Earthquakes in France

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Earthquakes in France

Post by Bev »

Today it was reported that severe earthquakes have occurred in 10 different locations in France. The severity was measured in excess of 10 on the Richter Scale.

The cause was the 56,681 dead American soldiers buried in French soil rolling over in their graves. According to the American Battle Monuments Commission there are 26,255 Americans dead from World War I buried in 4 cemeteries in France.

There are 30,426 American dead from World War II buried in 6 cemeteries in France. These 56,681 brave American heroes died in their youth to liberate a country which is guilty of shameful unspeakable behavior in the 21st century. May the United States of America never forget their sacrifice as we find ways to forcefully deal with the Godforsaken unappreciative, forgetful country of France!

I seen this on another board & had to post it
(posted on ARHA board by Rick Burkholder)

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Post by Emery »

Maybe we should let Saddam move to France in exile and see how they like that...

They certainly are an ungreatful bunch!!!

"France has neither winter nor summer nor morals. Apart from these drawbacks it is a fine country.

France has usually been governed by prostitutes."
---Mark Twain

"I just love the French. They taste like chicken!"
---- Hannibal Lecter

"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me."
--- General George S. Patton

"We can stand here like the French, or we can do something about it."

---- Marge Simpson

"As far as I'm concerned, war always means failure"
---Jacques Chirac, President of France
"As far as France is concerned, you're right."
---Rush Limbaugh,

"The only time France wants us to go to war is when the German Army is sitting in Paris sipping coffee."

--- Regis Philbin

"You know, the French remind me a little bit of an aging actress of the 1940s who was still trying to dine out on her looks but doesn't have the face for it."

---John McCain, U.S. Senator from Arizona

"I don't know why people are surprised that France won't help us get Saddam out of Iraq. After all, France wouldn't help us get the Germans out of France!"
---Jay Leno

"The last time the French asked for 'more proof' it came marching into Paris under a German flag."

--David Letterman

Be ye kind one unto another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32


Post by Guest »

Is'nt jane fonda french,I know the dixie chicks got to be. :!:

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Post by DG TX »

I am sure that the current French government officials have never seen the movie "Saving Private Ryan". Someone should send them a copy! Not mad, just hurt as my Daddy gave 3 of the best years of his life to help save France and the other concerned countries over there. Much of those 3 years I will never know about because he was never able to talk much about them....God Be With Us!

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Post by ACOMEAU »

Amen Bev! We will remember them when the time is right.
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Post by Novice »

:shock: First let me say that I do agree but lets also not forget that we are free in great part due to the french or do I have my history backwards. lets not forget as they have forgoten who helped them because they wonce helped us gain our freedom from the british. And yes I know their reasons may have been selfish ones but iether way they still bailed us out. :oops:

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Post by Bev »

My history is rusty too, I wish I'd paid more attention in high school, but here's a refresher of the motives behind their help:

Gonna go make myself some Freedom toast and a hot cup of coffee.


Post by Novice »

Yes bev thank you for the refresher I especialy like page 10

and very interesting reading. thanks again

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Post by Bev »

57,000 American soldiers buried in French soil so they can enjoy their own freedom from terror and dictatorship shouldn't be forgotten, either. Their assistance 200+ years ago was not forgotten by us. We died for them because they were unable to defend themselves. Yet today, as Sen Evan Bayh said this morning, France seems to think they will hold a higher world profile these days as America's critic instead of America's ally. I hope this is a piece of history we won't forget, either. Had it been 3,000 Parisians that Hussein had nerve gassed to death, I wonder if they would have a peaceable solution ready or if they would be placing an outstretched hand to Uncle Sam. ... 5-6034.asp


Post by Novice »

Bev as I said in My original Post I agreed with what was said. I just thought I would hold us to a higher standard. the reality of it is that if it were frenchmen and women that had been gassed I would imagine that they would allready have delt with the situation. Maybe I have a diffirent outlook But don't misunderstand from Me writting here that I DO SUPORT OUR TROOPS WITH ALL MY BEEING. But having been one of them in my younger days I feel I have erned the right to speack my mind even If in doing so some may feel that I am wrong. All I'm saying is we should be better than them. Let me convei a story that was told me By an 85 year old french lady. In it she explained to me the why's of the rudeness that manny americans experience when they travel to france. wether it is true or not I couldn't say but this was way before any of the latest hapenings in this crazy world of ours. She said that manny french don't like americans because mannyliberties were taken of their women by the american forces that liberated them from the germans. acording to them the german soldiers had been much less abusive in that area.

Now to the hapenings at hand what our troops are doing is correcting a problem that we created Sadam Husswhatever was our enforcer in the midleeast untill he went after quait. We trained his troops and set him up and now he has become a problem child that needs to be punished . I we (our goverment ) didn't create these problems they wouldn't have to fix them. Remember that I'm speaking from experience of training with some of these problem child troops that we now have to fight and shed the blood of our young people to correct something that shouldn't have ever been created. So pardon me if I don't worry about any country that says you created it you fix it. But NEVR FORGET THAT OUR TROOPS NEED OUR SUPORT NOY OUR RANTINGS ABOUT WETHAR OR NOT SOMEOTHER COUNTRY IS OR ISN"T HELPING . We should say hey that is what our country is based on fredom of speech so if you diagree then we aplaud you for it that is what freedom is all about after all isn't I believe that is why I spent 4 years of my life in the US NAVY. But hey I could be wrong it wouldn't be the first time. GO USA

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Post by Bev »

Don't let my frustration over this situation make you feel out of line to say your peace, Novice. I appreciate your service to our country and issue a personal THANK YOU for giving 4 years of your life. Rude I can deal with - we have that in our own country - my Dixie chicks CD's are in the trash heap here. Right now I can also relate to the 85-year-old French woman. I feel like France has flat broke it off in us this time. I'll remember it my next trip to the cosmetic counter.

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Post by wingpatch »

That a girl Bev. I really like the idea about the fredom fryes. that some one came up with, but i sure am glad that turkey decided to let the U.S. fly over there country . I sure would hate to have just hot dogs and dressen for thanks given . L.O.L....wingpatch


Post by guest »

Just so you folks know, I believe it was the French that liberated YOUR country from the British!!

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Post by Bev »

guest, thank you for your input. Indeed, the French served a key role in the freedom of American back in the 1770's. That's why I'm sure, that our troops 175 years later didn't hesitate to fight and die on French soil when Hitler's regime stomped through the streets pillaging and looting during their attempt to occupy France. Had we not gone in, I'm sure the landscape there would have changed dramatically.

We had the ability then to help save a country from the likes of Hitler and we have the ability now to save a country, its neighbors and their people from the likes of Saddam Hussein. We would do the same for Canada and any other country facing similar imminent danger. It's my opinion that we got lax and were caught with our britches down when the 9-11 tragedy struck. I feel we took a lot of anti-American Middle-East warnings as just grumblings and empty threats so I hope the Eagle keeps its eye better trained from here on.

I don't look for Iraq to be the last country to be relieved of its weapons of mass destruction under the control of an insane tyrant with no reverence for life. I will not be ashamed of using our might to squash a ruthless terrorist like that anytime, anywhere, and for cleaning out their inventory of weapons designed to be used against innocent people. We are still stinging from September 2001. Surely the world didn't expect we would just lay down for that.

If the French, Germans and Russians don't want to get on board, that's their right. I'm sure if they get their proverbial tit in a wringer, we'll be there to help them out, but I will use a dab of vanilla behind my ears before I ever buy another bottle of Lancome or put a drop of Stolichnaya in my cranberry juice.


Post by Novice »

Bev, I think that is what this country is all about and I don't blame you for not buying their products. May I offer a sugjestion as far as the wine imports go Portugal makes some very good wine and they have suported the US from day One. Ask your wine suplier for Portuguese wine other than Mateus or lancers and I believe that you may be pleasantely surprised. Or you can allways tell me what type of wine you and ralph like and I will offer some sugjestions or if you ever get to the CT area I will gladely share a bottle with you and ralph. If he likes to hunt birds and rabbit I have to meet him one day. lets all of us pray that no more lives are lost than absolutily necessary to acomplish the freedom of Iraq and lets be vigilant that our goverment doesn't create another problem child such as Iraq.

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