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Snake Bites

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 2:34 pm
by hotdog
Is Turpin Tine good to use?I've been told that if you pour it on the bite in about an hour you couldn't even tell they have been bit.What do you guys think?


Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 4:43 pm
by bob huffman
Not only won't you be able to tell you were bit, you won't be able to tell time or order dinner cuz you'll be dead. Just a guess!!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 4:57 pm
by hotdog
Sorry about that I mean if your dog got bit.I wasn't talking about myself.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 5:41 pm
by guest 1
Since you posted on just talkin dogs its pretty clear but there is always one in the bunch. Now I would also like to know about this alot of old timers say that it is the best for snake bites on DOGS I have not used it but always open for a goog fix.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 6:24 pm
by DG TX
hotdog, I think Ol' Bob was referring to you OR your hound... :lol: I would not trust the value of a good hound these day to a turpentined rag :cry:

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 7:06 pm
by hotdog
If it was me that got snake bit,I think I would have enough brains to go to a doctor :bash: .What I want to know has anyone heard of this being used on a dog that has been bit,I had a guy tell me that last fall his dog got bit and he put turpin tine on it,and about an hour later you couldn't even tell that it had been bit.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 9:34 pm
by Alabama John
Hot dog, there are a lot of home remedies and that is one that is used around here. Folks usually pour a lot of kitchen grease down the dogs throat also.
I think those two are the most popular.

After over 55 years of runing dogs, I have only seen one die of snake bite (a Black and Tan Coon dog) and we have had two bit already of my friends this year.
I have never seen a person die from it either. Looks ugly though, but didn't die. I know several that have been bitten including me and survived just fine.

Had one old man back into a bush beside the river that had a big moccasin in it and got bitten on the shoulder blade and we hunted the rest of the night but he was getting sick by day light.


Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 9:48 pm
by bob huffman
Thanks DG TX!! What you have is a flase correlation and is the way wives tales and home remedies get started.. No doubt some home remedies are good for some things and I have used a lot of stuff on racehorses that you can find in the cupboard BUT---- Fact is that if you do nothing to most snakebites you will not die or your dog. Most bites do not inject enough poison to kill man or dog depending on the snake.. That is why if you pour turp on it and you or your dog end up OK, it wasn't the turp that did it. I woke up with a headache today and it rained a little but that don't mean that everytime I wake up ith a headache it is going to rain. People sit in a draft and 2 days later they catch a cold so therefore the draft caused the cold. They forget that millions of people sit in drafts everyday and don't catch cold. In scientific terms this is called a false correlation. This the same wives tale about shocking a snake bite, which in fact can make the bite worse. They calimed that the shock would polarize the molecules in the poison and rearrange them into a harmless solution. NOT SO!!!! Old So and SO shocked his dog and it got over the snake bite OK so therefore the shock cured the bite!! NOT SO!!! Very few poisonous snake bites result in death whether man or dog. The real question you should ask yourself is should I risk the odds of being bitten by the one that results in death or do I play it safe and try to get proffesional help for me or my dog?

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 9:59 am
by hotdog
Listen professor Huffman,all asked was a simple question if anyone had heard of this being used for snake bites.


Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 10:05 am
by bob huffman
Your welcome.


Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 10:15 am
by bob huffman
The intent is to answer all the questions that weren't asked. Before you know it we will be going thru the shock thing again which was a fiasco. If you don't like the answer, don't ask the question. You are not the only one getting info from your question. What did you want me to say instead of what I said. I could have said that YES I have heard of putting turp on a snake bite. That answer would be true and also misleading. One thing I have learned on the boards is to make yourself completely clear which I did for your benifit and others. This is the way you thank people that try to help you? Tell me what about the answer you didn't like. Could it be the fact that you might be wrong? Don't feel alone.

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:06 am
by Guest

Do you believe in "Alternative medicine" what about "Holistic Healing" check out this website.

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 11:09 am
by BJK
Sorry, I wasn't logged in. Check out this website also and this one and this one

Let me know what you think. There are more available if needed


Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 1:28 pm
by hotdog
Bob how do you know that i'm wrong,when you don't even know if you are right that it won't work. :dunce:


Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 1:42 pm
by bob huffman
When you talk about events that might lead to death, I believe it is OK to be more complete in the answer. If we were talking about bawl mouth or chop mouth, that would be a differant story. It so happens that there is a lot of misinformation about snake bites and that is the reason for my answer. If we could get the bad info to die we would be doing something good. Its not important if I believe in it. Whats important is does the snake believe in it. Let me tell you a little story about alternative med. I know a girl with aids. 10 years ago she was failing fast and her bro was a chiropractor in denver. he convinced her that he had things that could make her better.. He started feeding her sheep pancreas and all kinds of other stuff. She slowly got worse and worse. One day I finally convinced her that her bro was full of crap and to go the univ of Iowa and get in one of their experimental programs. She has now had aids for 15 years and is healthy. Her viral count is low low and they tell her in Iowa city that she is the poster child for aids. I believe in the scientific method which contains strict rules and laws when looking for answers. About half of all drugs come from natural sources so home remedies are in a way part of that. Aspirin comes from the willow tree etc. I believe in using whatever works whether home remedy or voodoo as long as it has been shown by the scientific method that it works. I have cured bad legged horses with nothing more than a bread wrapper and understand where you are coming from. I didn't see anything on your websites about snake bite. I can tell you that there are many web sites touting the use of electric shock for snake bites. There are all kinds of tesimonials saying it works. It simply does not work and is a false correlation just like I talked about. Here is a truth. People that eat frosted flakes have a lower rate of cancer than people that eat shredded wheat. This has been shown to be conclusively true in research studies. Is there a direct correlation between cancer and frosted flakes? Are you going to start eating frosted flakes to lower your risk of cancer??? Let me know.