Hound gettin' yer chickens ?

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Cannon Hollow Hounds
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Hound gettin' yer chickens ?

Post by Cannon Hollow Hounds »

I had a good gun dog (Beagle of course) but he had a bad habit of killin' a chicken or two whenever he got the chance. I tried a few different things to break him of it to no avail. Then one time at one of my boys 4H chicken round ups an old boy told me the trick and it worked.The next time that dog killed a chicken I took him and that bird and threw em in a 55 gallon drum and put the lid on it.Then picked it up and tossed it in the bed of my truck and took it up the road and rolled it down over the side of Cannon Hollow.That barrel rolled and flopped all the way down over the holler and when it hit the creek the lid popped off.Well that hound came outta that barrel like greased lightning yipin' and barkin' most of the way home.But from then on if a chicken got loose and got up by the house they could even peck out of his dish and he would just stand there and look at em with his head kinda hangin' low. :headache: worked for me... Pat

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Post by New York Hillbilly »

I had this little story on another topic but when you went and started the "chicken thread" it seemed a better place. If I ever get a chicken killer I will take your advice and get me a 55 gallon drum...its easier on the chicken. :lol:

Hey boys I have a chicken killing story for you. About 25 years ago my Uncle Ray had a hound/lab cross that was smart as the day is long. This dog was smart and could do every trick imaginable, sit, stay, rollover, balance a treat on her nose and when told would toss it in the air and catch it in her mouth. This mutt was show bizz material. Now before I start let me tell you about Uncle Ray. He was a MEAN son of a gun and had a temper of a pitbull. To top things off he was only about 5'2" tall and about 320 pounds. Every one of those pounds were tough and many a time he would get his mitts on someone who would smart mouth him and pound the living $h1* out of them. Come to think of it he seemed willing to grab someone for most any reason or none at all if the mood struck him. I have never met ANYONE that I would have put money on in a fight with the man. He is long dead and gone at this point and anytime I see a shooting star I figure its him tossing another angel around. I will not even begin to tell the sadistic sense of humor or things he put me and others through but will leave them for a later date. At least for this story you have a picture of the man and his hound.
Well for a while my Uncle and Aunt lived in an old farmhouse that they rented from a farmer. It was on that farm the dog got into the habbit of knocking off the farmers chickens. Now my family are not high rollers and money was a precious comodity and remains so to this day. It was for that reason that this new habit of chicken killing grew old fast. Having to pay a couple of bucks every other day or so for a dead and somewhat tenderized chicken got to be an expensive ordeal. And despite my uncles size and appetite the man was none to keen on eating chicken everytime his dog decided they should have one for dinner. The icing on the cake though was that while they knew it was his dog doing it they never actually saw her do it. Remember I told you she was smart? Well she must have had an inckling what she was doing wasn't a "GOOD" thing and was sneeky in her commiting of "Chickencide". Her luck ran out however one morning when Uncle Ray let her out to "do her business". Sitting there drinking his coffee and eating breakfast something felt strange. All at once he realized what was different. Every morning the farmers rooster would come out and crow for all he was worth. This rooster was a real big time crower and seemed proud of the job he could do. It was for that reason that he was so quickly missed. As Uncle got to his feet and peered from the kitchen window he finally caught his chicken killer at work. In a rage he stormed out the door and across the yard screaming at his dog the entire way. When she knew she had been busted she dropped the rooster and began crawling to him with her head tipped to the side and seemingly attempting to spit the feather evidence off of her mouth and lips. To late!!! She was busted!! Looking at the dead rooster laying there on the ground was all my uncle could take. He picked the rooster off the ground and promptly began beating the dog for all he was worth with the dead rooster. Featers, dust, dog hair and blood flying about mixed in with some of the loudest shouting and salty obscenities imaginable, well let me tell you it must have been a site! When he figured his up to this point smart dog now understood that there would be no more chicken (or rooster) killing he threw the rooster on the ground and made her come back to the house with him. The dog lay trembling under the table at his feet as he sat down to finish his breakfast. All he could think about was how mad the farmer was going to be and how it was going to cost him another couple bucks for still another chicken as he sat there sipping his coffee and staring out the window. All at once he saw out the window an unbelievable site. The rooster who had just been mauled by his dog and then used as an unorthodox tool of disipline was regaining its feet. It was not dead after all! The poor thing battered and bruised must have been one tough bird. My uncle could not help but laugh as the rooster cleared its head and then ran back into the coop. The poor rooster was never the same after that. Every morning following the double assault the rooster would at the crack of dawn make a mad rush out of the coop, crow loudly once and then high tail it back into the coop. Other than that the rooster would never step foot outside. For the record....the dog never touched another chicken....or rooster!
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Post by TC »

Good Story NYH Very Well done!!! also A great read! :) these are the Kinds of stories we need more of!
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Post by Bopeye »

New York Hillbilly,
That story just cracked me up. I wish I could have seen that.
I'm probably going to tell that story a time or two. I'll give you the credit, for awhile anyway. :lol: ;)

I've heard that the barrel trick works with all kinds of animals, but have never used it. I wonder if you can fit a deer in there with them. ;) :shock:
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windy hollow
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Post by windy hollow »

NYH That was one tough chickenImage


New York Hillbilly
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Post by New York Hillbilly »

Thanks....glad you liked it. By the way Windy Hollow....the chicken dance is hysterical. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by warddog »

ROTFLMAO over that chicken dance!

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