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Looking to rebuild

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 6:58 am
by Walnut Shade Beagles
I recently sold my entire pack, looking to go in a new direction. Wasn't anything wrong with them, I had roughly the same dogs or offspring and was happy (kennel blind!) Anyway, it started off great, my hunt and speed was where it needed to be, then I got greedy! I would see a dog for sale or have one of my buddies that knew someone that knew someone. Well, over time, and it was hard to see because it happened gradually but each time I added one of these great dogs my pack suffered! Each dog on his own was an excellent rabbit dog, but collectively they were a train wreck, and I was too proud to admit I screwed it up and refused to remove dogs till I got back to where I was. I should have seen it when I was showing them to other people, they looked great! Everybody was looking for a different thing and I would show them what I thought they wanted, either solo or brace, never the whole pack. So long story short, I sit here now, dogless, confused as to which way I think I want to go, kicking myself in the ass for being so dumb and letting these hounds go, and not trying to weed out the ones that were causing the conflict! Who knows, I might have been down to one dog, but I really did screw this up! I am looking for decent foot, not blistering speed but not a medium spo dog either, i want great control, if conditions warrant, slow it down, if not roll on with the intent to catch, and above all I want that extreme hunt and bottom my old male had, I miss that old boy!

Re: Looking to rebuild

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:54 am
by Chevy10
I sold all my big fast 15 inch dogs last year an started over I steal haven't got my new pack where I want it. Definitely not a over night project..

Re: Looking to rebuild

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 2:34 pm
by bear128
Nick these young hounds I got from you are doing really good impressed with how they stay close to point of loss for such young hounds . Good luck rebuilding tell Emory to watch out for the refrigerator

Re: Looking to rebuild

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 5:48 am
by Walnut Shade Beagles
Glad you are liking them Bear! I've had calls from everyone that bought dogs, telling me how great they are that I am second guessing myself! But I will be back!!!

Re: Looking to rebuild

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 6:44 pm
by RollingTrack
Got a some young male you mite like! If you do , your more then welcome to a couple pups if you would of charge!

Re: Looking to rebuild

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 3:34 am
by Hollarback Kennels
I have been there and done that twice. I had the dogs I wanted 7 years ago and found my male dead in the kennel on thanksgiving morning. Sold all of my dogs after that. Just didn't feel like running them or feel like I enjoyed dogs with him gone. After about 6 months I started missing it and thinking about what line I wanted to start back up with. Long story short I went right back to the same lines, even bought back one of my dogs.

2 years ago I sold out again after a divorce, and I have spent the last 4 months buying dogs again. I'm doing it the way I want. I went and bought foundation dogs that have the pedigree (bloodlines), traits (speed, hunt, drive), and titles that support what I want. I have bought a few and sold a few that didn't blend in with the pack but where still bad ass dogs ass an individual. So, I know where you are coming from.

Only advice I can give you is to look for ONE male and ONE female to start over with. Take your time and build it back One dog at a time. I would put more weight on the female!!!! Good stud dogs are everywhere, but a rock solid female is hard to find.

Re: Looking to rebuild

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 8:07 am
by Walnut Shade Beagles
Good advice man! I thought I was gonna lean towards a nice clean SPO line but after watching a trial and dying of boredom, I want what I had! The really hard part is being close enough to actually see what you are buying, days are long gone for the most part of taking a mans word. But there are still a few out there! Where are you at Rolling Track? And what are they?

Re: Looking to rebuild

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 8:29 am
by Walnut Shade Beagles
I will throw this out there, what blood line will I get hard, hard hunt, stamina, excellent line control(nothing rough) and decent foot say around a 7 (strong upper medium?) I really liked my Awful Bawlin X Perkins Run & Gun Rumor Has It. He had everything I wanted, but don't know if he was breed standard because people that watched him said he shouldn't run so smooth and controlled like he did. Got a little rough as he got older and pressured but over all he was bad ass! All my other dogs were ok but just ok they didn't have all the tools that Demon had, so maybe I have answered my own question... Is the awful Bawlin stuff crossed with anything that is producing what I want or even double bred ? I will do some research and try and find Lynn Perkins #

Re: Looking to rebuild

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 10:55 pm
by RollingTrack
Pretty much pacesetter/gator/ Larson breeding.. Michigan!

Re: Looking to rebuild

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 12:54 am
by Hollarback Kennels
You sold the bloodlines I (the Iris female)

I'm a turbo guy, but I like mine to run a clean line, so I'm pretty picky with the ones I keep. Knowing that Turbo's lack nose in the single digits, I went looking for a hare hound female from Michigan and found one. Starting over, so now I'm breeding what I think will give me exactly what I want. Time will tell.

Rolling Track might have exactly what you are looking for......Larsen, Meachum, Townline, Burchhaven and Ausuable River are all nice med to upper med hare hounds.

Re: Looking to rebuild

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 7:59 am
by Walnut Shade Beagles
Don't think I can handle the 10 hour trip man! Sucks, cause I would like to see them in action.

Re: Looking to rebuild

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 6:49 pm
by RollingTrack
Lol ok

Re: Looking to rebuild

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 2:25 pm
by HatterasBob
When you say Awful Bawlin I assume you mean Versawacker. Viagra is his littermate brother and probably was breed more, so there should be some around.

I would think Versawacker would throw pups faster than the 7 you are looking for. In all my travels talking dogs with many individuals if you are looking for hunt, check ability and line control, one name constantly gets mentioned and it is Ranger Dan. I'm not trying to sell pups, I lost my Ranger Dan male at 9 years old without any pups of my own, I had to buy a dog back that I sold as a pup 5 years ago. It seems that Ranger Dan crosses well with Shaker and Angie and lots of other stuff, that is why I bought her back. My Ranger Dan male threw a lot of himself into his pups. I sure wish I had his hunt in my kennel now.

PS. I miss John Monkman, he was a good friend. I Owned Awful Bawling Gabe and he died at age 5, only a few points shy of his IFC. Man was he a powerful dog. John told me he gave Gabe away at a year old because he wouldn't start, but when he finally did, he was the man to beat.

Re: Looking to rebuild

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 5:08 pm
by les guynn
Go with Townline or Indian Hill, Both are good rabbit hunters and do well in ARHA trials. Patch hounds are the dog that runs to please. Just one old man's idea. GOD BLESS. Put always use your own ideas.

Re: Looking to rebuild

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 4:54 am
by Walnut Shade Beagles
Let er rip was who my main male was out of