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Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 2:03 pm
by Indiana Brian
WARNING!!!! I just got off the phone with my vet. My female is VERY sick (swollen eyes and ears, fever, shaking, hiding under bed, vomiting, not eating. They were asking a bunch of questions and one was "have I medicated or treated her for anything?" I initially said no, then I remembered the Hartz Plus that I ran down her back last Saturday afternoon. Vet said "yep, that's probably it". He said that the stuff is pure poison, and while some dogs/cats do fine with it, some will have a reaction. He said he has even seen em come in with convultions. So, I am leaving work to go home and pull my sick dog out from under my bed so I can take her to the Vet. Be careful what you give/put on your dogs friends. *Brian*


Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 2:13 pm
by Big Dog
I had 2 dogs have an allergic reaction to hartz last year. They got really weak and acted like they were drunk. They both staggered all over the place. After spending about 400.00 they figured out that it was the hartz flea/tick repellent. I no longer use it. It has been known to cause allergic reactions in some dogs and cats and has even caused death in some.

Big Dog

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 8:27 pm
by DarrinG
Two words.......SEVIN DUST!!!!!!!!!

Used it for years, no side effects and excellent results.

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 8:57 pm
I agree with Darin ,put it in their dog houses and in your truck boxes and on them and you wont have any problems .

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 9:21 pm
by Brewer
I was also told to try this. How often do you have to use it in the houses and how often do you put it on the dogs? Thanks, Ryan

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 10:04 pm
by DarrinG
Brewer, Just dust the dogs down (dont get it in their eyes), rubbing the hair against the grain to get the dust down into the hair. Just a light coating will suffice. I do this around once a month depending on how bad the ticks etc are in a given year. I also sprinkle the dox boxes with a light coating. The dust that comes off the dogs during the day, when they go into their boxes at night and lie down, the dust gets right back on them.

I have never had a bad experience using Sevin Dust. I use the 5%. I even got a 8 week old pup once that was covered in fleas and also had some dog lice as bad as I have ever seen on a young pup and I coated that little feller every day heavily in Sevin Dust to rid the parasites off him. He was miserable, scratching constantly so I laid it to him...he had a bad case of fleas too. Within a couple of days, you could rake his coat and other than a few dead fleas falling out, there were no more. Now I would not recommend using Sevin Dust on such a young pup, but I had to do something with this one so I did. He never skipped a beat and it had no ill effects on him. :D

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 10:20 pm
by Robert W. Mccoy Jr
I agree with the 7 dust.

I also just found out a cool trick.

I was talking with Terry Sudduth from Mississippi and he was telling me how cattle tags will repel/kill ticks.

I had him bring me up a bag and we put them on our dogs before the Indiana State hunt. Man do they work.

I cannot tell you how many dead ticks fell off my dogs after I got home.

That place was loaded with ticks.

Sick Beagle

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 7:56 am
by Indiana Brian
Thanks for the suggestion about Seven Dust. Where do you all buy this?
I will certainly try it if I can find it.
I'm getting ready to send Hartz a letter and demand reimbursment for the vet bills.
I took the female to the vet yesterday evening. He gave her two shots of Antihistamine (sp?) and we take her back this afternoon for two more. I checked on her this morning and she is Much improved. Please folks, be careful with what you put on your pets. The vet told us that they have had MANY animals who died because of poisoning, and he pointed out that Hartz has been contacted by the American Veterinary Association about their concerns with their product. Of course, they assert that only 8 percent of animals treated with their product have any kind of reaction at all, and of that 8 percent only a very small percentage become sick. He (the vet) says the stuff is junk, and he even told my wife and I that of all the product they sell, he pushes their professional flea/tick gaurd the most. Unfortunately, most folks (myself included until now) think they are just trying to make some money, so they do what I to Wal-Mart and get a cheaper brand. I for one will NEVER put that crap on my dogs again. And to think I almost put it on our three pups........ Brian.

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 9:21 am
by Clyde Gott
Brian you can find Seven Dust in the the lawn and garden section at many retailers. I buy mine at Wal-Mart.

Good luck,

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 9:32 am
by Guest
Thanks Clyde....I'll be checking at our new Super Wal-Mart for it. Brian

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 9:47 am
by Steve C.
Count me out from recommending Sevin for use on dogs. This rather harsh poison works against the nervous system of the parasites it destroys and in some cases can be lethal or cause paralysis in dogs. I know a lot of folks who use it with no trouble but all it takes is one bad reaction to possibly lose a hound. No thanks. Ivermectin keeps most dogs flea-free and there are safe tick medications readily available. Sevin was never approved for use on pets and has very specific applications for use on any food products. Use at your own risk.

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 10:31 am
by beaglehandler
I read once that if you fill your dog houses with cedar shavings it will eliminate flee's and ticks. One of my dogs had a bad reaction to frontline the other day and will never use another product on my dogs. With the cedar shavings I have found that my dogs do not have flees or ticks and they smell good also. I use Sevin dust on my garden and read the package and it states for use on pets follow these directions. I quess it is each his own.

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 11:32 am
by Beagleman973
I use cedar and it does help, but will not eliminate them. I treat the ground of my kennels with 20 Team Borax, on recommendation from my vet. It serves several purposes, it kills and repels fleas, also kills whip worm eggs and other types of parasitic eggs.

I also use front line, have never had any bad results. I only treat every three months to avoid toxicity build up. When compared to the bad things fleas can create for dogs, it's, at least to me, a good tradeoff. Anything you use has a toxicity problem, otherwise it wouldn't kill fleas. Also if you read on the back of Seven Dust, it does, or at least used to, be recommended for dogs and cats.

Finally, think about this. Do you use off or repel...that can also be absorbed through the skin and overuse can result in toxicity reactions. Just food for thought!


Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 11:35 am
by James Carman
If a dog ate 5 bags of sevin dust a day for a week it might kill him. The little amount that you put on the animal will not affect him. At least that is my experience. I have not had good luck with cedar shavings keeping fleas off a dog. They do smell better.

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 12:17 pm
by Boomer
"Also if you read on the back of Seven Dust, it does, or at least used to, be recommended for dogs and cats."

Beagleman, if you read the labels on the Hartz stuff, it's also recommended for dogs and cats!

I've heard about a lot of reactions to the Hartz stuff, but it turns-out most reactions are due to a dog or cat licking the application spot on themself or on another animal. I tried using their flea collars once, and it didn't do a thing. I don't think the Hartz products are worth much.

Frontline (from the vet) works great, and we've never had any problems with reactions. But you have to make sure they don't lick it off of each other, just as with the Hartz stuff.