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Too Young to Run??

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 12:34 pm
by bucks better beagles
I have always started my pups as soon as they are big enough to go. I call it "being raised in the bush". I have 2 four month old pups that I just put in the wild 3 days ago. Both of them are going and one of them has opened with the big dogs. I use my GPS to follow them and they are staying right in the bunch. A friend of mine (though quite less experienced), told me I was raising "me tooers". These pups will be run 7 days a week for the rest of their lives or until one of them doesn't make the cut. I love raising pups in the winter because there are less distractions out there for them. By the time they are 6 months old, they have a good grasp of what is going on and the quality wills out.

It is pretty funny to see these little guys with shock collars and tracking collars on them but, they seem to love it. These are Michigan hare hounds and they are from the best blood I know of. I will have 4 of them doing this in just a few days.

Sooo, what do you think? I figure the quality will come out no matter what. It has always worked before and "me tooers" don't last long here.

These pups have been run with some pretty tough dogs and in front of witnesses so I hope "St. John" chimes in.

Re: Too Young to Run??

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 12:49 pm
by littlewoody
Whats the bloodline on those pups buck?

Re: Too Young to Run??

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 1:04 pm
by bucks better beagles
Littlewoody: The bloodline is a couple of backyard world beaters. My Ghost dog and John Babbits Abby dog. Pretty good pedigrees behind those two but I judge the dog not the pedigree.

Re: Too Young to Run??

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 1:27 pm
by Casey Harner
I believe that there is always a 50/50 chance that young pup will make into a good dog. I think the ones who do make the cut has a more burning desire inside them than the other. I think me tooers are born that way and others aren't . I agree more and more with Mr. Mcguire that the cream rises to the top. I still think think solo time is important but if they can't handle the pressure then solo won't cure anything.

Re: Too Young to Run??

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 1:27 pm
by littlewoody
bucks better beagles wrote:Littlewoody: The bloodline is a couple of backyard world beaters. My Ghost dog and John Babbits Abby dog. Pretty good pedigrees behind those two but I judge the dog not the pedigree.
I knew I wouldn't get a straight answer from you. I hope your feeling better . :D

Re: Too Young to Run??

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 5:41 pm
by wireman252
Well like they say , if it aint broke, don't fix it. This way of raising pups has worked for Buck with many other dogs and my Abby bitch (the dam of said pups) was also started this way. In fact it has worked for a couple dogs that Buck is still running today. And Buck won't keep a dog that doesn't some how contribute in a race.No quitters , me too'ers , or culls allowed to stay and eat in his kennel. As for the pups going and one opening up , I witnessed this myself and am very pleased. Seeing how I have 2 males at my house (one of which is mine , the other Buck's pick of liter) . This is something you hope to see out of a hopeful cross. Both parents have very good hunt , good foot , and tons of nerve with desire and no quit in either one.They just know how to find and run a rabbit. Looking forward to working with this cross.

Re: Too Young to Run??

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:05 pm
by lebro
i think this is the proper way to raise pups and teach them to run in a pack. if they need to be babied or soloed to make a dog i dont want them. it amazes me that some people think that if you always run in a pack you can not tell the me tooers from the real dogs. buck i wish you lived closer to ky so we could get together and run , talk dogs and im sure disagree on some things and then get over it. good luck with the pups. :bigsmile:

Re: Too Young to Run??

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:42 pm
by augerhead
John, Are your pups going thru the same training? I am a believer, cream will come to the top but I think they should get a square shake. This pups are maybe 11'' 4months old running fox with the ghost train, a little much I think. All I am saying is that there is no way this pups at that age and size are doing anything but following the train. Maybe it won't hurt them they seem to be real nervie pups but I can't see a real big advantage to it. I have in my opinion ruined some young dogs running there butts off with my home dog it just seemed they learned if they wanted to stay the best way to do that was follow Pete every where he went. Maybe they would have turned out to be metooers anyway but I did not give them much option. What do you guys think?

Re: Too Young to Run??

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:54 am
by wireman252
Augerhead mine hasn't gone out yet , but will soon. I don't think it hurts a thing. Yes , they are little and young. But if they grow up this way , as soon as they are physically able to keep up , then they will. Funny thing is , it appears as though they are staying right there anyway. Wait and see how well they do when they get a full 15" ( or possibly bigger :approve: ) and have figured out how to hunt , jump , and run.

To me it's all about building a foundation. You will see , a lot quicker, if they are going to be the me too-ers , or are they going to push for the front. Like wise I believe if they are not able to handle the " pressure " and end up "blowing up" wouldn't you want to see it early on , rather than wasting more time. Like you say , and is said by many, the cream WILL rise to the top. They are gonna have the ability or they won't.
I believe as handlers ,all we are really doing , is trying to reach the full genetic potential of a hound.We can't change what they are, merely look for what they are , and decide if we can like them or not. We can only influence and tweek them so much. There are traits you just simply can't teach and /or change. All this is simply my opinion, and I'm no expert at this. I've misread dogs before , but think you need to get them out there before you can know anything at all about them. You have to put them in the situation before you know how they will handle it.

Re: Too Young to Run??

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 11:15 am
by Tsa la gi
Ya need to keep on doin just like we did in the ol day`s run them with the ol hounds,when they fall into place you`ll know it if not WELL YOU KNOW. :biggrin:

Re: Too Young to Run??

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 12:33 pm
by bucks better beagles
TsaLaGi: You got it brother. I am not expecting these pups to run a rabbit or even smell one at this point. I am expecting them to show me that they have no bottom game, that they are nervey, that they want to go, that they have good mouths and will use their mouth, that they will be able to compete with anybodies dogs, and finally, it is personality I am looking for. These pup do not run around looking for crap to eat. They do not act shy or hard to catch, They do not growl or fight. Each time I put them in the brush, they learn something. I figure by the end of February, I should know which ones I will keep and which ones I won't. After all, they will be 5 months old by then and anybody should be able to pick out the cream.

Just like the old days, Put 'em in the woods and let God sort 'em out. Charley, yesterday they got half mile away on a fox in the roughest swamp you ever saw and came back with the pack giving it all they had. Ghost finally out distance the whole bunch and I had to call the pups in off the sign. Everything else, except Ghost, came in limping but these pups. I put them in the jeep and they laid down and went to sleep waiting for the next drop.

I like them and I don't think this is too young to start but, they still have to earn their biscuits. They are not going to inherit just because I like their daddy.

Re: Too Young to Run??

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 12:38 pm
by bucks better beagles
Come on Littlewoody, their bloodline don't mater. At least that is what a lot of people say. I want to judge them on what they do and then we will look at their pedigree. Their book is still to be written but the first chapter is done. Oh by the way, their names are:

Ghost Train Kane
Ghost Train Jane (male)
Ghost Train Pane
Ghost Train Trane

Re: Too Young to Run??

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 12:39 pm
There are always some wiz kids that can skip high school and go straight to college. A percentage of them will fail, not because they don't have the skill ,but because they lack the maturity. Personally I am not in that much hurry an will give them time before I put a lot of pressure on them .

Re: Too Young to Run??

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 12:45 pm
by bucks better beagles
My question for you Augerhead, is how many dogs in your kennel have you raised from a pup and trained? Don't take too long now.
Exactly,... none. Your opinion is good but it is based on false premises and lack of experience. I just can't see keeping a dog until it is a year or two old to decide whether it is a "keeper" or not. I know all the tired cliches' about some of them being slow starters and some of them really turn on at a later age and some of them need solo time, etc. and that is probably true. Not at my house. Dog food is too expensive and there are too many dogs out there to try.

APFII: These aren't kids, they are dogs. When you put pressure on anything, you will find out real quick whether they can take it or not.

Re: Too Young to Run??

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 2:24 pm
by hillbillyridgerunner
bucks better beagles wrote: I just can't see keeping a dog until it is a year or two old to decide whether it is a "keeper" or not. I know all the tired cliches' about some of them being slow starters and some of them really turn on at a later age and some of them need solo time, etc. and that is probably true. Not at my house. Dog food is too expensive and there are too many dogs out there to try.

APFII: These aren't kids, they are dogs. When you put pressure on anything, you will find out real quick whether they can take it or not.