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Barking in Kennel

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:14 pm
by Jbfous01
Will using a bark collar to stop kennel barking affect a hound on the trail. I have a 1 year old that's driving me crazy but I don't want him afraid to bark on a rabbit.

Re: Barking in Kennel

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:27 pm
by Briarhoppers
Forget bark collars....I have had great success w/ a water hose. Soak them while yelling no! Chase them to their dog house and drown them.....way over do it. If they don't catch on after about 3 treatments get rid of the dog. Dogs need to learn what is allowed and not allowed...and they should want to please you.

If the dog is all by himself in the kennel you may want to get him a buddy - beagles like to be with other dogs.


Re: Barking in Kennel

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:57 pm
by BCBeagles
I use pipe insulating foam as my tool for "correcting them" it makes a louder noise and scares them but doesnt physically hurt them.

They quickly learn when I yell enough to head for the box... LOL

Re: Barking in Kennel

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 6:59 am
by Rcoff
I use a rolled up news paper. Makes a lot of noise, doesn't hurt them a bit, gruffly telling them shush it up repeatedly. A few sessions of that they know you mean business, be consistant with it, don't punish one day for it then let them get away with it the next. If they bark at nothing in the future, just call their name and gruffly say shush it up! Has always worked for me. Of course if they are barking at something, ex. Intruder, I allow that. I have not had a no bark collar keep them from opening in the wild. Sometimes they will hesitate on giving tongue on track, but after a couple of times out they will figure out the difference.

Re: Barking in Kennel

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 8:04 am
by tom summers
hose works great but you must go to kennel to correct them when they see you coming they know one of them is is trouble. I use my shock collar i put it on them and when they bark the slightest they get buzzed. works real well at night i hang transmitter on bed post and use as needed without geting out of bed. This usually works with a couple times , it is like busting them off deer they dont associate correction with you because you are not yelling.
Good luck , Tom
p.s. they must be corrected everytime zero tolerance cannot be ok now & then

Re: Barking in Kennel

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 8:27 am
by carl arn
i use a bark collar have never had a problem with them not barking on a trail even with a shock collar on

Re: Barking in Kennel

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 8:47 am
by gwyoung
If we don't want backtrackers, we don't breed backtrackers, If we don't want swinging, hooking, over-running hounds we don't breed this type, If we don't want crooked legged, sway backed hounds we don't breed this type, what should we do If we don't want Kennel Barkers ???

Re: Barking in Kennel

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 9:49 am
by big creek kennel