Squirrel Hunting

A general forum for the discussion of hunting with beagles, guns, clothing and other equipment and just talking dawgs! (Tall tales on hunting allowed, but remember, first liar doesn't stand a chance)

Moderators: Pike Ridge Beagles, Aaron Bartlett


Squirrel Hunting


Ralph and Bev,

Are you starting a new registry and or competition hunts and if so what format will it be (Lp style-PP style)? IF this happens will every hound start out equal or will champions still be champions and grands still grands? I thought I read soething about this on the Q&A board but I could have misunderstood also. Sounds like a mess in the progressive pack division hopfully everything get resolved for all parties involved, Its sad to see people get banned from a sport they love so much. I'll talk to you guy's later.




Didnt know it was a joke. There just might be something there?

AV Spencer

Post by AV Spencer »


Are you wanting to run tomorrow? I know you are still in SHOCK from the pounding Spencer Boy's Kennel hounds put on. Don't be afraid!




No :( I cant handle anymore of that :haha: I have to get my camper ready for this weekend (the big squirel hunt) I'm leaving Thursday at 11:00am. Come on down and bring a gun. I just talked to a farmer down there on the phone and we can hunt Friday ,Saturday and Sunday, last year 4 of use took 28 squirel's the first morning. I ran Sunday morning at S. Lewis's I also gave him trooper and he just picked up a 11 month old male from P. Bennet. I'll get in touch with you next week.

P.S. Steve said look out Tick Ridge Kennel is back in buisness. :yikes:





I am going to Valpo 9-18 No soccer game that weekend :D

AV Spencer

Post by AV Spencer »

What is the dog out of from P. Bennet? Did you have good running at Steve's? Where are you going squirrel hunting?



Bringem home beth and some (postman)? hound and I'm going to leiber state park, Running was good but it rained all morning I was soaked from head to toe, price you have to pay sometimes ( you know )

New York Hillbilly
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Post by New York Hillbilly »

I have read on this board many times that people hunt SQUIRRELS with dogs. Would anyone enlighten me just how this is done. As a kid I used to spend hours walking and the sitting along ridgeslistening to squirrels cutting nuts. I would usually bag 4 or 5 each time out and it was always a real peaceful time afield. I am however foggy on just how a dog hunts a critter that spends most of it's time in the tree tops or scurrying across the ground to the next tree after burying a nut or piece of corn cob. Is this really a big thing someplace? Thanks for your input in advance.
When my life on earth is ended....this is all I'm gonna say...Lord I've been a hard working pilgrim on the way!

AV Spencer

Post by AV Spencer »


I am not totally sure about this, but I will speak here for Aftershock. I don't think they use dogs. I am certain they don't use any of his hounds. Although he may as well use them for something. (Just giving you a little business there AFTERSHOCKER.) I would like to see how dogs are used for this as well.

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Post by crewchf »

I believe this is a southern thing. I had a couple of old timers in our deer hunting club that squirrel hunted with beagles all the time after deer season. The beagle puts em up a tree just like a coon hound them marks the tree they are in for the hunter. They told us a good one could turn the squirrel towards you for the shot!!!!!

Crew Chief

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Post by biged1 »

Go to http://www.sqdog.com and read all about "squirrel dogs." Most people use cur dogs or feists. They tree by sight, sound and smell very similar to coon dogs.



We do not use squirrel dogs. I do it the way you did when you were a kid although I personally think using a dog would be fun. I have checked up on this a little and they do use feists dogs from what I have read about it they grab the sent from where they (squirrel) were on the ground and track it to a tree then they start treeing like a coon hound would, they say a good feist will watch the tree and follow the squirrel if he jumps from tree to tree. I believe they have competition hunts but I'm not sure where?



AV Spencer

You need to get off this computer all the time and start teaching that class room full of kids because we both Know you cant teach those beagles of yours anything, do you still want me to run with you next week so your dogs will learn something from mine ( maybe not the right thing but they will learn something ). Got work to do talk to ya later.

P.S. Did you and donkey run any since you and i ran?


New York Hillbilly
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Post by New York Hillbilly »

I'LL be a son of a gun!!!! I cannot believe such a thing exists. I owned a shepherd/collie mix when I was a kid that would run next door and sit "IN" our neighbors tree watching squirrels. We taught her to "get the squirrel Snoopy" and she would seek them out and then run up that big tree that was tipped at a slant and sit there about 10 feet off the ground, much to my neighbors dismay. :lol: I thought it was cool but never realized I may have had a champion squirrel dog on my hands. Talk about a missed opportunity!
When my life on earth is ended....this is all I'm gonna say...Lord I've been a hard working pilgrim on the way!

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Post by Dogdreamer »

Hey NY,

I had a few people eager to buy my first RS pup because he would tree a squirrel. When I first took him out I thought I was going to have to bump him off of them. :shock:

He started on them in my backyard chasing one that the neighbors fed. He would "walk" it along a telephone line that stretched across my lawn giving that signature chop all the way. Neighbors wanted me to shut him up and I wanted to kill that squirrel, but he finally found out rabbits were more fun to chase. You might have a few dogs in the kennel that would show interest if you gave them the green light.

I am starting to think that there is nothing too large or small for a beagle to pursue.
Johnny B

Old Meg she was a gypsy;
And liv'd upon the moors:
Her bed it was the brown heath turf,
And her house was out of doors.

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