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Old Bloodline Search

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2021 3:16 pm
by Randy Osborne
Old Bloodline Search!
Who breeds and raises FC Mountaineer Sonny and FC Round Pond Mr T bloodlines of dogs, Brad Ju's Bella Donna? I know this is very old bloodlines but hope somebody may have line bred these over the years!
I’m wanting to do something I haven’t done in maybe 25 years or more! I’m wanting to get some faster type big dogs (full 15" could be 16") with really a good nose to run on deer! Yes, we have deer hunting with dogs also here in the south! It is hot and dry for the most part and need a tough no quit, good nose type of dog for deer hunting here.There was a man named John Mclin down here in Florida years back that spend many dollars and time buying and bringing different bloodlines down here for this purpose and found these bloodlines worked out the best according to him. He has been passed for sometime now. I wasn’t interested in that type of dog for running rabbits and I keep my rabbit dogs off deer! I will still keep my spo type of dogs for rabbit hunting though. There probably is some bloodlines that are just as good but since he did all this work I thought I would try and find some of these bloodlines. He said the hare dogs were the thing for deer hunting. He was after open mouthed cold trail dogs also but not dogs that got stuck and boo hooing around on cold tracks. Kind of scratching my head thinking about it after all these years! lol
For deer I want open cold trail dogs also. When your trying to get that ole buck you want to know when he is up and running and be in front of them as much as possible! I know with the new type of gps tracking devices we have a more available tracking than before though by knowing where the dogs are. I love to hear them trail then switch over to a running bark! It reminds me of when I cat hunted for most of my life with walker hounds. Road hunting and tracking those cats and hear them trail and change over to running, what fun! Once in awhile they would strike out of the box or hit a hot cat track but most of the time had to trail it up. Thanks