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Midwest at AKC SPO Nationals!!

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 5:46 am
by rbecker
Just a friendly reminder to all that the AKC SPO Nationals starts this Thursday 4/6/17 with the 15" Female Class at 7:00am CST. For the first time in a long time the Midwest will have a judge (Jeff Martin) and it will be in the 15" Female Class.

Hope to see a bunch of Midwest Members show up to support your federation on the national level. The determination on which federation gets a judge is based on how many entries the previous year are from each federation. If we want to continue to have representation and eventually get another judge we need to continue to support the event.

698 Milshed Road,
Morgantown, KY

Re: Midwest at AKC SPO Nationals!!

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 7:28 am
by Swampman
What are the requirements for a hound to be eligible?

Re: Midwest at AKC SPO Nationals!!

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 8:56 am
by rbecker
You are qualified if the hound placed 1st thru NBQ at an AKC Licensed Trial since April 17, 2016 the date of last years trial.

Also, any AKC Field Champion is automatically qualified - FC, FCGD or FCLP.

Re: Midwest at AKC SPO Nationals!!

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 9:31 am
by Shady Grove Beagles
Question is will they let a hound with some power,drive,foot,etc. compete or will you just be donating your entry fee?
My impression was that in the past the Mid-West style of hound couldn't get a good look at the S.P.O. Nationals and that's why your Mid-West competitors quit attending.

Re: Midwest at AKC SPO Nationals!!

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 2:03 pm
by rbecker
Not sure how to answer that, but I'll try.

I guess it would depend on your experience or the experience of individuals you trust. I've known Jeff Martin for a while now and trust his decisions and judgment as a judge, as I have been the 1st dog he picked up in a trial (rightfully so) and I have also had a dog place under him. I would bet that if you can run with power and accuracy you should do fine in that class.

I know from experience in the 15" Female class last year, I marshaled all day and watched a bunch of Midwest Dogs progress throughout the day by dominating their packs, and every time one of them were picked up (including my own), I would have picked them up for the same thing.

The 15" female that won that day, put on a show and while I've never judged her, I did judge her dam a few times on cottontail and hare, and if I remember correctly she won and placed a few of those times (FC G-Lines Taco Bell).

I would suggest that you give it a shot and see if you like it, and at least then you will know for yourself.

Re: Midwest at AKC SPO Nationals!!

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 12:34 pm
by drjjones87
I'll be there for the Purina Points Banquet, and then I'll be running Rucus the next day. It will be interesting how long the UGBF judges leave him down. Could be fun to watch.