Run to catch

A general forum for the discussion of hunting with beagles, guns, clothing and other equipment and just talking dawgs! (Tall tales on hunting allowed, but remember, first liar doesn't stand a chance)

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Shady Grove Beagles
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Re: Run to catch

Post by Shady Grove Beagles »

After a pretty cool Spring the hot and humid weather has arrived.
Seems the older I get the less I care about running when it's close to 90. Hard on the dogs and on me! Due to that,the dogs hadn't been out in a week.
Woke up early yesterday and it was 64 degrees and raining and I grabbed the four girls and headed out.Figured I wouldn't melt.
Ran em for 4 hours and I got soaked to the bone as the heavens opened up and dumped on me.
But oh what running! One of those days where the rabbit just can't lose them.
Ended up catching a grown buck rabbit after 1 hour and 10 minutes of pounding.
This time of year I'd have felt bad if it had been a doe. Ol' Buck needed a better game plan is all I can say................
Hope you all have got some good prospects you're getting started.
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Re: Run to catch

Post by Swampman »

Went up to my cabin for the weekend to grade the lane going in and work on the generator.
Took the hounds with and was in the timber by 5:00 AM with a couple friends and their hounds and by 8:00 AM it was getting too hot.
The hounds didn't catch any but they pounded for 3 hours and put on 15 miles, it was a blast!

Shady Grove Beagles
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Re: Run to catch

Post by Shady Grove Beagles »

Running hare Rowdy or cottontails? I know you've got both.
Ran last night for several hours.I used to run at night all the time and had for years but hadn't done much after dark running since I retired 5 years ago and could go whenever I wanted to.
It had rained all day long and stopped after I'd eaten supper.Thought it might be a night for some good running.
Wasn't disappointed as the dogs flat out pounded!! Only draw back was the beagles weren't ready to quit when I was.Had to grab a light and hike in and catch them off. Leading 4 dogs out of the woods in the dark------reminded me too much of my coon hunting years.
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Re: Run to catch

Post by Swampman »

We were running hare.
We still had snow a month ago, been in the 90's all weekend and week until this morning, high today of 72, 66 tomorrow and 67 on Sunday.
Still have field work to do, but I'm looking forward to getting the hounds out this weekend (cottontails) with the cooler temps.

I mostly run at night during the summer, my work hours don't allow me much daylight hour running and it's just too hot anyways during the day.

I travel some for work and will be in CA. next week, wish I could take the hounds with me and run those jack rabbits they have.
Those things are huge!!

Shady Grove Beagles
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Re: Run to catch

Post by Shady Grove Beagles »

We are definitely in the summer weather pattern.Hot and humid days and late afternoon / early evening thunder storms.
This means night running if I want to get the beagles out. Had a storm come through about supper time and it dropped the temp.15 degrees so time to hit the woods.
Queenie on the left at 15 months and Fly 3 years old.Half sisters out of my Shady Grove's Tn.High Test [Tess].
The girls were dialed in and made the country music we love to hear.
How many of you guys run at night? Some beaglers think it's strange and have never run at night.I've been running em at night since back in the mid 60's.
Used to go night running with an old friend of my Dad's and we would carry his beagles in the trunk of his Chevy Impala.We'd sit on the hood with our backs against the windshield and eat Vienna Weenies and drink sweet coffee.
Good memories.
Queenia and Fly 33%.jpg
Queenia and Fly 33%.jpg (8.54 KiB) Viewed 346211 times
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Re: Run to catch

Post by Rabbithoundjb »

I use to a lot at night but since the yotes have gotten so bad I just run in daylight.

Beagle Huntsman
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Re: Run to catch

Post by Beagle Huntsman »

It has been over 15 years since I have ran at night. I lost a good bitch, Woodpont Bally, at night and that ended any night running for me. Since then, I only run in the early morning during warm weather. I have always liked being able to see the rabbit and hounds, which is probably more important with a large pack. It has been many years since I ran anything less than a dozen hounds, and you wouldn’t want to cast that many at night when lots of rabbits are out.

steve w
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Re: Run to catch

Post by steve w »

I'll run at night when it's hot, I also run at night from Oct.1st till Nov. 30th because of deer season. Got tired of trying to avoid deer hunters a long time ago. Works out pretty good for me and them.

Shady Grove Beagles
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Re: Run to catch

Post by Shady Grove Beagles »

Always been a lot of talk on this board about what to feed the beagles.
Any of you feed garden produce? I have a garden that basically we grow just to eat out of and give away to friends and neighbors as we don't freeze or can.
I feed my beagles a lot of cooked green beans,summer squash,beets and corn. They also love water melon,cantaloupe, tomatoes and apples.
Got to be good for them and doesn't seem to bother their digestive systems at all.
Home of a true hunting beagle that run to catch

Shady Grove Beagles
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Re: Run to catch

Post by Shady Grove Beagles »

Spent the second and third weeks of October up north chasing hare.
First week I was in northern Vermont with my long time friend Dan Lea [harechaser] at his camp.I had my four females with me and Dan had three females and a male with him.It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say we had some outstanding races of the 2 hour variety.The hare seemed plentiful in the covers we hunted and we had no problem getting a jump.
The second week I switched states and was in northern New Hampshire right up along the Canadian border.Rented a nice cabin and was joined by old friend Bob Ferranti,his son Ryan and another buddy Paul Rozinski.Bob brought his two females and Paul had a nice older female with him.
I've been hare hunting this area for 30 years and have got some honey holes that always seem to produce.The weather was changing on us and the hare were a bit harder to get jumped.Woke up on October 18 to 3 inches of snow ,24 degrees and wind gusting at 30-40 MPH.Made it a challenging day!
We had some hard pounding races with one hare taking the hounds out past the 1,000 yard distance on the Garmins.Races of 2 hours and 10-12 miles not unusual.
What was unusual was that after a 2 hour race the girls ran down and caught a grown hare.My beagles catch their fair share of cottontails but this was a first on a hare.We had 6 females on the ground ranging in age from 1 1/2-10 1/2 years old and they flat drove that hare hard.Paul,Ryan and I were within 60 yards when they made the catch and the hare was mostly eaten by the time I got to them.
When I come home from running hare the beagles are usually kind of rough on cotton tails for a little while.They like that pedal to the metal running in a more open woods than where we get to run here in Tn.
I figured I'd solve that problem by taking them to a super thick,head high,weed infested cover that a man can't get through and a beagle has to really work for it.Thought,by gosh that will make them slow it down ,concentrate and stay close on the line.
Well it did all of the above and the four girls locked on to that cottontail and ran him steady for 1 hr. and 20 mins.and caught him.Now that rabbit didn't probably ever get more than 150 yards out from where he was jumped but he just circled continuously in that super thick cover until he played out.Guess it's time to call Okie Dog Supply for some more tape worm medicine.
And I don't want to hear about how good, accurate,footy hounds can't stay on their game and/or adjust to conditions.
I ran my four 11 out of 14 days with 8 other hounds owned by 3 other guys and I think all of us agreed we saw some really nice hound work.
Ended the trip with a delicious hare stew created by Ryan that simmered all day in the crock pot and really hit the spot !!!!
Wishing everyone the best running and gunning this season.
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DSC02653 (2000 x 1500) (660 x 495).jpg (126.24 KiB) Viewed 345800 times
Home of a true hunting beagle that run to catch

Aubrey Holcombe
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Re: Run to catch

Post by Aubrey Holcombe »

Come ON Mr. Shady Grove,, Show Us a Photo of Hounds Sometimes, I know What your Mug looks like, and that is a Cool hat you have there ! LOL some of us Red necks never seen any True hare running females, just snap one extra photo for us nest time.. Bet you all Don't Have the first Red hound in them packs? Yep, I know what you going to say Never seen a Red Hare Hound ?

Thanks for the Up date Always enjoy your run up North you a lucky man..

D.R.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>> :check:
ARHA Hall Of Fame, own "The Daddy Rabbit Kennels", Royston, Georgia

Shady Grove Beagles
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Re: Run to catch

Post by Shady Grove Beagles »

Daddy Rabbit
Can't begin to tell you all the hassle it is for me trying to post pics. on this post. I can't do it.Have to have my wife do it.Took her more than 1/2 an hour last night to finally figure out how to resize the pic, so we could post it.
I tried to accommodate you this evening with a pic. of some of our hounds and after much frustration my wife gave up.
When I load a pic from my camera to our computer,then use Pixsizer to try and resize it so I can use it in a post it is a major problem and this evening it just says "file too large" which doesn't make sense cause the pic is no bigger than what I posted before.I went to 25% which is the smallest and it still says "file too large" ???????????
Last edited by Shady Grove Beagles on Fri Nov 02, 2018 1:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Home of a true hunting beagle that run to catch

Aubrey Holcombe
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Re: Run to catch

Post by Aubrey Holcombe »

Thanks for the Explainatation, that is why I don't ever show any of my hounds On this Web Sight also. When I seen you and the friend I, thought Bingo that old boy, done wise Up on this Photo showing , those big on Hare, they look a lots like out Swampers, before they turn White !!

Thanks for the Photo and your write up, always Enjoy your trips..

D.R.~~~~~~~~~~~~>Dixie Land~~> :dance:
ARHA Hall Of Fame, own "The Daddy Rabbit Kennels", Royston, Georgia

Aubrey Holcombe
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Re: Run to catch

Post by Aubrey Holcombe »

I think you boys are old enough to know that old Miss. Foot Ball Player that turned out to be a Comedian, Coon hunting fool,, Mr. Jerry Clower, from Yazoo City, Miss.

Someone ask him one time what kind of food did he feed his world renown coon dog "Eight Ball" ? He said he feed him Turnip Greens ! Fellow said he tried that but his would not eat them? Jerry said his would eat them for about three weeks !


D.R.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>> :check:
ARHA Hall Of Fame, own "The Daddy Rabbit Kennels", Royston, Georgia

Shady Grove Beagles
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Re: Run to catch

Post by Shady Grove Beagles »

Hey Daddy Rabbit
What I know about computers you can put in a pipe and smoke it................ my wife and I both have fooled with trying to post a pic on here for way TOO long.Did it the same way we've always done it and still had problems.Don't know what I did but looks like I can finally show you a pic of my hare running females after a 12 mile morning chase-- sorry,but my dogs always come tri-color or bluetick.No red ones.
I can see why a lot of the beaglers are now using Face Book. I can post pics of anything on there in a minute or two with no hassles.
DSC02641  October 2018 (600 x 450).jpg
DSC02641 October 2018 (600 x 450).jpg (131.84 KiB) Viewed 345630 times
Home of a true hunting beagle that run to catch

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