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Christmas Prayers for all

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:29 pm
by Wild Ridge
I am new the the American Beagler web site. My heart was filled with Christmas Joy when I saw the pray sections. After reviewng the pray request I was compelled to pray for each one.
I am so sorry you and yours are haveing problem. We experience loss of love one, are sick and see our family, friend and nation fall to ficial and spritial problems. Sometimes we just have to ask why. Sometimes it is a test such as Job went through and other times it is just because we are weak and in a eathly body. Our Savior experianced the same, He felt all the pains we feel , lost love ones but Jesus loved us so much he conquered all. Now we have hope well beyond this earth of pain and war.
May God Bless each one that has lifted up their eyes to heaven and said please. God does hear your voice, he does hear our cries. He heard them before we were born, That is why we have hope in his son Jesus the Christ.
May each of you get the best Christmas Present of all, your prayer answered , Hope , Love, Joy. They can't be bought at Wal-mart but they are already wrapped up in nail scared hands

Remember sometime the greatest present you can give is you presences :angel:

In Christian Love
Wild Ridge Kennels

Re: Christmas Prayers for all

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 3:24 am
by S.R.Patch
Well, I just got my Christmas present. Thank you Wild Ridge, and may the Lord richly bless you and your home... :nod: