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Re: Oh well guess i am due.

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 8:14 pm
by old thumper
Jimmy, i have had both of my rotor cuffs repaired. My right one in 07 and my left one last spring. I'm not going to lie, it is a painfull procedure but after you have it done, you will feal like a new man, just don't rush the recovery. Praying for you, everything will be just fine. And i will agree that getting old sucks BIG TIME....

Re: Oh well guess i am due.

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:57 pm
by bluecollar beagler
Had the same problem a few years back from baseball in high school (way before pitch counts now) lol.. they went in and scraped the calcification away that were causing the problems.. needless to say i was in alot of pain afterwards!! doc sent me home with a weak pain killer.. ended up back in the e.r. that night after the nerve block wore off getting something stronger... anyway, took about 2 weeks for the pain to subside and after a month they let me start rehab for 4 weeks.. im good to go now just cant throw hard like i used to but can still pass around with the boys in the yard fine.. definitely know your pain about waking up at night in pain.. suffered through that for about a year before i finally gave in... good luck with the surgery! its worth it.

Re: Oh well guess i am due.

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:46 pm
by warmule
mapel valley did u have surgey found out i got same thing wrong with my right shoulder just wandering how yours turned out i go on 16 to talk to surgen

Re: Oh well guess i am due.

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 12:18 pm
by Mapel Valley Kennels LLC.
Actually i kinda backed it up, we own several different locations all over kentucky. So when hays on the ground we gotta get it done. Yea it is a constant pain that pills dont get rid of. However Little luck and a song come this fall or winter i will have no choice but be done with it.Just hopefully be ready for a great gun season.