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Pine Mt Beagles
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Re: Trump

Post by Pine Mt Beagles »

For you NEWT.

Re: Trump
by Newt » Sun Jan 24, 2016 3:10 am

"Nothing but Hate speeches and how stupid. You and I are and how stupid America's leaders are.of course you guy's did not vote for any of our leaders right."

I did not vote for Harry Reid, Pelosit, Hillary, nor Obama. I did not vote for Senator Alexander nor McConnell

How smart is a leader who would allow Syrian refugees into the country.

• The best estimates show that 2.7 million people received permanent residency in the United States as a result of the 1986 law.

How smart is a leader who gives the leading sponsor of terrorism 150 billion dollars? ,,,,,,HOW SMART INDEED

ALAN FRIEDMAN: What we’re looking at is we need to put this into its historic context so that I’d like to do for your listeners is talk about how Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush, and James Baker who was Secretary of State, and Robert Gates, who was the C.I.A. Director in the 1980’s, how they met what was called a tilt policy in favor of Iraq and against Iran in the 1980’s and developed what they thought was strategic reasons were for the United States to be doing that. Then the sad story of how it got out of control, how Vice President Bush was deeply personally involved in illegal arms transfers to Saddam Hussein in the late 1980’s that shouldn’t have happened, and how the Bush Administration, that’s Bush one, then proceeded with the help of Boyden Gray as White House general counsel and others to cover up a scandal that in my judgment was significantly larger than Watergate. Lets put it into historical context. In the 1980’s, the Reagan White House wasn’t just busy defeating the so-called evil empire of the Soviet Union and out spending and bankrupting the Soviets, they were also engaged in a Middle East Policy in Iraq and Iran, that was aimed at obviously trying to defeat and neutralize the Islamic fundamentalists of Iran which were Americas perceived enemy at the time. To defeat Iran, we will fortify Saddam, he may be a killer. He may be a butcher, but he’s our guy. We will keep him to keep a balance of power between Iran and Iraq. What that meant in order to get around U.S. law, which says that you cannot conduct illegal secret covert operations without Presidential directive, approve as and disclosure to the Senate oversight committees, rogue operations very similar to the Iran contra operation and indeed in many cases involving the same C.I.A. front companies in Virginia, the same shippers from Florida, and Louisiana, the same people who worked with Ollie North on the Iran-contra scandal were also involved in getting arms to Iraq in the 1980’s. They did this in the following way. They let a small Atlanta, Georgia, branch of an Italian bank receive taxpayers’ money in the form of U.S. Department of Agriculture credits that the United States provided for Iraq totaling $5 billion — b for boy — dollars that went to Saddam Hussein with the knowledge of the C.I.A. and the White House, which turned a blind eye, because they thought they had to find a way to help Iraq against Iran. Of now, that Iraq-Iran war in part thanks to U.S. assistance for Saddam Hussein went years longer than this should have done, and resulted in 1 million, men, women and children dying. 1 million people died in the Iran-Iraq war and Reagan and Bush probably have blood on their hands, because if they hadn’t sent the military equipment to Iraq, fewer people would have died. When the war between Iran and Iraq ended, and we were already in 1988, 1989, 1990, the Bush administration, the same policies continued. The C.I.A. was reinforced, and this stuff kept going. In my investigations, and those I conduct with Ted Koppel of ABC "Nightline," and Bill Safire of the "New York Times" was active in exposing as well, we not only discovered that illegal set of shipments to Saddam Hussein with the blessing of the Bush white house, but we covered that the something got out of cool — control, and we kept going. We’re talking about elements that go well beyond helicopters and include the building blocks of nuclear weapons, weapons of mass destruction. Inertial navigation systems and cluster bombs from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, that found their way to Saddam Hussein thanks to George Herbert Walker Bush and his C.I.A. and their shipments using taxpayer money. Strong words, all of it documented, all of it little focused upon as America pays tribute to Ronald Reagan’s death and makes him into a hero when indeed, his and Bush’s policies in my judgment resulted in major loss of life and major strategic errors by the United States that they sought to cover up later on.

How smart are the American people that would elect a community disorganizer twice as President.


We feign outrage when we see Muslim terrorist decapitate a Christian, then are comfortable when Planned Parenthood dissects a human baby and sells the body parts to government agencies. Our tax money is funding gov't agencies that are buying baby body parts.


You who shuts his ears to the cry of the poor baby being murdered, you too will cry out and not be answered

If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered

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Re: Trump

Post by littlewoody »

Rabbithoundjb wrote:I'm not a Trump guy but he sure is playing the establishment in DC and the media like a cheap fiddle. I love it, they don't know which way to turn with trump and everything they try to do to get rid of him blows up in their faces.
I think everyone is playing there part and I don't trust none of them . Now today Bloomberg thinking about running God help us ! :???:

Pine Mt Beagles
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Re: Trump

Post by Pine Mt Beagles »


In my opinion no real leader would volunteer to put his life and his family and friends life ,under the Telescope called the American Press and other Political investigators.These people will not only find every thing A Person has done since Birth But,,if they don't like what they find they will just add in what they want it to say.
Americans will not except any leader no matter who or what back ground they have,But ,Republicans will put forth Leaders who they Hate and know are not capable of leading ,Because they can spew the Republican Hate for America LOUDER THAN OTHERS.Its sad but true.

If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered

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Re: Trump

Post by bluegrass »

Um...Planned Parenthood has saved millions of lives?

How?? By killing babies? Does killing babies now equal saving lives?

You are a despicable piece of crap absolutely WORTHLESS excuse for a human.
The 1st amendment allows the usual liberal narcissistic "I think.." which is how they start all their sentences.

The second amendment protects us from implementing "I think"

Pine Mt Beagles
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Re: Trump

Post by Pine Mt Beagles »

To bad they didn't Scrap you, out of the Bitch ,you came from ,the world would be A better place .you will just produce more worthless trash.

Remember,, You ,,called me ,,A Son of A Bitch,,,First,,,,

But, after some time ,I understand you much better, You Really can not be held accountable ,for your ignorance, Because of the Curse God put on you and Your Family,He Gave you over to the Reprobate mind Just like your Father and His Father.

I do not consider any thing you spew out because God said it is Worghless.

I will not respond to any thing from you.How you have Managed, to stay on this Board, while others have been Kicked off, Because of you,, is Amazing.

If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered

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Re: Trump

Post by Rabbithoundjb »


Pine Mt Beagles
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Re: Trump

Post by Pine Mt Beagles »

And he is right the Curse of the Reprobate Mind ,will not let Republicans do anything they are not told to do ,they just simply cannot make any serious decision,without help.


Trump: I could 'shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters'

"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said
Trump has repeatedly pointed to the loyalty of his supporters
Sioux Center, Iowa (CNN)Donald Trump boasted Saturday that support for his presidential campaign would not decline even if he shot someone in the middle of a crowded street.

"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a campaign rally here.

After the event, Trump declined to answer when asked by CNN to clarify his comments.

The GOP front-runner has repeatedly pointed to the loyalty of his supporters, many of whom tell reporters and pollsters that almost nothing could make them change their mind about voting for Trump in the presidential race.

Because they canmot change their Mind ,Republicans are Gods Vurse on America.

You are nothing more than Bluegrass,,,You are A habitual Liar ,,,,I have never Attackec anyone without being Attacked first,and Never ,Ever called no One A Son Of A Bitch,,I simply would not do that no matter how mad I got .
But,I have learned after much Prayer that Republicans are not responsable for their actions ,that's the Reason they have never been able to Govern ,or have any ideas about how to help this country.America has A Curse, on her Some of America's Citizens have been given A reprobate mind ,they are easily recognized they are Republican.

If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered

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Re: Trump

Post by bluegrass »

Rufus supports killing babies.

That's irrefutable. Anyone can read his OWN rambling, misspelled words on abortion.

He supports those who KILL BABIES. Let that sink in a bit...

He has the gall to blame republicans for everything evil in the world, BUT HE SUPPORTS KILLING BABIES.

Because of that EVERYTHING he says after that is garbage. No credibility, zero honor or dignity. Just a greasy, drug addled hillbilly simpleton.

For the record, any republican who supports abortion as Rufus does is no better in my book.
The 1st amendment allows the usual liberal narcissistic "I think.." which is how they start all their sentences.

The second amendment protects us from implementing "I think"

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Re: Trump

Post by Rabbithoundjb »

Really PMB your going there when the democrat front runner is under federal investigation by the FBI. You talk about blind sheep, LMAO!!!.

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Re: Trump

Post by Mr.Glock »

The main reason Trump is so popular is because of the immigration issue. Why should I have to compete for work with a foreigner.A third of the Mexican population now lives in the US. Welfare rates among immigrants is double that of natural born American citizens. People are tired of this BS .

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Re: Trump

Post by Pine Mt Beagles »

You have some good points Mr Glock,

Rabbit,,,I assume you are talking about Hilary Clinton,,,,

The F.B.I. Has investigated the Clintons for over two decades and found nothing , Republicans ,have spent Millilns of tax payer dollars with -8- Republican sponsored and led Investigations about the a Fake Bengazi Stuff Republicans,Started,,it's A fake .She ,has made them look like ,Republicans,simple minded.
Dont misjnderstand my post I will not vote gift Hilary,or Bernie ,,But,I will not turn Trader to my Country and Bote Republican ,either,,I don't believe In ,The Bull Shi$$ people says ,vote for the less of the two evils ,all that means is ,you are Willingly voting for Evil.

If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered

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Re: Trump

Post by Newt »

For You PM:

Saw President Obama on the news this morning. He actually "admitted" ( as much as he could) that GDubs policies in the war on terror were spot on all along. He just had to see it from the president's position.

He also admitted he hadn't held up his promise of uniting the country.

I think if he really put some effort into some legit fiscal reform/ policies that even conservatives can get behind, I'd think more of him.

The idiot, after seven years of screwing up everything that he could. now he runs around the country pretending that he has seen the light.
The most obvious phony SOB that ever ran for public office.
No one with a functioning brain would trust the lying coward.

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Alabama John
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Re: Trump

Post by Alabama John »

Citizens are tired of politicians screwing everything up for the rewards. We're finally wising up to the game all politicians have been playing. Hard times will do that and make us think. Whoever would of been a non politician would be looked at as our savior, but the establishment would of out spent that person right out of the competetion like they have many others. This time its different, the outsider doesn't need their money and that scares them to death as all their easy lives are on the line.

We, the USA are in a mess and folks know it in many ways.

Following the same downhill road history tells us was followed by many great countries before us to their ruination is stupid.

Either we vote in a non politician for president first and then non politicians for the senate and house, or, we will be taken over and those that will run things then will not be politicians but brutal tyrants. In all things, everyone likes to beat the BIG one the most.

Our only choice is: we do it ourselves with our votes, or, it will be done for us by those that take us over when we fall. Which do we choose?

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Re: Trump

Post by Rabbithoundjb »

PMB you are a liar. You called me a racist, biggot, tea bagger and so on without provacation while I was trying to have an educated, informed debate. I even warned you several times that it was going to get ugly if you didn't stop. Both Clinton's are proven liars just like you PMB. You are simply just a sheep PMB or your just too damm dumm to see what is right in front of you, six of one half a dozen of the other. Really doesn't matter.

Pine Lakes
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Re: Trump

Post by Pine Lakes »

Pine Mt Beagles wrote:Good post Newt,,
More proof that you Republicans are Cursed with A Reprobate mind,incapable of simple thought.

In my opinion A Vote for any of these Republican,Hippocrit's and Proven Traitors,,,,,WOULD BE LIKE A CHICKEN VOTING FOR COLONEL SANDERS,,,OR ,,A BLACK MAN VOTING FOF THE CONFEDERACY ,, they have nothing for middle and lower income people BUT HATE SPEECHES.TO STIR REPUBLICANS WITH SIMPLE MINDS.
Who cannot or will not think for themselves.
Or a black man voting for a democrat since that is who founded the KKK, the jim crow laws, family planning that kills more black babies than anything else, welfare to keep the downtrodden from obtaining any to better themselves, and had their president say " I'll have those n-words voting democrat for 200 yrs". Your opinion isn't worth a turd. It's disinformation in order to sustain a lifestyle that descent people won't knowingly allow. You talk about others having "simple minds" and it's you that is lead to pasture. If I had to guess, you would probably have the lowest IQ of any poster on this forum. Taking anything you say to heart would be as dumb as voting for a community organizer for president. Now take your meds that we pay for, collect your disability check, and appreciate what all of us have provided you.

Since you hate America and the republic that it is and supposed to be, if you apply for citizenship in another country of your choice and get accepted. I will gladly pay your 1 way plane ticket to your new destination. That is the best service I could give this country. Talk to you later Rufus Hitler-Salinsky.

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