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Post by beaglehandler »

It has been reported by all the major news agencys that for the first time in the history of USA that a presidents approval rating and IQ match. And the magic number is 34!!!!!!!!!

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Post by wvrabbithunter »

i really dont think this is the place to bash bush,i for one have alittle more
respect for the president of the U.S.A like him or not i will respect him

J Rooster
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Post by J Rooster »

Ha HA HA!!! That is pretty good but the sad thing is it is true except the IQ thing. Last I heard they didn't even have a number that low on the scale. Maybe next time we will get lucky and vote in a monkey which invariably could do better job. Oh well guess we are stuck with king george

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Post by bluegrass »

Frank, dont worry about these kinds of people posting their hatred for our President...they arent smart enough to know that if their candidates had the run of the country they wouldnt be able to run their hounds, shoot their guns, hunt at all, or exercise free speech like they do. The kind of people that Bush haters support are anti hunting, peta lovers and anti second ammendment. But, that would require some sort of intellegent discernment to know, not the kool aid mentality they are projecting...Tony

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Post by J Rooster »

Tony it seems to me that you are the idiot. It looks like that you are one of those idiots who think that anyone else except Bush are going to take our guns and ban hunting. It is the same simple minded people, who base their vote on one topic, that has this country so screwed up. Why don't you think for yourself instead of watching the NRA commercials. Hey we probably do need some restrictions on guns. Like banning fully automatic weapons. Why in the hell does anyone need one. So if you think your so smart why is Bush's approval rating going down and down. It seems to me that the american people know they screwed up. Alot of good it does now. So if you are still for Bush then I would have to say you are with the rest of the 34% dumb sh-ts.

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Post by bluegrass »

Rooster, keep ranting and proving my point...thanks for the namecalling though, I just love being called an idiot. Think for myself and quit watching "NRA commercials"??? I honestly dont recall ever seeing an NRA commercial except when they are being attacked by the mainstream media or in a Democrat campaign ad. You think full auto weapons should be banned huh...and you call me an idiot???? Do you know what you have to do to get a license to own a full automatic machine gun??? I do, firsthand bud, so stop thinking someone else here is the idiot and perhaps do some looking inward for the idiots. Full automatic weapons are BANNED AND ILLEGAL to own without a Federal License. DUH. :loser: No, I dont think everyone but Bush wants to get rid of our guns, but you must have your head in the sand if you think there arent politicians out there, primarily on the Democratic side, that would LOVE to ban all weapons for the general public. But then again, you think everyone that voted for Bush is a sh-t anyway, so maybe you are that misguided. Dont try and insult me again until you have learned a few things and have more bearing... :twisted: .....Tony

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Post by Whitey51 »

The last time I checked a fully automatic weapon has never killed anyone. As much as you nimrods hate to admitt it, it takes a HUMAN BEING to pick up that "fully automatic weapon" and pull the trigger. Just as it takes a human being to piick up a single shot .410 and pull the trigger on someone. There is one constant in the equation HUMANS! The guns are not the problem; its the irresponsible citizens who get them most of the time illeagly. Brian

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Post by Whitey51 »

And for the record I don't think any guns should be out lawed. Maybe if people are unaware if their going to have fire returned on them they'll think twice about careless shootings.

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Post by braden »


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Post by J Rooster »

Good point braden Bush is going to run this country in the ground and for all you idiots who voted for him, way to go. This country will be in good shape when your childresn and grandchildern grow up and has to suffer because everyone voted Bush again. It is going to take a good president 8 years of office to even begin to fix Bush's screw ups.

Hey Tony have you seen the news. CIA leak. Bush didn't have nothing to do with it did he Tony. What kind of excuse can you come up with now. And as far as name calling I just call them how I see them. What is the point of sugar coating it. I am a man I can take name calling but I understand if I made you cry. What gets me the most it when people can't admit their mistakes. Bush is as crooked as a dogs hind leg and that is easy for anyone with a little brains to see.

Hey guys I like to hunt just the same as you do. It is just stupid to think anyone one is going to ban hunting and ban guns. Yeah it could happen one day but not anytime in the next 100 years.

I just can't understand after 6 years in office how anyone can think Bush is doing a good job. How can people even say they respect him. Hey he sticks it to the american people every day then you guys have the nerve to say I respect him and I am not going to say anything bad. One question are you guys sitting at home on your a-- drawing a check off of disability when you are really milking the system. I know a few guys like that and there is no reason they can't get a job and work for what they have. These guys are Bush all they way and I have pissed a few of them off. That is the way it goes.

Tony you insult yourself when you get on here and take up for Bush. Someone made a simple joke and then you start whinning. So being a Bush fan that is the worst insult a man can get.

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Post by LoneStarBeagler »

I am no big George bush fan.
Having said that let me take a few shots at you. Go back and read the original post by wvrabbithunter. Read it yourself. Don't have your orderly read it out loud to you.
He clearly states, "i for one have alittle more
respect for the president of the U.S.A like him or not i will respect him".
He never said he liked or respected George Bush as person, but respects the position.
I also see that you totally side stepped the issue of banning full-auto weapons. Nice tactic.
No logical response, ignore! Typical.
You also conveniently ignored the human portion of the killing equation. Again, typical.
I really liked the way you put words in Tony's mouth. He never defended Bush on that topic. Another typical action of a person trying to discredit those they oppose.
I am still trying to figure out why you are insinuating that anyone in this conversation is on disability or milking the system. Perhaps another attempt to color your opponents as something they are not? Most likely.

I also really enjoy the way you jump into the name calling with "idiot". Perhaps you should choose a different term. It doesn't have the same "punch" when you call someone an idiot then misspell words and use punctuation incorrectly (questions end with question marks).

Just calling it how I see it.
"That is the way it goes." Or so I have read somewhere.

J Rooster wrote:Good point braden Bush is going to run this country in the ground and for all you idiots who voted for him, way to go. This country will be in good shape when your childresn and grandchildern grow up and has to suffer because everyone voted Bush again. It is going to take a good president 8 years of office to even begin to fix Bush's screw ups.

Hey Tony have you seen the news. CIA leak. Bush didn't have nothing to do with it did he Tony. What kind of excuse can you come up with now. And as far as name calling I just call them how I see them. What is the point of sugar coating it. I am a man I can take name calling but I understand if I made you cry. What gets me the most it when people can't admit their mistakes. Bush is as crooked as a dogs hind leg and that is easy for anyone with a little brains to see.

Hey guys I like to hunt just the same as you do. It is just stupid to think anyone one is going to ban hunting and ban guns. Yeah it could happen one day but not anytime in the next 100 years.

I just can't understand after 6 years in office how anyone can think Bush is doing a good job. How can people even say they respect him. Hey he sticks it to the american people every day then you guys have the nerve to say I respect him and I am not going to say anything bad. One question are you guys sitting at home on your a-- drawing a check off of disability when you are really milking the system. I know a few guys like that and there is no reason they can't get a job and work for what they have. These guys are Bush all they way and I have pissed a few of them off. That is the way it goes.

Tony you insult yourself when you get on here and take up for Bush. Someone made a simple joke and then you start whinning. So being a Bush fan that is the worst insult a man can get.

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Post by bluegrass »

Alright, lets wade into this again...first off, thanks for pointing out the things you did here Lonestarbeagler...Rooster, lets see, you blamed the President for the CIA "leak"?? This is perhaps the biggest non story the libs could have come up with in the last six years. It was a de-classification of information and the media called it a leak. Semantics at best, but if thats the only thing you guys can get, its pretty weak would'nt you say??? You start off complaining that Bush is going to wreck this country for the "childresn"(???) and grandchildren, but then brush off the idea that guns might be banned by Liberals by saying "yeah, it could happen but not anytime in the next 100 years". I would consider that wrecking my grandchildren and great-grandchildrens futures alright!!! Hunting and guns are a family tradition here and I for one would like to keep them so. You agreed with Braden that the price of gas is Bush's fault, but that is so ludicrous as to be insanely funny...THE PRESIDENT MUST PERSONALLY SET THE PRICE OF FUEL IN THIS COUNTRY HUH???? Perhaps you could talk to some economists regarding the lack of refining capacity in this country before you spout off garbage like that. It really shows your lack of intelligence and your obvious reliance on CNN and CBS for your news coverage. By the way, did the supposed CIA "leak" really bother you that much??? You seem very offended by it, and one only wonders why...or is it just that its the only thing in the news now and you need a fix to keep your anger up?? As for Bush, I am good and angry at a LOT of things he has advocated and done, but I will not slam or debase or belittle him for a couple of good reasons...One, he is an HONORABLE man and has done what he thinks is right for this country, even if not popular with his voters, instead of the Clinton like approach of taking a poll to find out the pulse of the nation before he takes a crap!! Second, we have not been hit since 911, and thats no accident wether you choose to admit it or not. And perhaps the best reason, he has the attention of the world for standing up and taking on some people that needed killing anyway. Clinton had the attention of the world for the number of women he could molest and tag in the Oval Office. No, if the truth were told, even you would have to admit that President Bush was better than the alternatives in both elections...Al Gore has gone off the deep end with his stupid global warming agenda, and Vietnam Vet Kerry never met an issue that he couldnt take both sides of....and again, thanks for calling me an idiot again. True liberal colors always start with character assasination and vitriol. Thats how a Conservative knows he's winning the argument... :lol: .....Tony

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Post by MIKE »


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Post by Lottie »

LSB, You made some very good points. I back you all the way except I did vote for Bush and I will stand behind that fact. You also pointed out the intelligence of these bashers by their use of the english language or then what else would you expect from someone who calls himself "Rooster". Probably the least intelligent fowl on the earth. Also I would add to your positive statements name calling begins when a person can not think of anything else intelligent left to say thus disclosing their own "IQ" levels.
I will give credit where credit is due and at the beginning of the Iraq war Bush's approval was as high as any president's rating has ever been. So many of these name callers have evidently jumped ship when the fire got hot. You don't see our proud fighting men and women bashing our Commander and Chief. I also didn't see any of these same people sending back the tax refund checks that Bush was so instrumental in giving back to the American people. Must be the same self centered egotistical people asking "what did you do for me lately" instead of "what can I do to help."
And one last comment to those of whom would rather bash our freedom and the foundation the country was built on and that is we will all step in front of the Father one day and none of this will matter because our savior will either welcome us or speak the words "I never knew you".

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Post by mybeagles »

As a deployed service member I would just like to say its an honor to be fighting for freedom, democracy, and the right for free speech. After reading this thread it seems you all have thoroughly researched your topics before you posted on here......?

Having seen several events take place over here in the middle east first hand, I can assure you some of the mass media accounts should be moved from the news channels to the sci-fi channel. If your getting your information to base your opinions on the president from CNN its time to look for a new source.

Having served through both administrations I can assure you that both President Clinton and President Bush have made some decisions I didnt agree with but I respect both men for the sacrafice they made to serve the country in the capacity they have. I think we need to realize the president makes more tough decisions in one day than most of us will make in a life time, and EVERY decision they make will be the wrong one in the eyes of at least 1/3 of Americans. I for one think opionion polls are the biggest joke Americans fall for. We allow our opinions to be swayed back and forth by these "polls". Who gets polled for all these questions? I have never answered any of these polls.....oh thats right, if your at work you wouldnt be home to answer the phone and tell some college student what you think of the president. I agree with the earlier post, whether you like every decision the president makes or not, show a little respect......If your that unhappy with the job our elected officials are doing maybe its time to quit sitting at home answering the poll questions and get involved!
Rob’s Ranger Rabbit Hunter (Lefty)
Rose City Quad King’s
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