Obama, Kerry, and Pelosi are to blame for Syrian Chem Attack

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Obama, Kerry, and Pelosi are to blame for Syrian Chem Attack

Post by Newt »

All throughout the Bush administration, Bush attempted to marginalize and isolate Syria in the international community, because Bush knew that Assad was a bad guy.

And during that entire time, the Democrat Party leadership undermined President Bush's efforts by traveling to Syria, meeting with Assad, having dinner parties with Assad and his wife, and so on.

Now that Assad proves that he REALLY IS A BAD GUY, the support from the international community is not there to believe it.

Thanks, Democrats. You undermined Bush's efforts to cast Assad as an international bad guy. You did it for 8 years. Now that your Democrat President stands up to accuse Assad of being a bad guy, the international community does not believe a word that you say.

Your lying ways have caught up with you, and the chickens have come home to roost.

PUTIN has more credibility than Obama, Kerry, Pelosi and Reid.

“There’s a different leader in Syria now. Many of the members of Congress of both parties who have gone to Syria in recent months have said they believe he’s a reformer.”
--Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, on “Face the Nation,” March 27, 2011

Because Bush said that Assad was a bad guy, THE DEMOCRAT LEADERSHIP was up Assad's ass, socializing with him in friendly intimate settings and getting to be good buddies.

The Democrats did this to UNDERMINE Bush's ME policy, as much as possible.

Why? Because the Dems believe in one thing: Realpolitik and waging political warfare. The Dems believe that their REAL enemies in the world are not Assad, Saddam, bin Laden, et. al. -- the Dems believe that their REAL enemies are their POLITICAL enemies.

The Democrats have one firm belief, as firm as a Christian's belief in Christ -- the Democrats firm belief is NEVER stop attacking your political enemies.

So, now we reap what the Democrat Party of 2000 2008 has sown. The Dems were good buddies with Assad, and, now, the international community doesn't buy what the Dems are selling.

Sure, the US main stream media are in the tank for the Dems and will ignore Democrat hypocrisy and lies, but, the International Community is not so stupid.

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Re: Obama, Kerry, and Pelosi are to blame for Syrian Chem At

Post by bluegrass »

:nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod:
The 1st amendment allows the usual liberal narcissistic "I think.." which is how they start all their sentences.

The second amendment protects us from implementing "I think"

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Re: Obama, Kerry, and Pelosi are to blame for Syrian Chem At

Post by Rabbithoundjb »

Yep Obama is trying to follow the Clinton strategy after the twin towers where hit the first time. Just shoot a few scuds and send them a message, how did that work out. Well 2 years later they sunk the cole and the next year they put the towers on the ground. I guess they got the message.

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Re: Obama, Kerry, and Pelosi are to blame for Syrian Chem At

Post by Newt »

I suspect Obama has NASA searching satelite photos for an abandoned asperin factory in the desert for his first target. :lol: Bill showed him how to handle those photo op victories.

Did you see Kerry stammering when a question was asked, why are we trying to kill terrorists in Syria when there was no interest in protecting our citizens in Benghazi?
That has to be the biggest bunch of clowns in one administration ever.
They gut the Military then try to send men into battle.

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Re: Obama, Kerry, and Pelosi are to blame for Syrian Chem At

Post by begles »

NO, the AMERICAN people are to blame. they voted all of them in. we need to vote them out. :bash:

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Re: Obama, Kerry, and Pelosi are to blame for Syrian Chem At

Post by Pine Mt Beagles »

A perfect example of why America is in the shape it is in,

Tea Pary, Terrorist,,

Don't know don't care,

If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered

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Re: Obama, Kerry, and Pelosi are to blame for Syrian Chem At

Post by Rabbithoundjb »

Let me fix that for you PMB.

The reason the country is in the shape it is in, another freeloader that doesn't care about ANYTHING OR ANYONE (that would be you) as long as your check keeps coming.

Knows and still doesn't care!!!

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