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Pine Mt Beagles
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Post by Pine Mt Beagles »

This will take a while.

So We will just have to take short steps.

Today,,trump gave the President of the Phillipenes ,,,the location of two of America's Neuclear Submarines,,of Course that is Classified information.

He recently gave China information about CIA operatives causing some could have been killed others did get locked up.

He also took Russians into the Oval Office and Gave them Classified information about Israel Intelligence,now Israel is limited their information to the US.

He also took a Russian Spy,And Turkish Spy and made Him National Security Adviser.

He made another Russian Spy head over the Justice Departments.

He used several Russian Spy's during his Campaign to pass Security Documents along to Russia.

He sold the Country Saudi Arabia 115 Billion Dollars worth of Weapons,,,just for a Measly 100 Million kick back to Him.

He also has many suits pending for Laundring Money for Russia.

His Fake Jew son in law,is under investigation for his ties to Russians,,,Maybe he will go to Jail with his Father.

This is not all of them just a few,,,

If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered

cris axtell/coal hill ken
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Re: trump,Traitor,,Spy,

Post by cris axtell/coal hill ken »

Your ignorance knows no bounds.
COAL HILL KENNELS. LP GR CH Coal Hill's Brush Buster. 2014 PA state champion LP GR CH Coal Hill's Mama Cass. 2010 PA state champion LP R CH GR BCH Coal Hill's Princess Willow HOG DOG POWER!!!!

Pine Mt Beagles
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Re: trump,Traitor,,Spy,

Post by Pine Mt Beagles »

Remember trump constantly saying I have no tie's to Russia I don't know Putin,,of course that was just one of his many lies.

Trump’s 1987 trip represented his first public exploration of business prospects in Moscow. He went with his then-wife, Ivana, to scope out sites for luxury hotels he hoped to build in a joint venture with the Kremlin’s hotel and tourism agency, according to Trump’s memoir, “The Art of the Deal,” which was published the same year.

He now OWES THE DEUTCH BANK 300 Million dollars,this bank has been find over a 100 Million for Money Laundering,,for Putin,,and trump has helped them a lot,,with his Foundation,,his fake Jew son in law is also being investigated for Laundring Money with them and his real estate deals.

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Re: trump,Traitor,,Spy,

Post by littlewoody »

cris axtell/coal hill ken wrote:
Thu May 25, 2017 6:49 am
Your ignorance knows no bounds.
+1 :lol:

Pine Mt Beagles
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Re: trump,Traitor,,Spy,

Post by Pine Mt Beagles »

To simply ignore facts don't change them.

If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered

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Re: trump,Traitor,,Spy,

Post by littlewoody »

Pine Mt Beagles wrote:
Thu May 25, 2017 11:26 am
To simply ignore facts don't change them.
Just cause its on cnn or in the paper doesn't mean its true.

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Re: trump,Traitor,,Spy,

Post by Newt »

Pine Mt Beagles wrote:
Thu May 25, 2017 11:26 am
To simply ignore facts don't change them.
Heh, Heh, Heh

Keep it up man. You Progressives strategy is working greatfor the long term viability of the country.

Five years ago, the Fake News was saying the Republican Party was dead. With all the Millennial, Wet backs, Homo sexual s crowding into the democrat party, the republicans were like the dinosaur.

Once the public became aware of just how deep the crookedness ran in the democrat party, Bill and Hillary, were the poster children. The honest but ignorant mellennial , Bernie Bots, split off from the crooked wing of the party headed by Hillary. The old crooked democrats once again showed themselves by rigging the primaries and rigging the debates. Still you lost.
In an effort to revive the democrat party, since their ideology had been exposed, and they could not debate on even terms, the Fake Left Wing Media went scorched earth on Trump.

Did I mention, "DNC reports worst April of fundraising since 2009".

The Democratic National Committee reported its worst April of fundraising since 2009, according to Federal Election Commission records released Monday.

The DNC reported taking in $4.7 million last month. While this is an off-year for fundraising, the DNC hauled $8.5 million last year, and nearly $5 million in 2015. Between 2010 and 2014, the Democrats received anywhere from $6.3 million to $14.4 million per year.

However, the drop in donations coincides with an effort by DNC Chair Tom Perez and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., to rally support for the party. The two traveled the country on a "unity tour."

The Republican National Committee's April numbers more than doubled its counterpart. The RNC reported raising $9.6 million in April and holding $41 million cash on hand. The DNC said it has $8.8 million on hand."

While Trump is on his tour righting the ship that Obama did all in his power to sink, the sgloom and doom pumpers, Shumer, Pelosi, Waters, and Shiff are back home predicting old folks are going to die and children are going to starve. Who do they want to pay for the healthcare and food, why of course its the working class.

What was it, twenty years ago, the same idiots were predicting we would all drown or starve due to global warming.

Wolf, wolf, wolf. The only wolves that I see use a jackass as their symbol. How fitting.

Pine Mt Beagles
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Re: trump,Traitor,,Spy,

Post by Pine Mt Beagles »

So far the FBI,,
HAS 76 ,,people they are interested in and are investigating,,and ,,trump is one of them,,and his daughter wife is also one,,I doubt any thing will come of most of them,but a few will go to jail.

To compare this treason to Nixon is completely wrong,as,,bad as Nixon was,he was not giving American secrets to a foreign country.

The FBI,,IS just now getting financial records from foreign banks who trump has been LAUNDRYING money through,CUSHNER trumps fake Jew,has been to many countries borrowing money and collecting money from them for Russia and trump.they got 110 million from Saudi Arabia,,the,,worlds greatest Sponsers of terrorist .

Kushner and Trump: Taped At Secret Trump Tower Meetings With Russians?

On March 3rd, Donald Trump made a series of tweets. Three were about a wiretap at Trump Tower. Two, however, were about Jeff Sessions meeting the Russian ambassador. Those tweets got lost in the resulting storm.

Over the past week, Devin Nunes obstructed justice on TV, both announcing that one White House staffer was under investigation and that “a transition team member” was recorded in a FISA intercept.

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As we exclusively reported, that staffer was almost certainly Boris Epshteyn, named by Comey in his first failed FISA application in June.

Also as we exclusively reported, Michael Ellis is suspected of having leaked this material to Nunes.

But what would be so bad that it would cause Nunes to rush to the White House to illegally receive top-secret FISA evidence?

I believe that Jared Kushner is on tape talking to a Russian spy. Worse, I believe that as part of entirely legal and admissible FISA evidence, Donald Trump is also on tape talking to a Russian spy about money laundering.

Here is my reasoning. First,the facts. I reported that two Russian banks, SVB Bank and Alfa Bank, were the subjects, the named targets, of the FISA warrant looking at Russian money being laundered into the Trump campaign. This was a world exclusive on November 7th.

Permission was granted for the FBI to look at intercepts that involved US persons as they related to this campaign / money laundering.

Boris Epshteyn was named in an earlier version of this case to the court, and the warrant was then denied. But it is not a different case; rather, minimization was applied by the FBI before the warrant was granted.

Those are the facts of the matter on the warrant. It is also factually true that Jeff Sessions met with Kislyak, a spy recruiter, and perjured himself over it. It is further factually true that Jared Kushner snuck Kislyak into Trump Tower. Lastly, it is factually true that Jared Kushner met Gorkov, an FSB spy, at the request of Kislyak,

Second, informed speculation.

I believe that on March 3rd, Michael Ellis, newly placed in the White House, gave Donald Trump some very bad news (illegally). First he told him that Kislayak’s phone calls had been intercepted and his meetings taped – as is normal. Hence Jeff Sessions’ conversations with the spy-master were on tape. Worse, Ellis told Trump, members of Donald Trump’s own family had been taped talking to that same Russian ambassador. Lastly, he, Donald Trump, was also recorded – his phone was recorded – in Trump Tower – talking to Kislyak.

Trump would have blustered and demanded to know how this was legal. Ellis would have told him about the FISA warrant. My world exclusive stated this was granted in October, hence Trump’s squeals that “Obama” had him “tapped” “right before the victory”.

I believe that here Trump referred to the granting of the warrant as described by Ellis. Ellis may have said, for example, that the Justice Department had to authorize the application to FISC. Trump garbled this because he is galactically stupid.

I believe that the references to Trump Tower are because Jared Kushner’s meeting with Gorkov and Kislyak was indeed taped because SVB Bank is a direct target of the warrant. Epshteyn led an ‘invest in Moscow’ trip in 2014, Gorkov’s bank and SVB had signed a memo to “invest in US startups”. The latter bit is mentioned in the Steele Dossier.

As a named target, SVB Bank is legitimate – and US persons caught up in this are legitimate. Jared talking to Gorkov was fair game. SVB

Kushner had snuck the Russian ambassador secretly into – Trump Tower. And Trump said “MY phones were tapped.” That means – I believe – that legal FISA intercepts involve not only Jared Kushner talking to Russian spies but also, because Trump called in to this secret meeting or meetings within Trump Tower, Donald J. Trump.

Michael Ellis probably called Nunes in with urgency because he saw Trump and Kushner named in intercepts. This explains why the equally galactically stupid and treacherous Nunes said that he read top secret FISA evidence ‘not to do with Russia’ and ‘Russia was never mentioned’. When you are looking at money-laundering and RICO offenses – as I report the FISA warrant was – you do not need to NAME Russia. You discuss dates, amounts of money and deals.

But (at the risk of repeating myself) this was indeed a FISA warrant, and was both a national security and criminal case. It was, as I reported in November, not about common or garden oligarch corruption or the Russian mob – it was about Russian money being funneled into the Trump campaign, as Paul Wood of the BBC makes clear in his exclusive report of January 12th.

When Ellis saw the actual intercepts involving Trump and Kushner, I postulate, he panicked and rang Nunes for a quiet midnight stroll in the White House grounds – because Trump needed some way to attack the legal and incidental evidence collected under FISA, and “fruit of the poisoned tree” is, quite literally, all these people have left.

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Re: trump,Traitor,,Spy,

Post by Rabbithoundjb »


cris axtell/coal hill ken
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Re: trump,Traitor,,Spy,

Post by cris axtell/coal hill ken »

You want to talk about funneling money? They can't trace all the money funneled into the Clinton campaign through the Canada based Clinton foundation. That's why they based it there.
COAL HILL KENNELS. LP GR CH Coal Hill's Brush Buster. 2014 PA state champion LP GR CH Coal Hill's Mama Cass. 2010 PA state champion LP R CH GR BCH Coal Hill's Princess Willow HOG DOG POWER!!!!

Pine Mt Beagles
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Re: trump,Traitor,,Spy,

Post by Pine Mt Beagles »

To try and compare the Clinton Foundation to,the dump foundation is feeble minded,but then you are a republican.

The Clinton foundation has helped Millions of people who need help all over the world.And also did Taxes every year.

Donald dump,,
And his fake foundation is just a money laundering organization for Russia,,just like his real estate company.

If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered

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Re: trump,Traitor,,Spy,

Post by Rabbithoundjb »

LMAO! The Clinton foundation has stolen from millions

cris axtell/coal hill ken
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Re: trump,Traitor,,Spy,

Post by cris axtell/coal hill ken »

So why don't they list there donors ? Or should I say why do they hide there donors ?
COAL HILL KENNELS. LP GR CH Coal Hill's Brush Buster. 2014 PA state champion LP GR CH Coal Hill's Mama Cass. 2010 PA state champion LP R CH GR BCH Coal Hill's Princess Willow HOG DOG POWER!!!!

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