They Think We Are Fools

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shame on us all

Post by denny606 »

I am a born again Christian who is not afraid to confess it before any one :!: :!: I am also a registered Republican and proud of it,I don't agree with all of Our Presidents policies but do you really think you would be better off With Kerry :?: and some of you people are right about politicians in general .For the most part they are all more worried about getting reelected than doing whats right,But while you are Bashing Pat Robertson who I happen to believe he is more worried about himself than telling people about our Saviour, Don't forget Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who are also ,in my opinion,are doing their best to promote racial discord in the name of trying to promote unity and making a pretty good living at it also.Our country has become the United States of the Offended Remember a house divided against itself cannot stand,Abe Lincoln I believe said that and he was a Rebulican and also much hated in his day, It seems to me no one wants to err on the side of common sense anymore, Catfish I sympathise with you and your family and had already prayed for your son before I read this,. I don't Know his name,But I have a Father who does and I do pray for all our soldiers safe return and every one it is my duty as Christian to pray for.Shame on us all for becoming so rabidly divided in this country :!: I know some of you will not like me for the things I believe in ,but The Bible says to beware of the man everyone speaks well of,and if you don't believe the word God ,there's nothing that will change you people's mind,I love you all and will be thinking about you and praying for YOU,Denny
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sanfordssj wrote:It’s not about being republican or democrat. Everyone should have paid attention to how many oil companies’s he owned prior to voting him into office. What did you really expect? If I owned several large company’s I would make sure my nest egg was looking pretty before I gave my seat up as well.

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Post by Pike Ridge Beagles »

Moore Beagles wrote: I'm Pro-Gun, and I'm pro-life, and don't care for any Politcial who is on the other side of those issues, or act like they are but do the opposite when they try to get Liberal laws pushed through. Or some Jackass from Tenn. that runs around talking about Global warming, but made some of his money in Tenn oil and gas, and wants me and you to drive a freakin Ugo, while he flys in his Lear Jet, and Gas gussling Limo.
Have you ever noticed that the liberal views are never consistant.
They are supposed to care about the working class, but can't help keeping a foot on top of them at the same time. I used to work in a labor union and everytime a Bush was in we worked, and everytime a Clinton came on board, we got layed Off. If you think we don't have a Liberal Media, your being Blinded. How do you tell who the Media is against?
They are the ones they show the picture of their face that looks like they are gruntin on the toilet. When they show a picture of THE CLINTONS, it looks like it came from Glamor Shots.
They love to find anything Bush says that looks confusing, or dumb and wear it out! Over and Over
If Clinton is so against guns why did they use them some much while he was in office, why does he have armed Guards, why didn't they settle the WACO conflict with words. As Clinton said on TV, "I don't have anything against guns, I have friends who use guns, My buddies use thier (RIFLES) when they go DUCK Hunting" Really?

Guns kill people, like Spoons made Rosie Odonnell Fat and Ugly!

But don't think I'm all one way, because There is lots of funny business going on with the fuel prices. WHY did Deisel prices jump up higher than Gasoline, When Deisel is not a refined fuel? Its up because a refinery went down, HUH!!!! I'm sorry I didn't mean to add fuel to the fire Opps!

But I'll settle for paying for higher gas, instead of funding using aborted babies for spare parts like the (Clintonites)DUMocrats want to do.
Do you really think John Kerry was a choice, or I'm getting Warmer Gore. Somebody needs to tell Gore that he is warmer because he gained about 75 pounds, and the Earth is warming up because He won't keep his Pie hole shut! Thats a theory thats believiable!
I also don't believe we should leave our troops over there forever.
There will never be long term peace in the Middle East, The Bible tells us that. Infact It predicts more Wars for the middle East and the Land now known as Iraq. But I'm a firm believer in We should fight them RIGHT there, and teach the locals to fight for thier own freedom.
If the Democrats really care about our (boys) troops, why don't they fund giving them more body armor, or stop insulting them like Kerry does. Imagine what he says when the camera isn't on him.
I couldn't agree more. No pun intended. :D

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