumb rabbits this year or these girls are peaking!
Home of a true hunting beagle that run to catch

Shady Grove Beagles
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Re: Run to catch

Post by Shady Grove Beagles »

Had a real good hunt with Ronnie Farley over in Dunlap,Tn. in the Sequatchie Valley.
Ronnie's got a couple hundred acres of private land to run on and it's just a super running spot. Lots of rabbits ,great combination of cover and some rolling hills where you could see a lot of the races.
We put down seven dogs.Two of them were 11 month old litter mates [a male and a female] out of a cross I'd made.I was really looking forward to seeing Ronnie's male go.
The running was pretty much pedal to the metal for the next five hours.These cotton tails were covering ground more like a hare.We had several runs of an hour or better.
The last run was a pounder and they ran him down and caught him.
Very pleased with both the young dogs performance.They are proving to be tough.
We weren't carrying any shotguns as this is Ronnie and his son's running spot and they just as soon keep the population.I agree as what a spot!
Thanks Ronnie for a great day with the hounds------ and lunch!
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Re: Run to catch

Post by Rabbithoundjb »

The results are looking good for your cross Dana. I am really impressed with Dan, he is getting some jumps, getting some checks and really drives out nice when he gets the check. He is clean with his mouth and very smart. Maybe the best Male I have had at his age. Well on his way to making a nice rabbit dog.

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Re: Run to catch

Post by Shady Grove Beagles »

Here's a pic of Ronnie Farley's young Rooster dog.Litter mate to my Queen female out of Shady Grove's Bombay Slam x Shady Grove's Tn. High Test.
Eleven months old and runs with a "run to catch" attitude and appears to have the tools to get it done.
Rooster.jpg (100.48 KiB) Viewed 620937 times
Home of a true hunting beagle that run to catch

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Re: Run to catch

Post by Rabbit/Hareman123 »

He a looker shady...he has nice big pads to stand on a well.

Shady Grove Beagles
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Re: Run to catch

Post by Shady Grove Beagles »

Had the four girls out yesterday.Don't think the rabbits are breeding here yet but they ran like they were.Had some long,hard, sustained running.
They locked on and that cotton tail was as game as any for over an hour--- I've got to call Okie Dog Supply for more tape worm pills.
And now you know the rest of the story.
Home of a true hunting beagle that run to catch

Shady Grove Beagles
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Re: Run to catch

Post by Shady Grove Beagles »

Some days it's just hard to figure.You think the running is going to be great.You think the scenting should be perfect and the dogs ought to really roll on a day like this--- and it doesn't happen.They struggle and look terrible.
Then you get a day like today.Warmest day we've had in two months,cloudy overcast and wind blowing like crazy and it almost feels like tornado weather.Plus it's late in the afternoon.
I didn't think it would pan out to be much and wondered if we'd even get a rabbit up but just had the urge to get the dogs out.My wife who has only gone out with me and the dogs probably 3-4 times in our thirty year marriage said she'd go with me.Surprise !!!
Didn't even bother to take the shot gun with me and as it turned out didn't need to.Neither of these rabbits has a pellet in them!
First rabbit up ran big circles from the thickets to the woods and we saw him several times.The four females were putting it on him hard and 45 minutes was all he could stand and they caught him.My year old Queenie brought him out of the briers to me.
Second rabbit was jumped in the thick stuff and ran circles there until the pressure got to be too much and then took them almost out of hearing through the woods to another field and back.Repeated this several times over the next hour.Last time he tried it I watched them run him down and make the catch.
Third rabbit was a repeat of the first two races and I couldn't believe they were locked on and driving like they were.They put this rabbit in a farmer's hay barn after 40 minutes of high flying running.I believe they were fixin to catch this one too if he hadn't made the barn.
What made be proud was they weren't cheating to catch these rabbits but were doing it right.Accurate with speed and relentless pressure.
You go girls!
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DSC02408 (676 x 507).jpg (130.36 KiB) Viewed 620704 times
Home of a true hunting beagle that run to catch

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