Trump was the man

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Trump was the man

Post by Rabbithoundjb »

That's what the increase in costs across the board are telling me. Bidenflation

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Re: Trump was the man

Post by warddog »

I see people all the time playing into the political divide to conquer tactics of the two-party political system with finger pointing. So, with the definition of inflationary causes being: "There are two main causes of inflation: demand-pull and cost-push. Both are responsible for a general rise in prices in an economy, but they each work differently. Demand-pull conditions occur when demand from consumers pulls prices up, while cost-push occurs when supply costs force prices higher," how can one person such as ANY POTUS be the cause of it? There is one more reason and or cause that is not put into the causation above and that is CORPORATE GREED. I am not a supporter of either of the two major political parties today as I have realized years ago there are only two political parties with any authority under the Constitution to impact the countries overall financial status with the power of the purse and they are BOTH EQUALLY responsible. I do not like to play into the political game but merely try to be REAL.

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Re: Trump was the man

Post by Newt »

What effect does printing trillions of dollars and giving it to folks who refuse to work? Is that push or pull?

When businesses are shut down by government edicts and few products are on the shelf? Is that push or pull?

We have millions of illegals coming across an open border. Is that push or pull?

Have you listened to any of the appointees, made by Biden, whether it be Transportation, Energy, Defense, or Homeland Security?

If not, do some research and do a google or You tube search.

I challenge you, tune into the Presidents Spokesperson's next News Conference.

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Re: Trump was the man

Post by Rabbithoundjb »

Policy matters, I don't think the corporations are anymore greedy now than 2 years ago. The policies though are definitely different than 2 years ago. By the way I didn't say anything about the parties.

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Re: Trump was the man

Post by Newt »

It appears, these policies are all aimed at one world government. If that isn't the goal, show me some evidence.
There is no Southern border. The CCP is buying or stealing everything necessary to dominate the industrial component of society. The most powerful politicians either have a Chinese spouse, Chauffeur, or business manager. They definitely control Mainstream media. FOX pretends they are balanced, until an important stand is needed, then they get quiet or switch sides. When was the last time you heard a Mainstream Media talking head, criticize China.
China controls the NBA, Major League Baseball, and most other Professional Sports.
Trump kicked out the World Health Organization. Biden brought them back.
Guess who runs the WHO. China! The head of the WHO is from Nigeria. The second in command is , Robert Mugabe, the former President of Zimbabwe, one of the most ruthless/incompetent rulers on the planet. Citizens were starving when he was President, forced to leave Zimbabwe into surrounding countries for survival.
Biden is at present working on a Bill to relinquish control over health issues to the WHO, in times of an epidemic.
I see another Pandemic coming, if patriots take back control of Congress.

Interesting tidbit. I watched an old "Rockford File", TV show, the other day. It involved some shenanigans in the trucking industry. A big sign on each of the trucks had "CCP" in big letters on each of the Trailers. It was identical to the "Chinese Communist Party" symbols of today. I was surprised to see it that far back.

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Re: Trump was the man

Post by Rabbithoundjb »

Trump was right about everything. Not the Republicans but Trump.

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Re: Trump was the man

Post by Rabbithoundjb »

The corrupt establishment is being seen for what it is more everyday because TRUMP exposed them. Sad so many couldn't see for themselves. Democrats rinos and globalost been selling this country out for 30+ years now. Trump was right about everything. Hell it's worse than he probably thought. Corruption abound.

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Re: Trump was the man

Post by Newt »

Yeah, many know the truth but are silenced by the MSM or FBI.

I wonder how many of the folks with their heads up their Butt ever watch Youtube videos of present cabinet ministers or nominees for cabinet positions, who are questioned.
When asked a direct question, its impossible to get a yes or no answer. They always try to give a speech in order to use the time allowed for the answer.

I saw a video yesterday, the Senator from Mo. was asking the head of the FBI, why Missouri citizens who had concealed carry permits, were being listed by the FBI.

No answer.

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Re: Trump was the man

Post by Rabbithoundjb »

Yep the more time passes the more it becomes obvious just how right Trump was. Always has amazed me that people can't or chose not to see what is sooooooo obvious right in front of them. Never understood how you can just bury your head and ignore it. Makes me just move away from them. SAD!!!

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