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AKC Field Champion, you should be proud

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 6:26 am
by Eva's Beagles
I have always wondered why, when I am reading the results of trials in the beagle books, dogs that I know are FC's do not have the title in front of their names. I just recieved my October Better Beagling magazine. It was full of results. I seen alot of dogs placing that I know are FC's, but it is not listed that way. Doesn't the name of the dog change for good when it becomes titled? Are people afraid others will "talk" if they run their FC's against non FC's. I know one thing, when I breed and raise my first AKC field champion, the title will be on there anywhere I write the dogs name down, for all to see. It is definately something to be proud of, Brian.

Re: AKC Field Champion, you should be proud

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 12:39 pm
by chapkosbeagles
i agree 100 percent why not show what you have it is somthing to be proud of

Re: AKC Field Champion, you should be proud

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 3:29 pm
by Anderson Upland Beagles
chapkosbeagles wrote:i agree 100 percent why not show what you have it is somthing to be proud of
I fell the same way be proud you and the dog went threw a lot to be there and make it congrats

Re: AKC Field Champion, you should be proud

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 4:22 pm
by Boomerx
Since I record the results of every LPH beagle trial in Canada, I see this a lot. It irks me even more to see the other shortcuts these owners take when filling out the entry forms for their hounds. They often print Heli-Prop instead of IFC Branko's Heli-Prop and expect the club secretary to guess whether the hound has titles or not when he/she is sending results in. To me, it shows a lack of respect for the hounds that produced their own hound. Terry McBride

Re: AKC Field Champion, you should be proud

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 4:45 pm
by K.C.'s Beagles
I'll tell you what, when my select sire becomes a FC everyone in God's creation will know it!! The dog needs to be recognized for what he/she has accomplished. (plus, it will feel great as the owner :D ) KC

Re: AKC Field Champion, you should be proud

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 4:50 pm
by rabbitearl
Lets say you have a FC and you got alot of money tie up in this dog.You want to sell pups and breeden servise on this dog.You already prove the dog can run a rabbit so why keep running in trials and letting them 200 dollors dogs that will have a good day or the judge being in the right place at the right time and the only thing he can see is the 200 dollor dogs and not the FC that you got so much money tie up in, and lose.Now who do you want to buy pups from.I never had one but if I did I prove the dog can run one.I for one has alway put down some FC dogs but I know there are some outstanded ones out there.I know of a man that has pay alot of money for FC dogs.10 to 12 thousand for one dog.I do 20 trials a year at the club and someone ask why come he want run them Fc in the trial.Do you think he wants a 200 dollor beaten his 12 thousand dollors dog.There alway two way to look at things.

Re: AKC Field Champion, you should be proud

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 6:50 pm
by awful bawlin
Someday me and Boomer gonna get to the same page. There is no such thing as an IFC. The AKC does not recognize an FTCH which is the CKC recognition for a field trial champion. The CKC does not recognize the FC that the AKC use as their prefix for a champion.Lots of schools of thought bout whether or not ya should run champions.The champ cant win every time down as the events are competative and the areas and game are different most times. The other thing that I find is that there are not an infinite number of trials in a dog and thus its the owners choice. The title I agree should be affixed to the paperwork but
sometimes I am embarrassed about running a champ.I feel its hard enough to make one so give another dog a chance and thus I run em rarely. The boys in Newfoundland think conversly and say run the best ya got and so they do. It is something to be proud of tho and generally expensive especially with the fuel prices and the lack of numbers presently. Congrats to all that got em and feed what ya love. L&S monk

Re: AKC Field Champion, you should be proud

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:28 pm
by Eva's Beagles
I think I can see where everyone is coming from.

Rabbitearl, I believe every dog can be beat on any given day. If I paid that much for a hound and he gets beat, I guess I could afford to buy the hound that beat him. I still wouldn't enter my FC and pretend he wasn't one.

Boomerx, I know exactly what you mean. Half the time the dogs placing, in the results, their sire and dam are not listed as FC's, when everyone knows they are. I believe the article Allen Slocum wrote last month about the measuring had a comment about people filling out the entry at the club and it not being legible, that could be part of the problem. More than likely people are just in a hurry.

awful bawlin, better yet, since IFC doesn't exist, I would be entering my dog as AKC FC, CKC FTC, Eva's so and so, even a longer title. Have you ever seen the title on Sundown Tess? She won the UKC hunting beagle world hunt, the UKC performance pack world hunt, is a UKC GRHBCH and I believe a Performance Pack GRCH. You can bet when they write her name down it is all on there. I would not be embarrassed to run a FC with other dogs, how can you feel bad, you have a field champion, you want to run, and there are not enough FC only trials out there, you should have a good measuring stick for the other dogs.

It looks like the champion of champion trials are picking up, maybe AKC should look at some form of Grand champion.

Bottom line, give the dogs their due, they earned it, nothing wrong with letting everyone know. Even if you bought the dog as a field champion and have no time in it, it's not about you, it's about the dog. Brian.

Re: AKC Field Champion, you should be proud

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 9:03 pm
by rabbitearl
I understand Brian but there alot of young rabbits hunter that thinks a FC cannot be beat no matter what.I used to think the sameway until I seen one run.I never went to trials and heard of FC dogs.I though these dogs well A rabbit would not have a chance.There alot of people still would not buy the dog if its not reg if it beat the Fc.Would you enter the FC if it a non lic trial like we do.Don t matter if it reg or not.A man can bring 4 bulldogs if he want to if they can run a rabbit as good as a beagle I want to see it.But all the trials I v ever had never seen nothing but a beagle.

Re: AKC Field Champion, you should be proud

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 9:41 pm
by jmdown
eva's beagles..i agree with what you say Brain. in UKC and NKC the bench title can also be added.. makes for a long introduction. it is an accomplishment that one should be proud to acknowledge.