McCain=Liar Palin=Stupid

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Re: McCain=Liar Palin=Stupid

Post by Dr. Chris »

bluegrass wrote:Uh, NO, you political moron, it will NOT be over, it will have just begun, should Obama win....You should be careful what you ask for when voting, you just might get it. No one on this board has given a decent answer to how they justify being a hunter, beagler, gun owner, against abortion, etc, and still voting for this flake...he came out of NOWHERE with absolutely nothing positive about himself, just baggage from corrupt Illinois politics and all of a sudden, you government check receiving, union kool aid drinkers are ready to open a vein for the guy...nevermind everything he SAYS out loud he is going to do to this country, what about the things UNSAID that he is going to do to us...???

He stated that the FIRST thing he was going to do was pursue legislation to protect abortion "rights" (which are NOT in the Constitution, but since when did a lib care about the Constitution?)...The FIRST THING??? You got to be kidding!! The shape our country is in because of tax and spend liberals(and republicans too :nod: ), the muslims worldwide that want to institute Sharia law all over Europe and are salivating at the thought of an Obama presidency, two wars going on, rumblings from Russia again, Cuba getting back into the news, South American unrest thanks to another Socialist Chavez, and THE FIRST THING HE WANTS TO DO IS PROTECT ABORTION???? :shock:

I hate to say it, but Obama will make Clinton look respectable before he is done with this for him to make RADICAL proposals within his first TWO years, since the mid term elections for congress and senate COULD make things difficult for him.

It does LOOK like Obama will win, but I wouldnt be shocked if he did not, however each of you need to remember this.

One day you WILL stand before Almighty God, whether you believe in him or not, you WILL stand before him, and will have to account for your actions, all of will you explain voting for a man that wants to allow even MORE killing of unborn babies...someone on this board said it doesnt matter because we cannot do anything about abortion anyway...thats not the same as ACTIVELY SUPPORTING THE MAN WHO WANTS TO INCREASE IT. If a politician will vote to kill unborn babies, what WON'T they allow??? In my opinion, nothing matters after can cut taxes, support defense, create jobs, yada yada yada, til you are blue in the face...if you start out by supporting the murder of unborn babies it doesnt mean a darn thing.

I still can’t believe how many of you are actually worried about such stupid things. I am a hunter, gun owner, beagler, and I am very much against abortion. I am voting for Barack Obama. Our hunting rights, gun rights, and owning a hunting dog are absolutely not in any danger. There are extremists out there that want to see these things changed, but they are a very small minority that will never see it happen, just as there are extremists out there to the opposite extreme that want to see things pass, but will never see it. That has always been and will always be. The extremists on both sides will never see their agendas actually pass but both groups are needed to keep a proper balance in all issues, laws and rights. That’s what America is all about, freedom. Freedom of speech, religion, to disagree, express opinions and to have a mind and identity of your own to live and make decisions about your life so you can live the way you want to live as long as your not bringing harm or interfering with others. You can’t put the wrong and sometimes immoral choices that people make on the shoulders of the White House. I am against abortion and my children are against abortion. Hopefully my children won’t get an abortion, use drugs, use alcohol, steal, gossip, backbite, lie or many other things…. Because it was taught to them that these things offer to bring no good to your life at all, they only can possibly bring derogatory, negative, immoral, self destruction to a person’s life and because of that, it is wrong. They are not going to “obey” these things just because it is made law. People do these things because of lazy parents that worry more about being a buddy or friend to their children {which to an extent you need to be} than being an authority figure. You have stupid fathers that smoke pot and drink beer with their sons on their 16th birthday because “it’s a road that makes them a man”. You have mother’s that help dress their young girls and push them out there to try to look 25 when their going on 15 and stay out to all hours of the night with no rules. You have parents that play the video games with their kids instead of putting it away so they can do homework. You have people that have a “Jesus Saves” bumper sticker but are to lazy to get up and take their kids to church except once a year on Easter. It’s what goes on at home that decides our society “is the way it is”, not the White House. And not everything is as black and white as you say it is. If you have a daughter I want you to think of this. I am against abortion. But, if you’re 13 year old daughter was walking home from school and was taken and raped by a 45 year old psychopath, and 6 months later she is pregnant by this man. The doctor tells you that your daughter physically is not able to carry the baby. Do you want the innocent baby to die? Of course not! The baby had nothing to do with the crime. Do you want your daughter to die? No! but a decision has to be made. Under McCain’s law, there would be no decision, your daughter would have no choice but to die. I am not for abortion but there are some extreme cases where you have to allow for. Obama did not sign a bill, because it did not include these extreme cases and people are running and spreading the lie that he is for abortions in all cases, it’s not true. An as far as supporting abortion is concerned, many of you support abortion and just don't know it. If you buy certain products or shop at certain stores, gas stations, hotels etc..., a portion of your money goes towards abortion rights: Do I believe everything I hear {good or bad} about McCain or Obama? Of course not! But that’s how campaigns are run. There are people and companies hired to manufacture lies, to take portions of the truth and add to it, to make it appear something that it’s not, and to attack and slander the opposite party and they do this by keying in on people’s fears and paranoia’s and they over dramatize everything and many fall for this garbage on both sides. They are professionals at it, and they do a good job. Here is a link to who the Republican Party hires: ... phen_Marks They have done it for years and have been hired in all the previous campaigns by both the Republican Party and the Democrat Party. Both do it and both are wrong. They make people feel convinced about things that aren’t remotely true, like gun control, hunter’s rights, dog ownership, many false accusations about McCain and Palin and Obama not being an American citizen, when his birth certificate is in a Hawaii court house, ridiculous! Do you not think that would have been exposed along time ago? Do you not think that many of these rumors on Obama and McCain, if there were any truth to these lies at all, it would be exposed by now? 4 days from the election? I think many thrive on wild accusations, rumors and mysterious conspiracies and on what can, might, if, should or would if they could, garbage. Come on, what year with what technology are we living in now? I am not voting to get someone in the White House to stand for something that I should be living and teaching at home, I am voting for somebody to make a difference where we at home can’t. Economy, Education, Health Care, Military. My vote is for Obama/Biden because I feel they are better than McCain/Palin to get these things better for our future. As far as God, he is our judge, not any man on this site. The pure in heart.... those that are saved by His grace will be with God in the end, and that has nothing to do with who you put in the White House but has everything to do with what you do at home.
Last edited by Dr. Chris on Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: McCain=Liar Palin=Stupid

Post by Bev »

Just curious, Dr. Chris. Most people vote because there are certain things on their candidates' platforms that they want to see enacted. They believe if their candidates' policies succeed, it will have a direct, positive effect on them. With that in mind, what exactly is it about Obama/Biden that you think will benefit you personally? How do you think their policies will affect you -- what are you looking forward to enjoying as a result of their being elected?

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Re: McCain=Liar Palin=Stupid

Post by bluegrass »

I am not voting to get someone in the White House to stand for something that I should be living and teaching at home, I am voting for somebody to make a difference where we at home can’t. Economy, Education, Health Care, Military. My vote is for Obama/Biden because I feel they are better than McCain/Palin to get these things better for our future. As far as God, he is our judge, not any man on this site. The pure in heart.... those that are saved by His grace will be with God in the end, and that has nothing to do with who you put in the White House but has everything to do with what you do at home.

This is the problem with you head in the sand, blind kool aid think who we put in office DOES NOT have a direct effect on what goes on at home...(anyone here have to explain Monica Lewinsky and that whole mess to their young kids like I did??). The truth of the matter is that it DOES have an effect on things that go on at home, school, work and everywhere else. You state that you are voting for someone to make a difference where we can't...lets take each example YOU gave...

1. Economy: You believe apparently that Obama will make our economy better. His policies of taxing wealthier individuals and businesses will have a negative effect on business in this country. How do we know this?? HISTORY. When Ronald Reagan came in he had to clean up an economic mess brought on by Carter and his 70% marginal tax rate...SEVENTY F@$*%&^NG PERCENT...he dropped it down to 28% and we had the longest peacetime period of economic growth in our history. Revenues to the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, if lowering taxes doubles revenues to the fed, how can the opposite do the same?? The only negative was that we also had a DEMOCRAT congress and senate which spent the money on social programs as fast as they could, driving up the national debt.

2. Education: You say that electing Obama will benefit our education system. You mean like he did for Illinois schools?? Thanks but no thanks. In addition to the anemic efforts that Democrats are notorious for with regards to schools, WHAT GETS TAUGHT IN THEM HAS DIRECT EFFECT ON OUR KIDS. I for one DO NOT want my kids to learn that homosexuality is NORMAL, that its ok if you want to marry someone of the same sex, that Communism is the truest form of government, revisionist history that claims our Founding Fathers were NOT Christian, that our country is evil, yada yada. I read my 14 year old's History book the other evening and I bout fell over...this book was the pee poorest excuse for History that I have ever seen...back in my day I could have read that book in about two hours, and still not have known one dam.n thing about US history.

3. Health Care: I do NOT want a health care system like Canada, Europe, Cuba, etc...I like the health care system we have here...its the best in the world. Democrats have always wanted control of the health care system because its such a large part of our economy (Hillarycare, remember). Control has and will always be an ultimate goal of Liberals, straight out of the Socialist handbook. Obama can spew lies all he wants regarding HIS plan, its the same plan as every other Socialist that has come on the scene.

4. Military : This one is almost the most laughable thing you have said yet. To think that someone like Obama, with absolutely NO MILITARY EXPERIENCE, no training, no clue about how things work in the military is somehow going to command enough respect from experienced, battle hardened soldiers(that he has already insulted, ie "air raiding villages and killing civilians") to protect this country is the absolute pinnacle of stupidity. Some of our most experienced and respected Generals left all branches when Clinton was elected. Expect the same if Obama gets in, perhaps worse since his own patriotism is in severe question.

Lastly you start a conversation regarding the Judgement of God...a subject I AM MORE THAN WILLING TO GET INTO WITH A LIBERAL. If you think that everything you do will NOT be judged by God, you need to read more, pray more(if you pray now) and rethink a few things...we will ALL be judged on every idle word or thought. You say that " The pure in heart.... those that are saved by His grace will be with God in the end, and that has nothing to do with who you put in the White House but has everything to do with what you do at home". I do disagree with that statement, not to the extent of who you put in the White House, but that what you do at home has NOTHING to do as well with salvation...its what you do with JESUS that determines whether you will be with God "in the end" as you put it.

By the way, your first sentence here is probably more telling about you than any case you don't know it yet pal, the murder of unborn babies is NOT a "stupid thing" to be worried about.

The 1st amendment allows the usual liberal narcissistic "I think.." which is how they start all their sentences.

The second amendment protects us from implementing "I think"

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Re: McCain=Liar Palin=Stupid

Post by Dr. Chris »

Bev wrote:Just curious, Dr. Chris. Most people vote because there are certain things on their candidates' platforms that they want to see enacted. They believe if their candidates' policies succeed, it will have a direct, positive effect on them. With that in mind, what exactly is it about Obama/Biden that you think will benefit you personally? How do you think their policies will affect you -- what are you looking forward to enjoying as a result of their being elected?
Thanks for being nice about it and not calling me names and sending me to hell. lol I will be glad to share my personal opinion. First of all :

Taxes, who and what are taxed – Obama would cut taxes on the 95 percent of filers who make less than $227,000 per year and raise taxes on the 5 percent whose incomes exceed that amount. Compared with current policy, Obama's tax plan would increase government revenues by $627 billion over the next 10 years. McCain would make Bush's "temporary" tax cuts on the wealthiest Americans permanent. His plan would cut taxes on top earners by $23,000 per year. He would cut taxes for all other Americans as well, but his cuts would only be deeper than Obama's for those earning between $112,000 and $227,000 -- about 20 percent of the population. Compared with current policy, McCain's tax plan would decrease government revenues by $595 billion over the next 10 years, meaning that new spending cuts would be necessary to avoid growing the deficit even larger.

Health Care System - Obama's plan would drastically reduce the number of uninsured (from 47 million to about 18 million) and would require children to be covered; McCain's plan would have little effect on the uninsured population. Obama's plan would allow individuals who currently have employer-paid health insurance to keep their benefits. Obama would create an additional social safety net: a public health plan that would give people without access to insurance through an employer or entitlement program like Medicare guaranteed coverage with the same comprehensive benefits that members of Congress now have. McCain's plan would begin the dismantling of the entire employer paid system. McCain doesn't favor safety nets. Instead, he would place a $3.6 trillion tax on workers over the next 10 years and use revenue from that tax to give people a credit ($2,500 for individuals and $5,000 for families) to purchase insurance on the open market. The trouble is, the average family policy costs $12,000, and it's much harder for an individual to negotiate good prices than an employer.

Iraq - Obama's current plan seeks a phased withdrawal that would last until 2010, although he has said he will revise his strategy depending on the facts on the ground. Beyond 2010, Obama says he will leave a "residual force" in place "to conduct targeted counter terrorism missions against al Qaeda in Iraq and to protect American diplomatic and civilian personnel." He also intends to retain control of Baghdad International Airport and the Green Zone, and keep the U.S. embassy in place. But than he has a clear cut plan to shift to Afghanistan and has an agenda to pursue and kill Osama Bin Laden. McCain has repeatedly declared that the United States will remain in Iraq until "victory" is achieved. What victory? If we would all stop being biased because we favor one candidate over the other, we all know we went to Iraq because of 911, Osama Bin Laden. We found out the truth that Iraq had nothing to do with 911 so then it went to weapons of mass destruction, then we found out there weren’t any, so now it’s to “liberate a nation”. A nation that don’t want us there and is glad to take our multiple-millions when they themselves have a huge surplus. That’s ridiculous. Now McCain says even if it takes another 100 years. He has long refused to name target dates for troop withdrawals, claiming that it would be tantamount to giving terrorists a timeline for defeat. More recently on the campaign trail, however, he has claimed that Iraq can be "won" by 2013. Still, he has said he reserves the right to reassess the situation upon taking office. And he gives no plans or agenda for Osama Bin Laden, which is what this whole thing was about in the first place.

The one thing I don’t like about the possibility of Obama winning is, having an all Senate/Congress/President being of the same Party. I would say that about either Party. That’s just too much power to have at one time in one place. But I expect to see a rise in the Republican Party in the House in two years. Don’t get me wrong, I know there are a lot of negatives attached with the Obama/Biden ticket and I know there are many good things about McCain. McCain is a War Hero and brings enough to the table to make it close to a 50/50 race for most parts of the country. But you asked for me; “How do I think their policies will affect me and what am I looking forward to enjoying as a result of their being elected” well, these three issues along with the education issues, {which I don’t think either are giving enough attention to} and looking at all the neg. and pos. that come with both sides and separating the truth from fiction and setting aside all the second hand rumour conspiracy garbage, I think Obama/Biden have more to offer this country right now, and that’s why I am voting Obama/Biden. It's just my opinion, I don't expect everybody to agree, but I have valid reasons why I vote the way I do. It's not because I vote straight ticket one Party or the other, I have voted for both Dem. and Rep. in the past, in depends on who I think is best for the job at the time.

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Re: McCain=Liar Palin=Stupid

Post by oakhill »

Obama would cut taxes on the 95 percent of filers who make less than $227,000 per year and raise taxes on the 5 percent whose incomes exceed that amount
Obama just dropped that to $120,000 a year also considering that 40% of that 95% don't pay any pay roll taxes. They are already living off the tax payers and now Obama is gonna send them a check to help out with their other welfare checks. :angryfire:

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Re: McCain=Liar Palin=Stupid

Post by bluegrass »

Everything he just posted is pulled straight from the Obama lying website...they have no answer for how people that pay NO taxes get a tax cut...people please remember that corporations DO NOT pay taxes, they pass the increased costs on to everyone else.

BTW, Dr Chris, just how is Obama going to PAY for all the spending he wants if he isnt going to raise taxes on ANYONE???

Another one I would like you to answer, how is letting ALL of President Bush's tax cuts expire NOT a tax increase???

The 1st amendment allows the usual liberal narcissistic "I think.." which is how they start all their sentences.

The second amendment protects us from implementing "I think"

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Re: McCain=Liar Palin=Stupid

Post by bluegrass »

Zogby poll tomorrow, McCain moves ahead of Obama in daily tracking poll 48-47

The 1st amendment allows the usual liberal narcissistic "I think.." which is how they start all their sentences.

The second amendment protects us from implementing "I think"

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Re: McCain=Liar Palin=Stupid

Post by Dr. Chris »

bluegrass wrote:Everything he just posted is pulled straight from the Obama lying website...they have no answer for how people that pay NO taxes get a tax cut...people please remember that corporations DO NOT pay taxes, they pass the increased costs on to everyone else.

BTW, Dr Chris, just how is Obama going to PAY for all the spending he wants if he isnt going to raise taxes on ANYONE???

Another one I would like you to answer, how is letting ALL of President Bush's tax cuts expire NOT a tax increase???

Obama proposes is to allow President Bush's income tax cuts of 2003 to expire for married couples with incomes above $250,000 and single people with incomes of $200,000. That change would hit only the wealthiest 3 percent of American taxpayers. Obama would extend the Bush income tax cuts and enact several new tax cuts for the remaining 97 percent of taxpayers. So “Joe the Plumber” and people like us would get a tax break since most of us are not one of the 3 percent taxpayers. Should Joe the Plumber or any of us reach our dream of becoming wealthy, our tax burden could become larger under Obama's plan. After the Bush tax cuts, the top 1 percent of taxpayers $970,000 or more paid 25 percent of their income in federal taxes and 8 percent in state and local taxes, for a total of 33 percent of income in all taxes. The Bush tax cuts saved “the wealthy” group 12 percent in taxes. For the remaining 99 percent, combined taxes averaged 30 percent of income, and they got a smaller percentage savings 3 to 8 percent. If you make less than $200,000 a year, why in the world would you not want this? The Bush and McCain ways of taxing promotes the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. Obama wants to change that $970,000 to $250,000 in paying higher taxes so those under $200,000 can pay fewer taxes and have more food, clothes, education, gas in their cars and have the ability to pay their bills. I really don’t understand what you don’t get about it. The only explanation for anybody not wanting this is either your rich, or you’re just blindly sticking up for your candidate regardless if his plans are good or bad.

Tony, did you even bother to read my last two posts or did you just see who wrote them and go into a rage of writing a bunch of garbage. It’s obvious I didn’t copy anything from Obama’s site, I disagreed with some issues on his very site. It’s one thing to disagree with somebody and debate, it’s another to come on here and make up a bunch of lies and call people names like a little child when you have nothing good to say. Grow up and get a grip.

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Re: McCain=Liar Palin=Stupid

Post by bluegrass »

It’s one thing to disagree with somebody and debate, it’s another to come on here and make up a bunch of lies and call people names like a little child when you have nothing good to say. Grow up and get a grip.

May I remind you that it was YOU who titled this thread "McCain=Liar Palin=Stupid"

Bite me...

The 1st amendment allows the usual liberal narcissistic "I think.." which is how they start all their sentences.

The second amendment protects us from implementing "I think"

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Re: McCain=Liar Palin=Stupid

Post by Pike Ridge Beagles »

bluegrass wrote:It’s one thing to disagree with somebody and debate, it’s another to come on here and make up a bunch of lies and call people names like a little child when you have nothing good to say. Grow up and get a grip.

May I remind you that it was YOU who titled this thread "McCain=Liar Palin=Stupid"

Bite me...

ZOINK! :lol: BAM!! :hammer: BURN!!! :dance:

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Re: McCain=Liar Palin=Stupid

Post by Dr. Chris »

bluegrass wrote:It’s one thing to disagree with somebody and debate, it’s another to come on here and make up a bunch of lies and call people names like a little child when you have nothing good to say. Grow up and get a grip.

May I remind you that it was YOU who titled this thread "McCain=Liar Palin=Stupid"

Bite me...

Yes I did, and did you view the proof that I put on here to back up my accusations? If you did, how can you argue any different? And if you don’t agree, big deal. It’s not the end of the world. We all will disagree on many things. But you don’t even read the posts before you start commenting on them. You went on a rage to remind me that abortion was murder over and over again, when I plainly stated that I agree and that I don’t believe in abortion. Than you right stupid judgmental comments like: “Lastly you start a conversation regarding the Judgement of God...a subject I AM MORE THAN WILLING TO GET INTO WITH A LIBERAL. If you think that everything you do will NOT be judged by God, you need to read more, pray more(if you pray now) and rethink a few things...we will ALL be judged on every idle word or thought.” I never said that I believe that everything you do will NOT be judged by God. You just make up things and false claims as you go. And my prayer life is none of your business, only God’s. Listen, John McCain don’t need your judgmental backbiting attitude or spirit sticking up for him. It’s people like you that provoke people to run to the Obama side, Republican or Democrat.

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