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Urgent Gun Legislation

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 9:08 pm
by steve3662 ... id=6859271

This week, Congress will debate a bill that prevents lawsuits filed against firearm manufacturers based on what someone else does with that firearm. This bill does not prevent filing suit IF the firearm malfunctions.
Your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative need to know that this bill is about saving jobs, and protecting your Second Amendment rights. Also, if American gun manufacturers are put out of business with these lawsuits, who will manufacture weapons for citizens and the military? It is imperative U.S. Senators and your U.S. Representative be contacted today and ask them to cosponsor and support S.397 and H.R. 800--without any anti-gun amendments--and put a halt to these reckless lawsuits once and for all. And be sure to let them know that you consider any votes in support of anti-gun amendments to this legislation as a vote against the underlying bill itself.

I am asking for your support for this bill without anti-gun amendments ( which has been done on similar prior bills ). If you agree to end the frivolous lawsuits against gun makers, go to the link above and complete the easy format and submit to your Congressmen/Senators. It's very easy to do.