Some difference from 2008

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Re: Some difference from 2008

Post by bluemouse »

ps...if you want a simple way to select investment, ask you kids. start with 5 things... ask them their favorite drink, their favorite food, their favorite cloths, shoe & their favorite gadget. This is where mom's money goes. :chef:
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S.R.Patch Posts: 4519Joined: Mon Sep 02, 2002 1:17 am
here you go clown, keep believing your lying babbling idiot has saved the country clown. Your problem patch is you think your smarter than others. Guess what clown I do not care how much you invest or how much you got in the bank, I do not care how much education you got or what color of skin you have I care about character and you have proved yours clown just like you babbling hero. Invest in some manners clown

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Re: Some difference from 2008

Post by S.R.Patch »

Ahh, I see. You truly have no reading comprehension.

I was not belittling your children, I was serious,. One of my co-workers started his grandchild's savings this way. He took $500. as a gift to him for Christmas and they sat down together on the computer and picked out 5 stocks that made things the boy said he liked most. I'll get you started, Coke was his favorite drink so they bought a few shares of coke stock. His favorite clothes were under armor. If you'll look at the stocks you'll see the boy made some wise picks. That's all I was offering to get anyone started. I never said I was smarter than anyone, on the contrary, I keep hearing you guys talk about how dumb Americans are,,,so it is you who should get some lessons in manners.
Now I really question your "spotting ability". I just think it's anyone who doesn't agree with you. hummmm

I don't have much money but while some would spend theirs on $1500 tracking/shock collars, I choose to cull those trouble maker hounds and spend mine on something that holds value and might give a return that I can live on in the future... would you begrudge me that for making my own choice differing from the herd mentality present gratification, and waiting for future reward?
I hear lots of people talk about being a Conservative but their actions don't show it. All they want to do is bad mouth someone for their own inaction's.

Carry on mouse...

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Re: Some difference from 2008

Post by Rabbithoundjb »

You can not vote democrat and be anything near a conservative Patch. No I do not begrudge you making your own choices, all I say is if you do don't play the victim, don't begrudge others success and don't blame others.

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Re: Some difference from 2008

Post by bluemouse »

Patch its how you framed the point to start with. Patch my children are grown and are doing very well thank you. I do not care whether you believe what I believe or not.( wink) your not the only one invested in the future. I hear a lot of liberals talk about caring too patch but they seem to be the ones who want to spend others money and keep their own. Should I ask which one you going to vote for the criminal or the socialist I mean since obabbler has paved the smooth road. As for dogs patch all I have is a couple of old potlickers, no gps. no trackers either, they ran a box turtle last week and never lost it what you think about that patch.

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Re: Some difference from 2008

Post by S.R.Patch »

You two are double talk party-liners, you describe whats suppose to be differences between the two parties, I look hard but don't see it.
Sequestration was voted on and approved, repubs said it would be good for us but what they did was vote it in, then go back an use leverage to get it removed from the special pet peeve areas they wanted, to keep the whole country from turning on them and left the rest of the people involved to suffer it's wrath of finance cuts. This congress has about a 14% approval rating I last heard. They vote themselves raises and their benefits package stays pat. Remember when they brought up about our tax dollars going to send their wives on shopping trips going with hubby abroad? The things you just mentioned about keeping your own money and spending others money footing the bill. This must be what conservatism means to some elected officials in congress.

I have to go watch my tapes with Huckabee, he keeps talking about a few senior citizens who are interested in voting also. Many of them remember pulling money from their change purse and never having used a plastic card.

As for your hounds they sound very much like our congress, conservative but at a greater cost than they're worth. :ashamed:

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Re: Some difference from 2008

Post by bluemouse »

There you go being a clown again, everybody knows both side suck. But its the idiot dems are the ones that threathen not to pay the military to get there way. As for as dogs patch mine are reps they love their jobs and earn their feed.

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Re: Some difference from 2008

Post by Rabbithoundjb »

Patch if you can't see the differences between the two parties and the effect it has had on this country then you are really blind to reality. Yes both parties suck but there is always one that sucks less.

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Re: Some difference from 2008

Post by Pine Mt Beagles »

That is A good post Patch.

There is no such thing as A Conservative,,Except with the Truth.

There is A Huge difference in the Parties,,Just one Point ,,,

While Republicans,,strive to give extra Entitlements to big corporations ,and oil companies,,,Democrats, Want to include the Poor,Sick and elderly in the conversation.

That darn Obama,
Increased the size of Government.
Has Tripled the National Debt.
And give Amnesty to millions of Illegals.

Just Kidding that was Regan

If you have A President that's Family is in big Oil (( Bush Family )) gas 5.35 A Gallon .
A President with no ties to oil gas, .99 cents.

If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered

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Re: Some difference from 2008

Post by Newt »

"A President with no ties to oil gas, .99 cents."

And the government provides the 99 cents for 47%, along with free phones, free housing,. free groceries.
Why doesn't Obama nationalize the oil companies and eliminate those rich shareholders. Free Gasoline. Wonder if Hillary and Bernie have thought of that.
It worked for the Soviet Union, Venezuela, and Cuba. Of course they are still driving those fifties model auto mobiles. Except the Dear Leaders, they fly in Jets and ride in Mercedes and Rolls Royce.

UH OH. Dear Leader of the Socialists shows his colors.

Bernie kicks homeless out of overnight shelter & into cold to hold rally in Bham
LINK ... birmi.html

With temperatures in Birmingham expected to dropped to 20 overnight Monday -- the lowest temperature thus far in 2016 -- the place where the city's homeless usually go to seek shelter from the cold was unavailable.

Boutwell Auditorium, typically used as a warming station in such situations, was not available Monday night because presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders spoke to a crowd of thousands. Factoring in wind chill, it was expected to feel more like 15 degrees on the streets of Birmingham.

Last week, the auditorium housed about 300 people a night when it served as a warming station for three nights.

That is OK, they get free health care for their frostbitten body parts.

Here is how he will pay for it ... birmi.html

Here's a list of Bernie Sanders' $19.6 trillion in tax hikes

Sen. Bernie Sanders' populist message has put him in the position to potentially win Democratic nomination contests in both Iowa and New Hampshire, shaking the sense of inevitability that has surrounded Hillary Clinton. As the socialist senator from Vermont gains traction in polls, Clinton has more aggressively attacked his policy proposals, forcing Sanders to release details on how he would pay for his ambitious economic and social agenda.

Taken together, Sanders is proposing $19.6 trillion in new taxes over a decade, according to an analysis by the Washington Examiner, of which $14 trillion would come from his healthcare plan alone. To put that in perspective, the Congressional Budget Office projects that federal revenues over the next 10 years will be a total of $41.6 trillion, meaning that Sanders would raise taxes by 47 percent over current levels.

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Re: Some difference from 2008

Post by Pine Mt Beagles »

Thanks for your post. You Republicans. ,are just as you are suppose to be ,you are the Curse, God ,put on this Country,,for the,Genicide ,of the American Indians,you Republicans committed ,and America will never be great again ,until Americans understand that the Republican Party is America's Worst Enemy.
Republican's are simple minded because God gave them over to the Reprobate mind.Republicans cannot,understand the simplest of things even today they give speeches in sighting deep hatred for the Duly Elected President of the United States,they use Lies and Deceit as their argument.
Even knowing that America came from a severe Recession to A growing Economy,with the longest running Job creation streak on Record.Just one of the many lies You Republican Reprobates cling to.Republicans have tried very hard to stop any forward progress that America might make they think That sitting on their Butts and saying no is Governing.These Republicans sit on the side line complaining and whining never offering any solutions to problems .
Just look at the Creatures Republicans are trying to put into the highest office of this land,all are Traitors under Americas is not even a citizen but still you guy's favor them .a good example of your Reprobate minds.

If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered

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Re: Some difference from 2008

Post by Newt »

PM, have you had your well water tested lately?
I noticed that Flint Michigan has a problem. The democrat city council, trying to save a few dollar so they could pad their expense account, switched water sources for their drinking water. The new water supply had lead in it. Symptoms seem to mirror the personality you display on this board. Paranoia, dyslexia, an inability to interpret data, sensible decisions, and make coherent statements. Maybe, like your leader, you could get a Teleprompter, and have one of your grandchildren write your speech. Don't embarrass them. Explain to them that you are getting old and the lead coming from the abandoned coal mines where you worked as a young man fried your brain. They will probably be glad to save the family the embarrassment of your ramblings. You can't help it.

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Re: Some difference from 2008

Post by Rabbithoundjb »

Let's see PMB Obama has given guns to the Mexican drug cartel. Obama has given money to the terrorist. Obama has set Iran on the path to nukes just like Clinton did North Korea. Obama has invited the terrorist into the country. Obama has almost accumulated more debt than the first 43 presidents combined. The US labor participation rate is the lowest since another great democrat Jimmy Carter in 1978. More people added to disability than where on it when Reagan was president. More people added to food stamps than where on it when Reagan was president. Just as many people loosing their healthcare as is getting on the Obama entitlement ACA. There will be less wal-marts to pick on since they just announced there closing 154 stores in the US. That's just a short list of the Obama economy and foreign policy.

Pine Mt Beagles
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Re: Some difference from 2008

Post by Pine Mt Beagles »

You must be talking about Bluegrass .he lives in Michigan .

Your simple mind just want let you live in the real world.But,then no republican does.

If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered

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Re: Some difference from 2008

Post by Rabbithoundjb »

PMB I have lived in the real world my whole life. I haven't had dad and mom and the tax payers take care of me most of my life. You keep repeating what your told and me and my simple mind will continue to think for myself. You don't surprise me you've been dependent most of your life.

Pine Lakes
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Re: Some difference from 2008

Post by Pine Lakes »

Pine Mt Beagles wrote:That is A good post Patch.

There is no such thing as A Conservative,,Except with the Truth.

There is A Huge difference in the Parties,,Just one Point ,,,

While Republicans,,strive to give extra Entitlements to big corporations ,and oil companies,,,Democrats, Want to include the Poor,Sick and elderly in the conversation.

That darn Obama,
Increased the size of Government.
Has Tripled the National Debt.
And give Amnesty to millions of Illegals.

Just Kidding that was Regan

If you have A President that's Family is in big Oil (( Bush Family )) gas 5.35 A Gallon .
A President with no ties to oil gas, .99 cents.
Just read this and thought that I would attempt to educate your ignorant butt. Futile for sure, but I'll try again. Big government-expensive and paid with taxes collected. Does not create wealth only absorbs it to stay in existence. Creates more "fog" for corruption to hide in.

Your president with "no ties to oil gas, .99 cents" did everything he could do to keep gas prices at an all-time high. The reason they are low is fracking. Do you remember that word Rufy? It's what you and the rest of liberal America fought so hard against and warned us about. OPEC is threatened by its existence and has vowed to lower the price of their oil in an attempt to put the fracking companies out of business. Copy this and paste it in your google search engine. I couldn't copy the link. Oil Prices: What’s Behind the Drop? Simple Economics

Have a wonderful day commie!

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